From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 288: : He is Xiao Yan

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Nalan Jie acted like no one else, in front of Ye Han, scolded his granddaughter for not helping Yao Yan.

Ye Han was late, and Xiao Yan had finished all the pretense.

An outstanding young man, an infinite talent in the future, the mysterious and indifferent image of a pharmacist has been established.

If Ye Han hadn't come, Xiao Yan's development trajectory would not have changed much.

It must be pretending all the way, sparks and lightning, all the beautiful women fall in love with me, all the treasures are mine, the grandfather is hidden in the ring, I would rather tell me to blame the world than teach the world to blame me...

Unfortunately, now, the protagonist's halo was once again shattered by Ye Han.

The corners of Ye Han's mouth turned up slightly, looking at Nalan Jie with a trace of contempt in his eyes.

"The old guy is really arrogant, are you still thinking about the dream of reunion?"

According to the original book and Nalan Jie's current expression, Ye Han instantly guessed his heart.

Being played like a fool, and thinking about stuffing his granddaughter with others, Ye Han had nothing to say.

Nalan Jie's face changed, his old face flushed red and his eyes widened with anger.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yan, he would have rushed up now.

"Poseidon, the title of Ice King is not suitable for you, change it." Ye Han ignored Nalan Jie, but looked at Hai Bodong.

His tone was indifferent, but with a hint of doubt.

Hearing this, Hai Bodong's expression changed.

Just when he was about to speak, suddenly, a stream of quicksand rushed out, turning into a sand phoenix and rushing towards Ye Han.

brush! ~

Reticent, without saying a word for a long time, the slender body of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, like a transparent man, flickered slightly, and then appeared beside Ye Han.

The rich dark power turned into a long knife as black as ink in her hand.

"Dark Demon Slash."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger snorted softly, waving the long sword in his hand, and all methods were shattered.

The sand phoenix turned into golden quicksand was torn apart in an instant, without any resistance.

"Who are you?"

A voice with a strong sense of alert sounded.

Immediately afterwards, an old tall figure appeared in front of Ye Han. He wore a pair of glasses, a square face, and a yellow robe.

Then, another figure followed.

This person is dressed in fancy clothes, and Dara has a pair of eyes, giving people a feeling of being awake but not awake, making people feel very uncomfortable and have a big fire.

"Guardian of the Gamma Empire, Xingtian, President of the Mittel Chamber of Commerce, Mittel Tengshan." Ye Han said.

Although he just came out, who are the strong people around him and what do they look like?

Ye Han had already figured it out.

"You know us."

Mittel Tengshan opened his eyes and looked at Ye Han with a look of contemplation in his eyes. At the same time, he turned his inquiring eyes to Hai Bodong, hoping to get an answer from him.

Unfortunately, Hai Bo Dong just shook his head.

How could he know about Ye Han's news.

"I don't know, but I'll get to know each other in the future. Say goodbye." Ye Han glanced at Jia Xingtian and Mittel Tengshan, and said lightly.

Then he flew into the distance, and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger glanced at Xingtian with interest, and then followed.

Jia Xingtian's eyes flickered without stopping.

After Ye Han and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger disappeared, Mittel Tengshan looked at Jia Xingtian and said, "Does Jia Lao know those two people?"


Jia Xingtian opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.


Everyone's heart jumped.

Then the knife from the little girl just now appeared in his mind, and the careless knife actually hurt the old-fashioned powerhouse like Xingtian.

Hai Bodong flew high into the sky, grabbed Xingtian's wrist with his palm, and then his face changed suddenly.

"Your vitality is fading."

Hai Bodong opened his mouth with an unprecedented dignified expression.

"I'm going to heal."

Jia Xingtian responded in a hurry, and without waiting for everyone to speak, he rushed to the palace in a hurry.

Hai Bodong could feel his injury, how could he not feel it?

He knows it better than anyone's perception.

At this moment, it is not only his vitality that has disappeared, but even his fighting spirit is quickly being swallowed up.

He regretted it, regretted it, regretted it very much.

Why did you just start testing?

The special energy with swallowing characteristics entered into his body along with his fighting qi, like a bone-eating maggot.

Now, the only ones who can save him are the two in the palace.

"Lao Hai, is Jia Lao seriously injured?" Mittel Tengshan looked at Dong Hai Bo.

Hai Bodong frowned, and when he heard Mittel Tengshan's words, his brows loosened slightly, and he shook his head. He didn't respond directly, but said lightly, "With the background of the royal family, it should be able to be cured."

After he finished speaking, he flashed and came to Nalan Jie's side, saying, "Give him to me."

In this regard, Nalanjie naturally did not dare to neglect.

"Senior, is he really Xiao Yan?" Nalan Yanran shouted on the ground.

"Is it that important?"

Hai Bo Dong said something lightly, his body rose into the air, and disappeared instantly.

Nalan Yanran looked at Hai Bodong who was far away, and couldn't help biting her lip, her small fist clenched tightly.

"Three years, I will not lose."

Thinking that Yao Yan might be Xiao Yan, thinking of Yao Yan's excellence, her superb medicine refining skills, and her powerful skills, Nalan Yanran suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

Whether it was Yao Yan or Xiao Yan, she only had a slight affection for him, not a liking at all. Now, knowing that Yao Yan was Xiao Yan, her faint affection instantly turned into caution and pressure.

"Whoever you are? I won't lose to you."

At this moment, several figures came galloping from a distance.

"I have seen Dou Huang, Patriarch Nalan, hello."

There was a man and two women, the man was a little feminine, and the women were one big and one small, all of them were beautiful and all over the city. They went up to say hello one by one, and then came to Nalan Yanran's side.

"Miss Nalan, what happened here? Who is fighting here?"

Dressed in silver-white armor, with a valiant appearance, the slightly older woman stepped forward and said to Nalan Yanran.

"Princess Yaoye."

Nalan Yanran came back to her senses and shook her head gently, saying, "I don't know who that person is, but UUkanshu seems to know ... Yaoyan, and there seems to be some relationship between the two. resentment."

"Yaoyan, what about others? Did something happen?"

Hearing that it was about the brilliant young man who stirred up the situation at the alchemist conference, and thought of the fluctuations in the battle just now, it seemed that Dou Huang was involved, Yao Ye's beautiful eyes couldn't help but flash a trace of anxiety.

In the past few days, it was not only that Nalan Yanran had a good impression of Yao Yanxin, but Yaoye also valued that young man very much.

"He's just injured and has been taken away by His Majesty the Ice Emperor. He has no life left, so don't worry, Her Royal Highness." Nalan Yanran exhaled softly and said.

Looking at Yao Ye in front of her, at this moment, this bright and cold girl suddenly became enlightened.

No wonder he always had a cold attitude towards me before, you are Xiao Yan.

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