From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 227: : black-bellied kitten

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Qian Renxue has a tough personality.

But often the tougher the character, the softer the heart is.

At the same time, Qian Renxue is not the Virgin, nor is it Bibi Dong, nor is it that she does not eat hard or soft.

Facing Ning Rongrong's pitiful appearance, Qian Renxue's heart was touched.

Since ancient times, there has been a lot of love and spare hatred, and this hatred has no end.

In order not to let the two girls leave the world with regrets, Qian Renxue nodded and said, "I recognize you two younger sisters."

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue turned her head and did not look at the two girls.

After all, after getting along for so many years, she couldn't bear to see these two girls come to an end.

She turned the discomfort in her heart into anger and threw it at the enemy in front of her.

kill kill kill! ~

The golden long sword and thunder spear shone brightest in the dark universe, and she wanted to send the two girls off with the blood of the enemy.

"Big brother, you, if you don't take action, Rongrong and Lingling will really die."

In the unknown place, Zhu Zhuqing grabbed Ye Han's arm with both hands and urged Ye Han to save him.

"If you let Xiaoxue know that you are plotting against her behind your back, do you think she will fight you hard?" Ye Han looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said speechlessly.

There is no doubt that the two have already come.

The god-king-level powerhouse showed divine might, and to Ye Han, it was like a beacon guiding the way, providing him with accurate coordinates, so he rushed over with Zhu Zhuqing.

Coincidentally, I happened to hear the scene of Ye Lingling's account of the funeral.

Ye Han originally wanted to solve all the troubles directly, but was stopped by Zhu Zhuqing.

Then she chatted with Ning Rongrong, and in the end, Qian Renxue was caught out.

Ye Han really did not expect that the little girl also has a dark side.

"Fighting with me, how is it possible, trying to find you, what does it have to do with me?" Zhu Zhuqing stuck out his eyes and stuck out his tongue, smiling tenderly.

Ye Han's face changed slightly, he was not a fool, he figured everything out in an instant.

This girl, not only did Qian Renxue's routine, but she also figured it out.

Thinking about it, after she rescued Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling, the two of them shouted to be their own women, Qian Renxue thought about it, and the first object of suspicion would definitely not be the little girl.

After all, it is you who profit!

Ye Han regretted that he shouldn't have listened to Zhu Zhuqing's words. He just went out to save people, so there would be no such thing.

Now, in order to avoid trouble, not save the two?

This is obviously not possible.

"If your sister Xiaoxue comes to trouble me, I will trouble you." Ye Han took Zhu Zhuqing into his arms, slapped her on the buttocks, and threatened him viciously.

Then the whole universe went silent.

Qian Renxue noticed the abnormality immediately, she felt that her movements were restricted, as if she was stuck in a quagmire, her movements were extremely slow and sluggish.

This change made her pale, but when she found that the enemy's changes were more unbearable than her, she put down her heart a little.

The movements of the seven or eight gods are lifelike, like slow-moving movies, at least three or four times stiffer than hers.

Qian Renxue's eyes were mixed with joy and sorrow, but the movements of her hands did not hesitate.

The angel's sword pointed directly at the cosmic starry sky, and the regular thunders converged, dancing with the long sword, like a thunderous spear bombarding down.

These gods of the gods were forcibly enhanced by the **** Shura with the help of the celestial disk. They came as hunters. More than ten gods, fifty or sixty first-level gods slandered the great perfection powerhouses. They planned well and their confidence was bursting.

They felt that as long as they controlled Bibi Dong and prevented her from taking action, they would definitely succeed.

The main reason was that Bibi Dong's arrest of the generals was a bit buggy, and he would create dozens or hundreds of strong men at every turn. He didn't talk about martial arts at all and started besieging and beating them directly. Who could stand it.

Therefore, they dispatched the five **** kings to sneak into the imperial capital of the Spirit Empire to contain Bibi Dong, and then they divided the battlefield and took advantage of the number of people to annihilate Ye Han's forces one by one.

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny. On the contrary, they showed weakness from the beginning. When dealing with two auxiliary powerhouses who are not yet level 130, they are exhausted.

With the assistance of these two people, Kendao Chen Xin single-handedly held back everyone and bought precious time for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to retreat.

Then, Kendao Chenxin was blown up, and they spent a lot of effort to break through the invincible divine light of the two auxiliary spirit masters, and successfully kidnapped the two of them.

As for whether Kendo Chenxin died or not, they didn't care about it at all.

They were all about evacuating, but they were still caught up.

For several years, they battled wits and courage with the pursuers, tried their best, and tried to contact those companions at the same time, but after the news was sent out, it was like a dead sea.

The longer the time dragged on, the more uneasy, nervous, and frightened they became. Today, the leading god-king finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he gave up completely. He felt like he was going crazy, and he wanted to die.

However, the gods cannot be insulted, especially the goddess.

The two seemingly soft and weak auxiliary goddesses showed unprecedented ferocity, directly burning the Dao, even if their souls were scattered, they did not want to be insulted by others.

At the same time, the female evil star came.

She is elusive, killing enemies and invisible, powerful and terrifying.

The gods have already been beaten and collapsed, and now they are suddenly trapped in the mire, encountering this terrifying change, they are desperate, they regret, they want to avoid, they want to resist, they... can't do it, There was nothing they could do but close their eyes and wait for fate to come.

The defense of the 130th level gods was like a piece of paper.

After going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, the aloof **** has now ended up in such a situation. It can only be said that it is sad and lamentable, but it is self-inflicted.

The only god-king held on for only three breaths before being pierced by a thunder spear through his chest and embarking on the same path of fate as those of his subordinates.

Qian Renxue's chest rose and fell rapidly, and her face was pale.

Obviously, it was not easy for her to kill so many powerhouses in one go.

But now she couldn't care about it, dragging her tired body, she turned around slowly, and then a figure enlarged in front of her eyes.

"Zhu, Zhuqing, why are you?" Qian Renxue looked at the girl in front of her in surprise and said.

"It's not just me, the big brother is here too, Sister Xiaoxue, are you alright?" The little girl supported Qian Renxue with worry in her eyes.

After Zhu Zhuqing gave way, Qian Renxue saw the tall figure.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue turned her head and looked at Zhu Zhuqing with suspicion.

This little girl has a cold personality. I have known her for so long, and I have only been close to her only a limited number of times. Could it be that the sun came out in the west today, and she came to care about me immediately.

Although her heart was full of doubts, Qian Renxue couldn't help showing a smile on her face, shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's just that the consumption of divine power is a bit serious."

I have to say, the feeling of being cared about is really good, the warm is very comfortable.

"Well, Zhuqing, are you old again?" Qian Renxue suddenly changed her tone and looked at Zhu Zhuqing's chest in disbelief.

"Where, where is it?"

Zhu Zhuqing's face was slightly red, and while arguing, he glanced at Ye Han secretly.


A thunderbolt fell.

Qian Renxue understood in an instant, let's just say, the always cold and arrogant kitty has changed her personality today.

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth, her body was full of murderous aura, and she was furious.

The old lady beat me to death outside for you. You are a good bastard. Silently, I found another sister for me...

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