From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 213: : Good God King

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The attacks of the God King are terrifying, even if it is just a tentative attack, it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The flame was originally a bursting thing, and the flame of the good god-king was even more extraordinary.

Not only burst, but also sinister, with a kind of corrosiveness, it is very difficult to deal with.

However, for Ye Han, it was nothing at all. With a slap, the attack of the good **** king exploded, and he was castrated, directly hitting the palm that the good **** king used to attack.

Bang! ~

There was a muffled sound, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and there were dense cracks centered on the point where the two of them fought.

The King of Kindness shook his body and stepped back involuntarily, crushing the ground with tremendous force, leaving deep footprints one by one.

"I only used 30% of my strength, and you can't do it. It seems that those gods really spared you."

Ye Han looked at the Kind God King and muttered to himself, but did not pursue him.

"You, you seem to know me well?"

The light curtain on the body of the good **** king trembled, and the warm voice sounded with surprise.

Ye Han shook his head.

It is impossible to understand, after all, it has been too long, and he has forgotten many things.

"Zhuqing, enter my inner world." Ye Han said to the girl beside him.

The God Realm is depressed and has fallen, and Zhu Zhuqing is no longer useful here.


Zhu Zhuqing nodded, the girl was very rational and did not make trouble like ordinary girls.

She shyly stepped forward, lightly padded her toes, pecked Ye Han's face lightly, and quickly lowered her head.

Originally, she wanted to kiss her mouth, but in the end she didn't have the courage.

Ye Han touched her cheek and gave her a ticklish kiss, feeling like a cat's claws were scratching in her heart.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Han calmed down and waved the hooked kitten into the inner space.

"What does the flame king of the underground world look like? Is it as beautiful as the legends say? I wonder if I will be lucky enough to see his true face today?" Ye Han said.

The good **** king pursed his lips, a little uneasy in his eyes.

In the past few years, the God Realm has observed Ye Han a lot, and he knows nothing about the character of the guy in front of him, but he also knows a thing or two.

To say that he is lecherous is a bit too much, but if he is said to be a decent gentleman, then I am afraid a large group of people will laugh out loud.

The God Realm did not dare to observe Ye Han directly, nor did he have the ability.

However, Ye Han is not alone. From the words and deeds of the people around him, it can be seen that this guy is definitely not a good person.

Especially in the case of women, do you say he is devoted?

There are many women around him.

Are you saying he's abusive?

He's obviously not that kind of person.

Maybe everyone has two sides!

The good **** king thinks of the evil **** king, the former lover, the once devoted and innocent boy, who has since fallen completely due to the influence of the evil **** king's position...

Forcibly interrupting the thoughts in his heart, the Kind God King looked at Ye Han.

This person, who looks handsome and refined in appearance, seems to be exiled, what he has done is simply outrageous, especially since he obtained the means of those women.

The kind **** king knows how destructive his looks and temperament are to the opposite sex, so he hesitates.

But it was only for a moment, and she couldn't help but sigh.

Through the test just now, she knew very well that she could not beat Ye Han.

In this world, you can really do whatever you want.

And she was just an abandoned child of the God Realm. Everyone abandoned her, including her husband, and left her here to fend for herself. Now, she has no choice.

Thousands of thoughts, all in a flash.

The scarlet-red body protection light curtain slowly converged, and a peerless beauty of eighteen or nineteen years old appeared in front of him.

A long fiery red hair was scattered behind her back, just over her hips, her impeccable and perfect face, and her golden-ratio perfect figure was wrapped in a red gauze skirt.

The flaming red lips, captivating soul, the perfect blend of cold and fiery on her body, it seems so thrilling.

Ye Han nodded and shook his head again, a little disappointed in his eyes.

"It seems that human beings have caused you a lot of harm! They are starting to wear normal clothes." Ye Han sighed.

He couldn't help but think of the description of the flames in the original book.

The three-point flame, covering the three hidden positions of women, is a bit exciting to think about.

But unfortunately, I can't see it now.

When reading the original book before, Ye Han was deeply impressed by this character, so even after tens of thousands of years, he can probably remember some of it.

"Who are you? Why do you know so much about my past?" The Good God King once again asked the question he just asked.

"I saw it in a book." Ye Han said.

Just telling the truth, nothing to hide.

"what book?"

Kindness is king.

Disbelief was evident in his eyes.

"Forget it if you don't believe me, now tell me what your purpose is?" Ye Han said.

The kind **** king was silent, looked at Ye Han, couldn't help but let out a sigh, his red lips lightly parted, and with a touch of bitterness, he said his plan.

She originally planned to try to persuade the evil **** king, and the two of them passed the **** king's position to Ye Han, so that he could lead the aliens to have a place in the **** realm. With his abnormal physique, he could definitely bear the two **** kings .

Unfortunately, the Evil God King is just the Evil God King, not the boy from before.

She was betrayed mercilessly.

"It now seems that my original decision was too much. You have come this far with your own abilities."

Having said that, when the Kind God King looked at Ye Han, deep shock could not help but appear in his eyes.

With one's own power, he forced the gods to escape. This has never happened before, and it will not happen in the future.

Ye Han stared at the eyes of the God of Kindness, judging the truth of her words.

After she finished speaking, Ye Han nodded silently.

Although the world where the good **** king was born treats aliens better than Douluo, aliens cannot become gods. This rule runs through all the planes ruled by the gods.

She wanted to win a free sky for her own kind, and it was reasonable.

"Gods rule many planes, there must be something that can monitor the world, or control the overall situation?" Ye Han said. ?


The good **** king nodded and said, "That thing does exist. It's called the Tianji Pan, but it's a pity that the gods have fled, and it's impossible to determine its location now."

The celestial disk is hidden from view, and at least three **** kings are needed to make it appear.

Ye Han heard the words, he was rude, and asked the kind-hearted god-king for the way of opening.

There was a hint of helplessness on that cold and peerless perfect face, thinking of her dignified **** king, even if many gods in the **** realm did not like her and despised her existence and defiled the pure land of the **** realm, but the one who really dared to be bossy in front of her would still There aren't really many.

But now, in the face of a hairy boy, she has no temper at all, and can only obey her words, showing unprecedented obedience.

Ye Han nodded and affirmed her performance, so she didn't embarrass her too much.

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