From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 256: : The second type of flirting

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The full moon is like a plate.

The moon in the desert is big and round, as if it is close at hand and within reach.

Queen Medusa had two wings on her back and took Ye Han into the air, like a fairy in the sky, with a special artistic conception.

It's a pity that neither of them are in the mood to appreciate it, and it's a bit unpleasant.

Ye Han was thinking about how to take down Queen Medusa.

This woman's vigilance was too heavy. Queen Medusa, who originally thought that she would definitely be able to smash by relying on the heavy gift, opened her legs to greet her. Unexpectedly, Queen Medusa...she had no legs.

Of course, this is just a joke.

Originally, Ye Han thought that he was relying on heavy gifts, but coupled with the strength he showed, that is, the power he brought, even if he couldn't conquer Queen Medusa, it should make her treat her differently and open up the future. A good head.

But who knows, this woman, from the beginning to the end, has a cautious and wait-and-see attitude, and now it is a posture that will fight her hard at any time.

"This Nima, just one word, it's hard to deal with."

Ye Han smiled bitterly and had to sigh, because he thought of Queen Medusa too simply.

And Queen Medusa is also thinking very fast at this moment, guessing what Ye Han's real purpose is?

"Is it a fire?"

It may be possible, but when she thinks of the exotic flower and grass in her ring, she is not sure.

"Could it be that he really came for me, but is that possible?"

Queen Medusa glanced behind her, the snow-capped Lightning Falcon emitting a dense air under the moonlight, watching the wolf, carrying four figures that looked like ordinary people, and her eyes fell on her from time to time.

The indifference revealed a cold and ferocious color inadvertently, which made people feel shivering.

In particular, the burly man with a height of nearly three meters and the big bald man with a height of more than two meters were not good people at first glance. Invisibly, they brought enormous pressure to Queen Medusa.

The always ruthless Queen Medusa felt powerless and helpless for the first time.

Although she didn't fight, the intuition she brought from fighting for life and death for many years told her that none of these people could be dealt with by her.

With people like this, what kind of woman can't get it? Will you make a trip just for yourself?

While thinking about it, the two have already come to the outside of the oasis.

Queen Medusa stopped, her beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at the piles of meat hills drilled out from the bottom of the desert, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"This is the third gift I gave you." Ye Han said, a gentle smile blooming on his face again.

Queen Medusa's expression made him regain his confidence and saw a glimmer of hope.

As long as there is something you care about, nothing is impossible.

It's a big deal, I also came to an overlord to fight hard. Anyway, it's not that he has never done it before. He is quite skilled in this kind of business.

What Xiao Yan's wretched uncle can do, there is no reason for him to be worse than him.

"Hey! One, one hundred, sixth-order monsters."

Queen Medusa breathed a sigh of relief, her charming narrow phoenix eyes full of shock.

Different from the four powerhouses who could not clearly see the realm, and also different from the introverted breath of the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon, the breath released by the hundred meat mountains in front of him was a real Dou Huang!

Moreover, several of them exuded aura that was no weaker than Queen Medusa, obviously already at the peak of Dou Huang.

"Listen, from now on, the person beside me will be your master. In the future, if she tells you to go east, you have to go east. If she tells you to go west, you have to go west. If you dare to disobey, kill! "

Ye Han's voice sounded, and it became colder towards the end. The last word of killing fell, and it rose into the sky with a **** aura, which made people horrified.

That kind of hostility is too heavy, and it is a special power condensed from the purest murderous aura.

Queen Medusa narrowed her eyes slightly as she looked at Ye Han, her eyes showing a solemn look towards him for the first time.

"This person may not really be the second generation ancestor." Queen Medusa secretly said.

The murderous aura emanating from Ye Han was too pure and powerful, which was definitely not the power that the flowers in the greenhouse could radiate.

"I've seen the Lord, and in the future, I will definitely follow the Lord's horse and head. The Lord has orders, and we will follow orders."

One hundred giant pythons spit out human words and screamed in the sky, showing their loyalty.

Queen Medusa is not complacent, so just listen to it, if it is true, it will become a real fool.

Ye Han is immortal, who will these strong people really listen to? Isn't it obvious at a glance?

"Your Majesty, are you satisfied with these three gifts?" Ye Han took out the jade box again and handed it to Queen Medusa.

Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han with soul-stirring eyes, and found that his eyes were calm. After a moment of hesitation, she released the palm of Ye Han's way, then stretched out her hands and gently took the jade box.

