From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 224: : shy kitten

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The blood is billowing like wolf smoke, causing the heaven and earth to shake, and it will explode at any time.

The two powerhouses second only to the God King were in a rage, and an unprecedented powerful battle broke out.

The sun and the moon have no light, and the sky and the earth are eclipsed.

The two powerhouses are tensed up, and after being vigilant, the girl doesn't have much chance at all.

The biggest reason for the loss of a person just now was the result of not understanding the girl's specific methods and being careless.

Now, the remaining two people have grown wisely and burst out with all their strength, not giving the girl any chance.

The swords came out in unison, breaking the sun and the moon, breaking the galaxy, violent and sharp, showing invincible power.


The black mist exploded, the sky crumbled, and the violent hurricane swept the four directions. The girl was covered in blood, vomited blood, and flew out backwards.

The two great powerhouses in the God Realm were unforgiving. One held a sword and the other wielded a knife. They were ruthless, and without the slightest pity, they directly launched the lore.

"Big brother, Zhuqing can't accompany you anymore, you must live well!"

The girl turned back and glanced at the depths of the valley, with reluctance and determination in her eyes, and immediately, her lips parted slightly, and said, "Yuanling Disintegration Dafa."


The situation is still.

The knife and the sword were no more than an inch away from the girl, but they seemed to be far away, separated by the ends of the earth and unable to get close.

And the girl's just soaring momentum was curbed in an instant.

"Big, big brother."

An irresistible surprise appeared in the girl's eyes instantly, and suddenly she turned her head and looked behind her.

There, a tall white-clothed figure stood on the ground, originally with an indifferent expression, but after the eyes of the girl he touched, it instantly turned into a soft smile.



The two first-level Dzogchen gods looked at each other, then turned and ran.

The man stepped forward, came to the girl's side, and gently hugged her body.

After discovering the scar on the girl's body, he frowned slightly, then waved his hand and made two muffled sounds, and the two first-level Great Perfection gods who had escaped to the horizon exploded in an instant.

After doing all this, the man's body shook violently as soon as he landed, and he almost fell.

"Big, big brother, how are you?"

The look of surprise on the girl's face was instantly replaced by panic. She struggled to support the man regardless of her injury.

However, she is now in a worse state than the man.

"Stop struggling, struggling, we all have to lie here today." The man said weakly.

There is no doubt that the two are Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Han.

After half a year of training, Ye Han had just breathed a sigh of relief when he encountered Zhu Zhuqing being attacked, forced to wake up, and forced to take action. Now he is in a worse state than when he was just injured.

Zhu Zhuqing heard the words and did not dare to continue to resist.

The soft body of the girl that Ye Han hugged, stopped at three steps, and then rested at two steps. It took half an hour to walk into the two people's residence.

The residence is very simple, with a stone table, two stone benches, and a stone bed. If it is not for the exquisite daily necessities such as bedding, it is really not much different from the residence of the cavemen.

However, for Zhu Zhuqing, this place makes her feel happier than anywhere else.

It's just him and her here.

With him, she is very satisfied, very happy, and feels that she has the sky, the earth, the support, and the sustenance of her soul...

Ye Han gently placed the **** the bed, reached out and touched her hair, revealing a hint of pampering.

For the past six months, although he has been in a coma, he is not ignorant of the outside world.

He clearly felt the girl's care for him, and he also clearly understood the girl's feelings for him.

"Zhuqing! You have to lose weight."

Looking at each other, Ye Han whispered softly.

"Ah! I, am I fat?"

When the girl heard the words, a panic appeared on her face. She struggled to sit up, but was held down by Ye Han.

"It's not fat, it's big." Ye Han said, pinching subconsciously.

The girl suddenly stood up just now, and Ye Han hurriedly stretched out his hand, but he pressed it where he shouldn't.

At first, Zhu Zhuqing did not notice the abnormality, but now, she is not in a vegetative state, so how could she not feel it.

A faint blush appeared on her face, and she glanced at Ye Han secretly, but she didn't say a word.

Ye Han coughed lightly, concealed his embarrassment, took away his palm, and said, "I said the wrong thing, our family Zhuqing is not fat at all, come on, this is a golden medicine made a long time ago, for you Wounds are good."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han put the medicine bottle in Zhu Zhuqing's hand and silently turned around.

"Big, big brother, you, you help me apply medicine."

Zhu Zhuqing's voice sounded weakly, if it wasn't for Ye Han's keen hearing, most people would not be able to hear it at all.

Ye Han looked back and couldn't help laughing.

I thought this little girl had become more courageous, but who knows, her whole face is completely rendered by Hongxia, even her ears and neck have turned red, her head is drooping, and she can't wait to tuck her whole face into the depths of her chest. inside the ditch.

"You, you bastard, don't make me do it myself."

Hearing the laughter, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but raised his head, glared at Ye Han angrily, and then chased him away.

A look of disappointment appeared on Ye Han's face, as if he had lost millions in an instant, he left in despair.

I don't know how long it took, but a crisp voice, with three points of cowardice and seven points of shyness, came from the cave.

"Big, big brother, back, I can't reach the wound on my back..."

"I'll help you!"

Ye Han spoke happily without any hesitation.

When he re-entered the cave and looked at the bed, even though he had been prepared, he was still shocked.

The slender and beautiful jade body, against the backdrop of the black hair, is even more white and delicate.

The waist of the water snake, which was unbearable to be grasped, and the small white coat that was tall and upturned, full and round, even though it was lying on the stomach, it was indeed so sexy.

"Big, big brother, you..."

The girl spoke shyly, buried her head between the bedding, and did not dare to look at Ye Han.

But she could clearly feel that Ye Han's eyes were falling on her at this time, like a substance, hot and aggressive.

Ye Han swallowed his saliva hopelessly, then stepped forward, his eyes fell on the two bone-deep wounds on the girl's back and waist, and all the emotions in his eyes were instantly occupied by pity.

All the scars on his body were left by him, Ye Han was full of pity in his heart, and he had no desire at the moment.

He took out the medicine bottle, gently gave the girl some good medicine, and covered her delicate body with a quilt. Ye Han sat down beside the bed and put the girl's head on his leaned over slightly , Under the girl's shy gaze, he gently kissed her on the forehead, and then spoke softly, "Take a rest, everything will be fine."


The girl nodded lightly, her face was flushed with red, and her eyes were slowly closed.

But only after a while, she opened her eyes and said, "Big brother, come up too, your body also needs rest."

Looking at the girl's worried eyes, Ye Han nodded slightly and lay beside her.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

The girl also became a woman without knowing it.

PS: Thank you big brother, wonderful monthly pass, thank you big brother!

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