From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 222: : you're an asshole

Chapter 223 You are such a bastard

As the central system that controls the world of the heavens, there is a problem, which will inevitably lead to a series of turmoil.

The God Realm, standing above countless worlds, collapsed today, turned into dust, and fell into the vast universe.

The Sovereign Ruler vanishes, and the rules of the world change with it.

But these all happened quietly, moisturizing things silently, and it took time to slowly discover the specific changes.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Ye Han.

Looking at the verdant little hand on his palm, Ye Han had a seemingly friendly smile on his face, but was actually weird.

He is a little curious now, and wants to know what this woman is going to do.

The two walked through the stars and came to a primitive planet.

Good mountains and good water, Ru Mao drinking blood, this is a planet that is only savage and primitive, without any intelligent life.

"I'll be yours from now on."

The kind-hearted God King turned his head, his eyes were faint, with a shy look on his face, he looked at Ye Han timidly.

I have to say, the Kind God King is really beautiful.

She is nearly one hundred and eighty centimeters tall, with fair skin and beautiful long legs. She has an extremely perfect golden ratio figure.

A long fiery red hair is scattered behind her back, just over her buttocks, her skin is like jade, she is lustrous, her lips are flaming red, she is absolutely sexy.

If it was someone else, seeing her shy and timid appearance, I'm afraid they would instantly have the urge to transform into a wolf.

But Ye Han secretly laughed in his heart.

He couldn't help thinking of Bibi Dong, of that woman's acting skills, of that woman's natural performance in order to kill him...

Comparing the two, the good-hearted king's performance is just scum. The key is that she doesn't know it herself, thinking that her appearance is worthy of seven or eight million...


It seems to be on stage.

Anyway, this woman's performance and scheming, in Ye Han's opinion, is a piece of scum.

But since the other party wanted to play, Ye Han was naturally willing to accompany him.

Bullying in front of him, Ye Han unceremoniously hugged the waist of the kind-hearted God King, shaking his body slightly, and took her to the sky above a water pool.


The two fell freely, like conjoined babies, sticking tightly together and falling into the water.

Half an hour later, the two of them came out, with white skin on their shoulders, obviously they were frankly facing each other.

"Shura, evil, life, the power of the three kings has been absorbed?"

Ye Han tightly hugged the beautiful woman in his arms, his cheeks slowly approached, then avoided the other's face, lying on her ear, holding the kind **** king with one palm, a beautiful jade-like leg, while feeling the hand The soft skin in the middle, while talking.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Han felt the delicate body in his arms stiffen.

The corner of Ye Han's mouth couldn't help showing a wicked smile.

The beautiful eyes of the Kind God King suddenly widened, and the beautiful and beautiful face as white as jade suddenly turned pale, the bright red lips opened, and the teeth chattered slightly.

Ye Hanxie smiled, he didn't have the slightest pity for Xiangxiangxiyu.

Anyone who does something wrong has to pay a price.

The Shura God blew himself up, causing the Tianji disk to explode, and the energy fluctuations were too violent.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for anyone to notice what is going on inside.

But Ye Han is a freak, a monster. He possesses inhuman perception and an inextinguishable primordial spirit cultivated from the Taixuan Sutra.

Therefore, when the Shura God revealed himself, the power of the three sources disappeared in a flash and entered the body of the Good God King, and everything was clearly seen by him.

Everything after that is the choice of the kind God King himself.

She came with bad intentions, so Ye Han naturally wouldn't be polite to her.

"I don't know why you came to seduce me, and I don't know if this is your initial plan or a temporary decision of Shura God, but there is one thing I have to tell you, even if you have the power of the four **** kings, it is not mine. Opponent, maybe you can try, use anger to ignite the power of destruction, gather the power of the five gods, and break through to become the **** of creation, so you can try."

Ye Han kissed the red lips of the God of Kindness, kindly reminding him.

boom! ~

The violent force directly lifted the man on his body and flew out.

"Damn you."

With red hair flying all over his head, the kind-hearted **** king stood in the sky, the universe was disillusioned in his eyes, the planet exploded, life was extinct, and all kinds of terrifying scenes emerged in it.

Her breath was unprecedentedly violent, if God Shura was still alive, it would definitely not be enough for her to slap him.

"Don't be in a hurry, I have something I want to ask you." Ye Han opened his mouth with a calm look, and dressed slowly while speaking.

At the same time, he did not forget to appreciate the perfect ketone body in front of him.

The good **** king breathed for a while, and his face became red, which was angered.

She wished she could kill Ye Han right now, but, with Ye Han's eyes reminding her, how could she be so embarrassed to fight against each other like this.

The black flames filled the air, instantly covering her perfect body shape, and then, the sound of getting dressed sounded.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind and want to kill me? When we first met, you clearly didn't have the intention to kill. Can you tell me the reason?" Ye Han asked.

The killing intent of the kind-hearted God King was too abrupt, and Ye Han felt very strange.

"The reason is that you are the culprit who killed the evil **** king. If it weren't for you, the evil **** king wouldn't even think about escaping. Naturally, it is impossible to be killed by Shura God. You are the root cause of all this."

The kind **** king said bitterly, "Killing you is not only his wish, but also the common wish of all gods."

In the end, she was inevitably influenced by the thoughts of the gods, especially the evil **** king, so that all her hatred was transferred to Ye Han.

"So you brought yourself in?" Ye Han smiled and said, "If you do this, will the Evil God King forgive you?"

"I, you..."

The good **** king's face changed, his body shook slightly, and the next moment he said hoarsely, "It's you, you **** forced me."

"Hahaha, this planet was chosen by you." Ye Han smiled, the smile on his face even better.

"No, I just want to delay time, I never thought about being with you, no, bastard, you are disturbing my Dao heart and courting death." The kind **** king defended, and then seemed to understand something, suddenly snorted, and then Direct shot.

The power of the four **** kings condensed and realized the origin of destruction.

Life and destruction are the root, goodness and evil are the root, the Asura Tao is the sword, and the combination of the power of the five sources has achieved her power of creation and destruction.

As soon as the Luoshen Divine Sword came out, it cut off the galaxy, tore apart the universe, and everything was destroyed. The sword light passed by, and there was nothing left.

Silently, Ye Han's whole body was covered with sky blue armor, and ten pure white halos rhythmically rhythmically moved around him.

Ye Han took a step forward, then squeezed the fist mark, and pushed one arm forward.

Arms are like spears, with only extreme sharpness and speed.

Silently, everything disappeared.

There is only a piece of a piece of chaos, a piece of dead silence and a basket of red, two figures facing each other far away.

"Why, why?" the woman in red said, her eyes full of doubts.

Why did Ye Han want to kill her? With his strength, he could easily kill her. Why did he take so much trouble? Is it just for the malicious desire to enjoy it?

"My son may not leave this world, so I will prepare him the strongest godhead."

Ye Han knew what she was wondering, so he answered without hesitation.

"you you......"

The kind **** king was so angry that you tortured me for six days and six nights just for your son. Are you still human?

"You are such a bastard." The kind **** king mustered all his strength and scolded the first and last swear words in his life. Then, the whole person scattered with the wind, only one splendid brilliance. The godhead and a cluster of small flames that seemed to be extinguished at any time remained.

(End of this chapter)

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