From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 210: : Do something serious

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Time flies like water.

In an instant, another ten years passed.

Now, no one can tell how strong Ye Han's fighting power is.

Facing Ye Han, Gu Yuena, who combined the heart of the dragon and the power of the golden dragon king, could not even take a single move.

The Xue Emperor, who had reached the realm of the god-king, fought against Ye Han two days ago. Her magical skill, the Eight Diagrams Taiji Diagram, was torn apart by Ye Han's palm knife.

Tang Yuehua, who did not take the Golden Elixir Avenue and changed to pure Qi practice, gave himself time to speed up, and now he has reached the realm of the king of gods. However, when he fought against Ye Han, he was crushed by the Heavenly Emperor Hammer.

For ten years, Ye Han "bathed" in Qian Renxue's world of thunder, and "swam" in the boundless sea of ​​Po Saixi.

In Hu Liena's charming golden autumn, enjoy the moon, watch the scenery, and come and go freely in the soft skills of Xiao Wu and A Rou.

Under the siege of the nine Zhu Zhuqings, he rose to life, and he was unrestrained and unrestrained.

Under the care of Zi Ji and Brigitte, she is as dashing as an uncle, and is reluctant to think about Shu.

In Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling... Well, there is nothing to do with these two women.

Anyone with fighting ability has been abused by him.

And human development is unprecedented, technology and barbarism complement each other and make progress together.

Although Wuhun Empire did not aggressively develop technological weapons, this was just an official word.

The foundation of the Wuhun Empire is basically people-oriented, people-first, and people-oriented, and the interests of the people are above everything else.

In the past few decades, hundreds of companies have been established, and various scientific research companies have been established successively.

Mecha technology weapons and other things emerge in an endless stream, and there is no way to ban them.

This is not the earth, here is the threat of soul beasts, it is full of danger, it is a world with supernatural power, defense weapons, everyone needs.

With endless methods and precise coordination, if it wasn't for the strict protection of the Spirit Empire, the two spirit beasts in the Star Dou Forest would have long since become someone else's spirit rings.

Even with various protection measures, the Great Star Dou Forest has shrunk by nearly one tenth over the years.

The reduction of the land area is a small matter, and the death of a large number of ten thousand year soul beasts is a big matter.

And this is only twenty or so years, if there are another hundred thousand years, within ten thousand years, the soul beast will be extinct.

For this reason, Gu Yuena's beautiful face was filled with a hint of sadness.


A private plane crossed the sky and landed slowly in the core area of ​​the frozen forest.

It is still as quiet as ever, as if isolated from the world and undisturbed by the outside world.

Dressed in white hair like a waterfall, straight down to his ankles, dressed in plain white clothes, not stained with dust, Xuedi, who was about seventeen or eighteen years old, was the first to walk out of the cabin.

Beside her is Gu Yuena, who is also in white clothes and white hair.

Gu Yuena was slightly older, but she was no more than twenty years old, so she looked eighteen or nineteen.

She is tall, slender, and curvy. Unlike the detachment in the snow, the first impression she gives

In the past few years, because of the matter of the soul beast clan, Gu Yuena's fair face has a trace of inescapable sadness, which is even more pitiful.

After so many years, Xue Di and Gu Yuena were still so beautiful that they made people feel ashamed.

No one wanted to stand with them.

After the two, it was Tang Yuehua, who was in a white shirt and trousers, with a delicate figure, pure and charming.

Returning to the familiar place, Tang Yuehua couldn't help but feel relaxed. She stretched her body, slender waist and hips, and her attractive curves were exposed.

Snapped! ~

Her buttocks were slapped.

"Hee hee, Sister Yuehua, we all know that you have a good figure, so you don't need to show off to us, right?" A laughter came.

Tang Yuehua turned her head and looked at the charming and charming blond woman in her early twenties. She couldn't help clenching her fists and scolded with a smile, "Looking for a fight."

"Hey, I was wrong."

The blond woman resolutely admitted her mistake, God hugged Tang Yuehua's arm, Tang Yuehua looked at the woman and sighed, "Nana is really getting better and better."

