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The spirit of the Spirit Empire army was high.

Seeing their own prince slaying an enemy god-level powerhouse with one sword, everyone's face turned red, their expressions were excited, their blood boiled, and they let out a roar that shook the sky.

But at this time, Ye Chen didn't care about this at all.

Seven or eight god-level powerhouses, all of whom are above level one hundred and five.

After the Title Douluo reached the ninety-fifth rank, the gap between each rank was several times, and the gap between the **** rank would only be bigger.

Under normal circumstances, a 105-level hit 101, a 102-2 is like an adult hitting a child, and the bottom rank doesn't have much power to fight back.

However, Ye Chen obviously couldn't handle it with common sense.

Although his cultivation is only one hundred and two, his physique has reached the top of one hundred.

Although there is no divine position and no divine kingdom has been created, the perception of heaven and earth and the use of their own power are more powerful than these gods who have the inheritance of divine positions.

Seraph's wings flickered slightly, his speed was as fast as lightning, and he was not affected by the momentum of seven or eight god-level powerhouses, and quickly opened the distance.

hold head high!

Just when he was about to escape, suddenly, a vast and resounding dragon roar resounded through the sky.

Seven or eight of the god-level powerhouses with a cultivation base of more than one hundred and five levels trembled and almost fell to the ground.

They have beast martial spirits, and at this moment, they are all suppressed, and their formidable strength has dropped sharply.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden dragon claw covered the sky and fell from the sky, directly covering Ye Chen.

As the owner of the god-level martial arts, Ye Chen was not affected by the might of the dragon, but in the face of the huge dragon claws that fell from the sky, his body seemed to be pressed by an ancient demon mountain, so he couldn't fly at all, and could only land slowly.

"A super powerhouse above level 110." Ye Chen muttered to himself, his teeth chattering, his body was under enormous pressure, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

But there was no fear in his eyes.


Silently, ten dark knights appeared like ghosts.

One person fired a shot, and with a puff, he directly pierced the huge golden dragon claw and sprinkled a golden rain of blood.

"Bibi Dong, really deserves his reputation, how dare you fight?"

A twenty-year-old man with dazzling blond hair appeared in the sky with his hands on his back. Behind him, there were six men of his age.

"What kind of cat and dog can challenge the crown of the Eastern Emperor?"

A Valkyrie wearing black armor, blue hair and white robe, holding a large black sword, appeared in the sky, and a cold and majestic momentum was released from her body.

"It turned out to be you, the little girls with the three-person martial arts fusion skill."

The blond man smiled.

He looks good, handsome and handsome, with white teeth and a tall and burly stature, but the smile at this time gives people a cold feeling.

"Where's Ye Han? Let him come out to see me." The man said.

"Looking for my father, who are you?" the black armored Valkyrie said, with a look of surprise.

She stared at the man in front of her, and the more she looked, the more curious she became, and she gradually developed a sense of familiarity.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she said, "We remember, you are that Shrek Academy, known as the Dragon King, but was killed by my dad in one move, right?" The black armored female Martial God said.

It was just a word, which made Wang Long unable to laugh at all.

"Little sister has a good memory. After so many years, I don't know what you guys have grown up to. I think your foundation shouldn't be too bad. Since you are Ye Han's daughter, it's just right. I caught you and you don't believe Ye Han. Don't come out." Wang Long said.

Those golden pupils looked at the Valkyrie in black armor, as if examining a prey, full of aggression.


The Mecha Valkyrie drank coldly. As a girl, she couldn't get any benefit by arguing with a big man, so Qing Xuan chose to do it directly.

The black big sword was swung and smashed a piece of the sky, which was extremely terrifying.

But Wang Long did not evade. He clenched his fist with one hand and slammed it out, smashing the black armor Valkyrie's great sword.


With a violent collision, with the two at the center, a large number of space cracks appeared.

The bodies of the two of them swayed, and they stepped back involuntarily. They retreated hundreds of meters, and only then did the strength from their bodies take off.

The black color gradually disappeared, and the black armored Valkyrie moved her arm, and then made a seal with her hands, and used the Water-preserving Mantra to condense ten large black swords.

"It's not bad to be able to catch my sword, but what about the ten swords?"

The crisp voice is like a big pearl falling on a jade plate, and it is pleasant to the ear, as if it can wash the soul of a person, but Wang Long and the others are brows jumping.

The Valkyrie in black armor didn't care what they were thinking, with a wave of her slender arm, ten large black swords slashed towards Wang Long one after another.

Where is this sword, it is clearly an ancient mountain, not sharp at all, with a pure pressure, it falls from the sky, suppressing everything.

hold head high!

With a loud dragon roar, Wang Long completely turned into a dragon.

He was very lucky, Gu Yuena absorbed the power of the Golden Dragon King, but did not find the heart of the dragon.

Under Ye Han's persecution, after careful consideration, the God Realm finally "sent" the dragon's heart to Wang Long.

If nothing else, give Wang Long enough time, he will be a dragon **** again.

Of course, whether it is Gu Yuena or Wang Long, compared to the real Dragon God, they are still a step behind, and at most they are comparable to the God King.

Today's Wang Long has been transformed into a dragon, and it is no longer the crocodile that it used to be.

Now he is a real dragon, waving a pair of golden wings, carrying a terrifying hurricane.

On the surface of his body, a white light shone slightly, and his body disappeared instantly, appearing beside the black armor Valkyrie like a teleportation.

His wings seemed to be made of pure gold, sharp and sturdy, like two heavenly knives, slashing directly at the black armored Valkyrie.

At this moment, Wang Long was ruthless and ruthless, and his golden eyes flashed cold and cruel.

when! ~

A black round shield suddenly appeared, blocking Wang Long's wings.

However, after the dragon transformation, Wang Long's power skyrocketed, and he even smashed the black round shield into the sky and slammed into the black armored Valkyrie.

brush! ~

In a critical moment, the color of the black armor Valkyrie changed instantly.

The set of black armor turned blue in an instant, and immediately, a stream of water surrounded him, forming a blue light curtain.

During the battle, the martial arts fusion skills are dominated by Qing Xuan, and when defending, they are instantly replaced. This is the ability between the triplets.


The black round shield collided with the blue light curtain and was bounced away, and Wang Long's wings were unable to approach the water curtain.

Wang Long's face changed slightly, and then a pair of dragon claws stretched out. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

It was like sharp claws made of gold, with a faint black glow at the moment, piercing the void with a stab, and instantly came to the blue water curtain.

"I can't stop it, it's too sharp." Qing Qian secretly said in her heart.

The color of the Valkyrie switched again, and it became the appearance of three streamers of gold, white and red.

With a flick of the Valkyrie's finger, a brightly colored bubble flew out, shrouding the Wang Long who was just around the corner.

PS: Thanks to the big brother for the crown, it is no longer, I miss our youth, happy horse, Liangsheng's life, the monthly passes of the big brothers, thank the big brothers! !

Finally, at the end of the month, everyone voted for the monthly ticket! Or it will expire!

At the same time, I would also like to thank the big brothers for the way to recommend tickets!

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