From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 144: : Follow me later

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

The dazzling streamer streaked across the sky, like a shooting star, straight into the extreme north.

"Ye Han, you must be there! You must be there!~"

The girl's body turned into a thunderbolt, holding the woman whose face was covered in blood, praying constantly in her heart.

For twelve years, she had come back several times, but she had never seen the man.

This time, she had nowhere to go, so she could only come again with the mentality of using a dead horse as a living horse doctor.


Like a bolt of lightning, snowflakes flew, and a big hole appeared on the ground.

The girl appeared in the pit with a **** woman in her arms. It was Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong.

"No, Ye Han, you bastard, where did you die?"

Qian Renxue cried out in pain, hugged Bibi Dong, and collapsed to the ground weakly.

The ancient castle in front of him stood quietly, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of anger, and there was no one inside.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Bibi Dong's mouth in his arms.

Qian Renxue was startled, she quickly lowered her head, stretched out her palm, and wiped the blood from the corner of the woman's mouth.

"You, you must persevere, you will be fine? Believe me, Ye Han has the inner world, the power of creation, and can definitely cure you, you must persevere!"

Qian Renxue's voice trembled, and a big tear fell from her eyes.

"No, don't mind me, you, you go back quickly, bring Chen'er out, hurry, hurry up."

Bibi Dong's voice was like a gossamer, her voice was intermittent, and she couldn't hear it clearly in this snowstorm.

"Chen, Chen'er will be fine, but only if you are alive, as long as you are alive, they won't dare to do anything to Chen'er."

Qian Renxue spoke, and the mother and daughter were heart-to-heart. According to the shape of her mouth, the girl could know what she said.

"That's good, that's good, I'm tired and I need to rest, you go!"

When Bibi Dong heard the words, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she slowly closed her eyes.

"No, you can't sleep, Bibi Dong, you owe me so much, you haven't paid it off, how can you sleep? Chen'er is still waiting for your teacher to teach, how can you sleep? Ye Han owes you So many, do you just spare him like this? No, Bibi Dong, you bastard, don't you want to be the emperor of the ages? You don't want to use your own power to turn the world around and make ordinary people in this world not Are you being oppressed again? You still have so many things to do..."

The girl's voice was heart-wrenching, like a cuckoo weeping blood, which made the heart break.

However, Bibi Dong's vitality was still unstoppable and was rapidly draining away.

"Ye Han, you bastard, if you don't show up again, I will hate you for the rest of my life, come out quickly, as long as you show up, no matter how many women you find in the future, I will not object..."

The girl knelt on the ground, blood and tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, frantically screaming, but she seemed so powerless.

"That's what you said!"

Suddenly, a joking voice filled the entire frozen forest with a suffocating suffocating aura.

A tall man with blood on his face, wearing tattered armor, carrying a broken spear, and dragging a bloody, tattered corpse appeared behind the girl.

He is Ye Han.

The girl turned back blankly, rubbed her eyes subconsciously, and then said with an undisguised surprise in her eyes, "Ye Han, hurry up, save me, save Dong'er, she, she is dying."

Ye Han couldn't help but twitch when he heard the girl's words.

"This dead girl is still trying to lie to me now." Ye Han was speechless, but he also knew that the matter was urgent.

With a wave of hands, Xue Di and the others were released from the internal space.

"I'll talk about it later, I'll save Dong'er first." Ye Han said to Xue Di, and then threw the corpse in his hand to Gu Yuena, letting her suppress the residual murderous aura of the God of Destruction.

Then he walked quickly to the girl's side, the armor on his body faded, he stretched out his fairly clean palm and touched the girl's head, a smile appeared on his pale face, and said, "Don't worry, she can't die with me here, the most It's important not to forget what you just said."


"I, what did I just say?"

The girl glanced at the tall back of Ye Han's departure, her eyes were puzzled, and she looked at Xiao Wu and Xue Di.

"You, you said that no matter how many women Big Brother Ye finds in the future, you will not object." Xiao Wu pouted, dissatisfied.

"Ah! I-Did I say that?" the girl said.

Xue Di nodded slightly.

