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"The lord is here!"

The blue sky bull python and the giant ape looked at each other.

Let's just say, how could a "serious offender" who is being cared for so easily escape.

Now, everything is clear.

When the adults came, the man finally came out. Qingtian Niu Mang felt that his chance had come, his blood was boiling, and his emotions were instantly excited.

This is a good opportunity, as long as it is comfortable for him to lick, a snake girl, it is not easy to catch.

Qingtian Niu Python's face flushed red, as if he had taken medicine, and there were sparks of excitement in his eyes.

The Titan Giant Ape was startled by the excited azure bull python, which looked very much like... a bull in estrus.

"Look, as long as you find an adult, your life will be worry-free."

Qingtian Niu Python suppressed the thumping, thumping, and thumping heartbeat, and said to the frustrated Xiantian.

He Qingtian Niu Python could not guess what Xingtian was thinking at this time, otherwise he would definitely be the first to kill the old guy in front of him.

The old things don't look good, but they are beautiful.

I'm blind, but I can see you.

"Big, big, big man."

Jia Xingtian's eyes widened as he looked at Qingtian Niu Python, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

The existence in front of him actually made him look for that lord, who is that lord?

Can't believe it.

"Yes, it's him."

Qingtian Niu Mang nodded, looked at the sky, and said, "Tomorrow, go to him tomorrow, if you lick him... ahem, make him happy, don't say that your injury is hopeful, just enter the fight The realm of sect is not impossible."

Gum! ~

Xiantian swallowed his saliva.

He is not uninformed and ignorant.

But at the moment, he was shocked and speechless.

"Is that person really that powerful?"

Thinking about Ye Han's appearance, he is young and handsome, with a dashing style, dressed in white, indifferently out of the dust, he really does not look like an ordinary person.

However, his cultivation is too low.

"Stupid humans, knowledge is shallow." A trace of displeasure flashed in the eyes of the giant ape, and he said solemnly.

Jia Xingtian shuddered and quickly came back to his senses.

He knew the root and corner of these two existences, knew their strength, and understood that they did not need to lie to him.

After the Titan Giant Ape called again, it seemed like a bolt of lightning flashed across Jia Xingtian's mind.

"Nima, a little girl next to her, she almost killed herself with a casual knife. Faced with such an existence, she would even suspect that this is not a brainstorm?"

Xiantian cursed inwardly, and at the same time quickly apologized.

"It's my fault, you shouldn't doubt the two adults, please don't mind the two adults."

Facing the two Dou Zongs, Xingtian kept his attitude very low, and did not feel ashamed.

"We won't mind, but if you see that adult, it's better for you to restrain your thoughts, otherwise, if you annoy anyone, we won't be able to save you." Qingtian Niu Mang said.

"Also ask the adults to advise, Jia Xingtian is very grateful." Jia Xingtian bowed and saluted, lowering his posture.

"Just say whatever you want to ask, you humans have too many guts, and you hide everything like this, aren't you tired?" Qingtian Niu Python said.

"I want to ask, does that adult have any hobbies on weekdays, such as medicinal herbs and pills, martial arts, fighting skills, etc." Jia Xingtian did not dare to neglect, and immediately said bluntly.

"I don't know, you should all like it! If you have it, you can give it a little more. It's not surprising that many people have a gift. Anyway, it's not a bad thing." Qingtian Niu Mang thought for a while before saying.

These words are very level, so that the penalty day almost scolded the mother.

If he hadn't known the strength of the two people in front of him, he would have doubted whether the two of them and the young man had deliberately attacked him.

"Thank you for your advice, I'll go down and prepare."

Jia Xingtian was bleeding in his heart, knowing that he was going to bleed heavily this time.

But his face was calm, and he said goodbye after bowing.

"Tell me when you find someone, and I'll go with you to see the adults, let's go!" Qingtian Niu Python said.

"Yes." Jia Xingtian respectfully said.

"Young people are impulsive, passionate, heroic teenagers, if you have any real hobbies, I shouldn't need to remind you! Remember, this is not what I told you."

Jia Xingtian paused in footsteps, listened to the voice echoing in his ears, then stepped back and left here.

Qingtian Niu Python glanced at the Titan Giant Ape and found that he didn't notice his small movements, and he couldn't help but sighed in relief.

"Young people are impulsive, passionate, heroic teenagers, young people..."

Jia Xingtian kept repeating these words in his heart, frowning for a while, unable to grasp the point.

Nima, keep saying that we human beings have a lot of heart and mind, and we are bewildering. Are you still a bird?

I don't know if my brain is not working well with my age?

It's just for me to fix all these bells and whistles, isn't it bad to be honest?

What about the friendship between man and beast?

What about trust?

What about unity?

What about mutual aid?


Jia Xingtian left here scoldingly and returned to his palace. His beard had already lost a sliver.

"Oh, let's find someone first."

After thinking about it all the way, do you still fully understand the meaning of Qingtian Niu Python's words?

His lips twitched, and a strange wave was emitted.

Soon, a group of secret guards trained by the Garma Empire quietly left the palace.

Naturally, Xingtian will not forget that Qingtian Niu Python asked him to find someone tomorrow, but remembering it is one thing, and respecting it is another.

But he wouldn't go against the Blue Sky Bull Python foolishly and aboveboard, and wouldn't let him find it, he could find it secretly!

Shortly after the soldiers left one after another, the valiant Princess Yaoye came to the residence of Jia Xingtian.

At this moment, looking at the sudden appearance of Yao Ye, it seemed like a thunderbolt flashed across Jia Xingtian's mind, and it became clear in an instant.

Heroic teenager, passionate, impulsive teenager...

Heroes love beauty since ancient times, how can there be no sympathy for young people?

Jia Xingtian's eyes were shining, his heart was very excited, and he also wanted to curse.

"Isn't that just asking me to send a woman? Are you hiding it so much? It's cloudy and foggy, and I've lost so many brain cells." Jia Xingtian grinned in his heart.

That is to say, he can't beat those two people, otherwise he will definitely rush over and hang those two people up to fight~www.readwn.com~ Jia Lao, Jia Lao! ~~”

Yao Ye's face changed, and her voice was uneasy.

The guardian of the Jama Empire, with that strange expression, made the princess of the empire, who was commanding thousands of troops and fighting on the battlefield, feel uneasy.


Jia Xingtian came back to his senses, coughed twice, concealed his gaffe, and said, "Yaoye! Is there anything wrong with you and me?"

"Oh, yes, it's like this, Yaoyan was injured by someone, you see if we should help, after all, this kind of charcoal in the snow is not easy to come by." Yaoye said quickly.

That is to say, Yaoyan is involved. This kind of thing is a matter of the cultivation world. Otherwise, why would she come to see Jia Lao overnight.

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