From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 216: : Poseidon and Poseidon

Chapter 217 Poseidon and Bo Saixi

Back then, in the battle of the gods, the Spirit Empire was victorious.

Most of those who intend to rebel have already subverted the law, but the Clear Sky Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect were spared a disaster because of Ye Han's relationship.

After Tang Xiao and Tang Hao were resurrected, they were only detained for ten years and served ten years in prison.

As for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, because Ning Fengzhi listened to his daughter's words, he quickly reined in his horse. Now, he holds the position of Chief Financial Officer of the Spirit Empire. He is a high-ranking sect, and his status is even more prominent than that of the head of one of the three sects.

Now, the spirit of the Wuhun Empire is as strong as it is in the sky. There are three invincible powerhouses guarding it. The Clear Sky Sect has completely lost its chance. There are only two paths that can be taken. There is no other way to sell martial arts to the emperor's family.

What Tang Yuehua can do and can't do has already been done.

She doesn't want to pay too much attention to what the Clear Sky Sect should do in the future. She doesn't plan to return here.

Today, she is no longer the Three Heroes of Haotian, the Valkyrie, or the Lord of Yue Xuan. She is just Ye Han's wife, and she is going to help other sisters.

The golden streamer streaked across the sky, and Tang Yuehua went straight to the endless ocean.

Her speed was too fast, shrinking into an inch, turning into a streamer, traveling thousands of miles in a flash, and soon came to the land of the vast sea.

The endless ocean has already boiled, and the raging waves swept the sky with terrifying prestige.

In the center of the ocean, he was dressed in red, and his long sky blue hair was flying.

Bo Saixi's red robe is bright and looks like a beautiful young woman in her thirties. She is beautiful and dignified, but the most attractive thing is her temperament, so noble, so elegant, so different.

On both sides of her body, there are two "sister flowers" that look very similar.

One looks twenty-seven, dancing in a red gauze skirt, and the perfect curves of slender and graceful grace are looming.

She has an alluring appearance and a gentle temperament, giving people a sense of demure and virtue, and she is very comfortable.

On the other side of Bo Saixi, was a girl who looked seventeen or eighteen years old.

She is also wearing a red gauze dress, with a slender and graceful figure, her jet-black hair is tied into a ponytail, and her **** and white eyes are agile and agile.

I have to say that Xiao Wu and A Rou are so similar.

Apart from age, the biggest difference is character and temperament.

One is quirky, lively and active, the other is gentle and virtuous, elegant and quiet.

At the feet of the three of them, the waves were surging, rushing straight into the sky, but at the feet of Bo Saixi there was a wave that built a high wall to hold up the three.

Opposite the three of them, there are more than 20 tall figures.

The leader was blue-clothed and blue-haired, with an extremely tall stature and a majestic breath, as unfathomable as the sea.

He was shrouded in a layer of divine light, and all he could see was a tall silhouette and a golden trident.

"Bo Saixi, my once most loyal servant, are you really going to fight this **** now?"

The tall figure opened his mouth, and the divine might permeated, spreading to the entire ocean, majestic and sacred.

"My lord, Bo Saixi never wanted to fight with you."

Bo Saixi bowed, and a gentle voice sounded, like a warm spring breeze, blocking the monstrous divine might with ease.

In any case, the person in front of her used to be her belief. Although she chose to be self-willed for love, it is impossible to truly treat the creature in front of her as nothing.

"Okay! As expected of my most loyal servant, since that's the case, then you can..."

After a slight pause, the tall figure's tone suddenly changed, somewhat sternly, and said, "If that's the case, then you can die."

The person's tone of voice changed so quickly that it was unexpected.

The voice fell, and his movements were even more crisp.

The Seagod Trident ripped apart the void, showing no mercy, and directly attacked the three people in front of him with terrifying might.

Bo Saixi was stunned. He never imagined, and never thought, that the **** he had always believed in and respected would actually act like this.

Now, Bo Saixi finally understood Ye Han's original words.

He is just a stronger person. As a human being, he has emotions and desires, joys and sorrows, goodness and evil, and of course his despicable side.

Bo Saixi's faith collapsed at this moment, completely losing the respect of the past.

The battle between the powerhouses can be divided into life and death in an instant, not to mention that the sea **** is already a **** king, and Bo Saixi is only a half-step **** king.

The Golden Seagod Trident carries the divine might to destroy the world, like a golden lightning, piercing through the void and approaching in an instant.

Not only Bo Saixi did not expect that such a powerful **** would shamelessly attack his former subordinates, but Xiao Wu was also greatly surprised.

But there is one person who is not careless, and that is Arou.

Having experienced a death, plus the years she has lived, Arou's knowledge and mind are far beyond the imagination of Bo Saixi and Xiao Wu. At the moment of crisis, she immediately jumped out, turned into a golden goddess, and stood in the way. in front of the two women.

The invincible golden body used to be able to block attacks below the **** level, but now, she is already a god, and the invincible golden body, as her natural skill, will naturally change as her strength improves.

Now, the invincible golden body is activated, her arms are crossed, and she is blocked in front of her chest, blocking the God King's blow with her strength of level 130.

"My lord, you have disappointed me. Now, I am ashamed of the belief that I have guarded for nearly a hundred years."

Bo Saixi smiled miserably, a little pain in his heart, but inexplicably there was some inexplicable ease.

Maybe it's time to give up completely now!

A worry came to mind, and Bo Saixi's mood suddenly became brighter, and the bottleneck that had been plaguing her broke through in an instant.

Bo Saixi finally took a crucial step and reached the pinnacle of this world.

The slender arm waved, turning the essence of the world into a Bo Saixi appeared like a phantom, instantly appeared beside Arou, slashed out with a sword, and directly hit the Seagod Trident.

"Sister Rou, how are you?"

Bo Saixi didn't fight Seagod for the first time, but looked at Arou instead.

The invincible golden body collapsed, Arou's face was pale, and she shook her head to indicate that she was fine, but in the next moment, a mouthful of blood spurted out and she almost fell.

The power of the god-king is so easy to resist, the attack of the sea **** comes with unparalleled killing intent, not only his vast divine power, but also the rules and murderousness of the god-king level. Fly ash annihilation.

A Rou is able to achieve this level, I have to say that the invincible golden body is indeed against the sky.

Bo Saixi's expression changed. While guarding against another sneak attack by the Sea God, he released his divine sense to check. Immediately, the color on his face became even more ugly.


Xiao Wu held A Rou's arm, her **** and white eyes filled with mist.

Obviously, Arou's injury is not optimistic, it is very serious.

"Sister Rou, I'll take you to a place to heal." Bo Saixi said.

Arou's mouth bleeds, she uses her eyes to signal Xiao Wu not to worry, and then she nods to Bo Saixi.

PS: Thank you eldest brother, Space Xizhilang, I will qualify for the tournament, the last corner of the love triangle that I gave up, the monthly pass of the three eldest brothers, thank you eldest brother!

I haven't received it for a long time, thank you for your support! Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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