"I, I, no, I didn't say anything and you didn't hear it, okay?" Qian Renxue hugged the Snow Emperor and said coquettishly.

When Xue Di heard the words, he just smiled, but Xiao Wu nodded frantically in agreement.

After strolling around in the God Realm, Ye Han now has too many good things on his body.

Treasures from heaven and earth, exotic flowers and herbs, precious medicinal pills, there are countless, although Bibi Dong was seriously injured, but it was nothing to Ye Han at all.

A golden elixir the size of a longan, just after taking it out, it gave people a refreshing feeling, greatly increased physical vitality and strong mental strength, Ye Han directly took it for Bibi Dong.

After rummaging, picking and choosing, more than ten kinds of medicinal herbs were all stuffed into Bibi Dong's mouth.

Bibi Dong's aura of life, like a candle in the wind, instantly flourished.

"As expected of you, the woman who can create the Heaven Swallowing Magic Art. If that's the case, then I'll give you more food." Ye Han said to himself.

It was found that Bibi Dong's digestive ability was amazing, and he lived to the death, not breaking or standing, and this was also an opportunity to become stronger.

Ye Han took out more than ten exotic flowers and plants, and directly injected the herbal essence into Bibi Dong's body.

"So many good things should be enough." Ye Han said.

After everything was done, he sat down on the ground.

The more than ten days of war made him exhausted, especially in the end, he did everything to kill the God of Destruction, and he almost explained him there.

Fortunately, the inextinguishable primordial spirit is more powerful, with infinite power, worthy of the name of inextinguishable, plus his perverted flesh, in the end he lives, and the king of destruction dies.

But, Binger...

With a pain in his heart, Ye Han hurriedly sat cross-legged.

On the forehead, the golden light shone slightly, and then spread all over the body.

Ye Han was doing two things with one heart, and while recovering himself, he checked the internal space in his dantian.

The building remains the same, but lifeless, lifeless and devoid of any vitality.

The vitality obtained after the thunder tribulation that day has been turned into a core of life, buried deep in the core of the inner world, emitting a slight light, like a spark of fire, hoping to trigger a prairie prairie.

But it takes time.

Ye Han looked at the world in his heart again. This world is full of vitality, but it is too fragile.

The range is only ten kilometers, and the thickness of the stratum is very limited. Ye Han suspects that if he goes in, if he jumps slightly, the world may collapse.

Moreover, a delicate balance has been formed between this new world and his body, and the power of creation in it cannot be used at will.

Shaking his head, Ye Han was helpless, and while recovering his body, he "communicated" with Arou.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, five days passed.

Bibi Dong, who was lying on the Hanyu bed, slowly opened her eyes, and at a glance, she saw the person she would never forget.

"You are really haunted, are you still unable to get rid of you even if you are dead?"

Bibi Dong opened her mouth with a faint tone. There was no fear in the past, only helplessness and unwillingness.

"Hahaha, since you know you can't get rid of it, then you have to learn to accept it. Just like a generation of great people once said, life is like so-and-so. Since you can't resist, you might as well enjoy it." Ye Han said.

Bibi Dong looked at Ye Han's face, and after a long time, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"You are really shameless as always. To be honest, since I let go of my hatred, when I look back on the days I spent with you, I have an inexplicable ease." Bibi Dong smiled.


Ye Han smiled slightly, looked at Bibi Dong, like a big bad wolf tempting a little white rabbit, and said, "If that's the case, why don't you follow me in the future?"

Bibi Dong looked at Ye Liu Mei frowned slightly and thought for a while.

Just when Ye Han wondered if she had found something, she had a spring-like smile on her face, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay! Although..."

"Qian Renxue, your nanny is awake."

Ye Han suddenly shouted loudly, cut the mess with a sharp knife, and without giving Bibi Dong a chance to continue speaking, he blinked, and said, "His Holiness the Pope has made a promise, and you can't go back on what you promised. Besides, the last time we parted, we still There was an agreement, okay, you and Xiaoxue chat, I'll go out first."

PS: Is Brother Yongye satisfied now? I really don't know what you want to see?

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