"Why, Sister Yuehua is so good-looking, otherwise, why does that guy secretly take you out every time?" Hu Liena said.

Hearing this, Tang Yuehua blushed pretty and stopped talking.

People are creatures who like excitement, and she plays more openly, which is why she is so special.

Dressed in a long golden palace dress, with long golden hair, a beautiful face, and a beautiful and refined appearance, the noble and gorgeous Qian Renxue walked out of the cabin, making the entire world of ice and snow brighter.

Then Xiao Wu and A Rou appeared hand in hand.

Xiao Wu is lively and cute, with a weird elf, slender and exquisite, especially the pair of long, slender, straight and round long legs, which are particularly eye-catching.

Arou is gentle and virtuous, elegant and quiet, wearing a red gauze skirt, fluttering like a fairy, giving people a feeling like a spring breeze.

Finally, there are Ziji and Brigitte.

Ye Lingling, Ning Rongrong, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, the four of them had long been the pillars of the family. At this moment, they didn't come back with everyone, but went back to the family to explain some things.

Everyone walked out of the cabin, and did not rush back to the castle for the first time, but looked back.

In the sky, two fighter planes galloped across the sky, drawing beautiful curves and continuously spraying dazzling sparks.

This is the live action, flying shooter.

The rumbling of artillery fire continued, and artillery fire continued in one of the cabins.

Bo Saixi grabbed the monitor in front of her with both hands, her sky-blue hair was loose, she looked up at her dignified and pretty face, with an intoxicating blush on her cheeks, bit her lower lip, and seemed to be enduring something.

She looked at the monitor in front of her, but winked like silk, as if she was drunk, and the operation of the fighter began to deform.

Ye Han stood behind her, holding her waist with both hands...

"I, I'm going to be hit, yeah, it's over, I'm going to die."

Accompanied by clear applause, Bo Saixi's voice sounded intermittently.

In her screams, the fighter plane was pushed by a huge force, drew a parabola, and flew directly into the distance.

"It's all your fault."

After a long time, Bo Saixi looked back, gave him an angry look and hugged him, not letting him fall over the man.

Ye Han smiled and didn't speak.

He has the character of being able to move his hands and never speak his words, not to mention that now he can move his hands as well as his mouth...

Katar! ~

The door of the fighter plane opened, and Bo Saixi's cheeks were flushed, and he jumped off the wing immediately, but his legs were weak and he almost fell to the ground.

Turning back, he glanced viciously at the husband who was snickering there. Bo Saixi looked at his mount, his eyes were full of distress, he felt here, and looked there, lest his mount be damaged.

"Don't look at it, don't you understand my technology? It can't be broken."

Ye Han said, "Besides, even if it breaks, I can fix it for you."

As he spoke, he stepped forward.

Seeing this, Bo Saixi quickly jumped away and said, "What are you doing? Don't come here, I tell you, don't think about getting on my fighter plane in the future."

She used to wonder why Ye Han was on a plane, and that plane was guaranteed to have an accident, but now she finally figured out the reason.

"Can you remove my words?"

Ye Han said, "If you don't get on the fighter plane, of course there's no problem, but even you won't let it... Then I'll smash your fighter plane now."

"I, you, what do you mean?"

Bo Saixi was puzzled at first, and then his face flushed. Seeing that Ye Han really raised his fist and smashed the fighter plane, Bo Saixi hurriedly said, "I let it, I let it, is it okay to let it go?"

Ye Han smiled slightly, knowing that this woman was thin-skinned, so he stopped teasing her.

After checking it carefully inside and After confirming that there is no problem, Po Saixi was relieved.

I have to say that Ye Han's skills are really good, and Bo Saixi is very satisfied, and shyly stepped forward, which is very rare, and took the initiative to give him a sweet kiss.

Ye Han was not happy, but a little depressed.

There is a saying that people are not as good as dogs, and now he feels that he is not as good as an iron lump.

And this iron lump was given to the other party by Ye Han himself, which made him even more depressed, as if he had cultivated a rival in love for himself.

Back at Xuanbing Castle, Ye Han called everyone together and announced a big event.

He is going to the realm of the gods.

Having been away for so long, I must do something serious.

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