Slowly opening the jade box, a majestic and ancient aura came over her face, and Queen Medusa's face turned pale.

But this time she was well prepared, so nothing worse happened.


When the jade box was closed, Queen Medusa breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Ye Han.

Ye Han was also looking at her, and his eyes were facing each other. Ye Han's eyes were as clear as ever, and they were magnanimous, like two clear springs.

"What's your purpose? Don't beat around the bush, say it, there is room for negotiation, otherwise..." Queen Medusa spoke, her soft voice couldn't help but feel a little cold.

Ye Han's behavior was incomprehensible, and Queen Medusa didn't want to continue to speculate on her own, so she simply asked straight to the point.


Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa's peerless beauty and couldn't help but smile.

Women's smiles have been said since ancient times, but sometimes, men's smiles have the same lethal power to women.

Queen Medusa, who has never paid attention to her image, was also taken aback by Ye Han's confident and calm smile.

Even Queen Medusa had to admit that the man in front of him gave birth to a good skin.

"As expected of someone I like."

Ye Han praised, then stared into Queen Medusa's eyes, and said, "There are many existences like them in my family. You can see my state. I urgently need to improve my strength, but they can't ignore them. So I heard that Queen Medusa is both intelligent and brave, and she is proficient in everything, so she came here to ask for marriage."

"What are you telling the truth?" Queen Medusa said with a slight shrinking of her pupils.

She was really shocked by Ye Han's casual words. Although her reason told her that it was impossible, there seemed to be a voice reminding her that all this was true, and Ye Han had no reason to deceive her.

What Queen Medusa was shocked by was Ye Han's power, but Ye Han thought that Queen Medusa was asking about her determination to marry her.

So, he hurriedly expressed his stance, with a sincere expression on his face, and said, "Your Majesty the Queen is both talented and beautiful, and Ye Han dares to swear to the sky that he will love your majesty more in the future, and will never neglect your majesty..."

"what are you saying?"

Queen Medusa was stunned, her face slightly unnatural.

After living for so long, I have seen all kinds of people, but she is the first to show her heart so straightforwardly.

"Hey, Your Majesty has accepted the gift, and I think I have agreed to this marriage. I just expressed my heart in advance. Forgive the abruptness, I fell in love with Your Majesty at first sight..."

Ye Han opened his mouth, wanting to pursue the victory.

It's a pity that Queen Medusa didn't give him a chance, and interrupted him directly, saying, "What if I don't agree with this marriage?"

"No, what? You don't agree?"

Ye Han was startled, then his expression became depressed and lost, and said, "Since Your Majesty is not willing, then I can't force it."


Suddenly, Ye Han turned his head, looked at the giant pythons with cold eyes and full of suffocation, and said, "What are you doing? How dare you kill your master, do you want to rebel? There are a few of you, don't think that You are stronger than me now, I can't control you, and tell you, if I hear that Her Majesty the Queen and her clan have suffered a little bit of damage in the future, I will kill you."

Queen Medusa's red lips were slightly mined, and she always felt that the person in front of her was threatening her, but she had no evidence.

"Your Majesty's forgiveness, it's because I didn't train these guys well, these hundred guys are wild and difficult to train, and I will send them to you when I've trained them. The gift that I gave to His Majesty to accompany the sin, the mountains and rivers meet, we can still be friends if we can’t be husband and wife, and I will regret it for a while.” Ye Han apologized.

After he finished speaking, he jumped up and came to the back of the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon.

"Your Majesty, take care."

Ye Han's eyes showed deep affection and reluctance, and he clasped his fists with both hands.


The snow-capped lightning falcon uttered a cry, and the violent momentum broke out in an all-round way. The clear sky was instantly covered with thunder and lightning, and the terrifying step was confused.

"Wait a Queen Medusa's eyes turned, the sky was beautiful, and a soft voice sounded.

Queen Medusa is cruel to her enemies, but she is a really good leader.

Who exactly is Ye Han, she doesn't know, whether he is really as righteous and awe-inspiring as he said, she doesn't know...

There are too many uncertain factors, and for the sake of the ethnic group, she does not dare to gamble.

The second style of flirting, threatening!

Queen Medusa was KO!

Ye Han's third and fourth styles have not been used yet, so she can't stand it!

PS: Thank you big brother, Space Xizhilang for the monthly pass! Thank you brother for your support!

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