From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 316: : Yellow flower girl

Chapter 317

Unfamiliar world, unfamiliar room, unfamiliar face...

Everything is unknown.

The unknown world, the unknown place, and the unknown people combine to form the fear of the unknown.

Liu Erlong's pupils shrank, his heart was full of unease, his voice was weak, and he said, "Who, who are you?"

The sunny and handsome big boy was stunned for a moment, stunned, as if he did not expect that she would ask such a question.

After being stunned for a while, the young man said of course, "I am your husband!"

Five or six words only made Liu Erlong struck by lightning.

who I am?

where am i from?

Where am I going?

Liu Erlong's forehead was full of question marks.

"Could it be that I lost my memory? Or got drunk and broke? Why can't I understand the meaning of these words?"

Liu Erlong was a little confused.

"Our rule here is that life-saving grace should be promised to each other. I saved you. Not only did I take care of you for a year, but I also served you to eat and drink. Of course you are my wife now." Ye Han, who was serious, explained.

Those azure blue eyes, as clear as crystal, are full of sincerity.

"I see."

Liu Erlong finally understood that it wasn't because he lost his memory and married himself again, or because he was drunk and had hallucinations.

The meaning of the young man's words is that he saved himself, and according to the rules, he is his husband.

"But, I, my age, are older than you, and..."

After understanding everything, Liu Erlong hurriedly spoke.

However, just halfway through the conversation, Ye Han interrupted him and said, "We have an old saying here, the third female junior holds gold bricks, the third female college gives Jiangshan, the third female gives the elixir, and the third female gives the country. Thousands are in the class of immortals... In short, the older a woman is, the more it will hurt others, and it is a blessing for a man to marry such a wife."

After speaking, Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong curiously, and said, "How old are you than me?"

Liu Erlong "..."

She was so angry that she wanted to curse.

"To be able to say that eating soft rice is so refreshing and refined, it is really a heifer taking off, and the cow is better than heaven."

But after living for so many years, Liu Erlong didn't live in vain. He knew when to be rude and when he could only pretend to be a grandson.

Resisting the urge to curse, she tried her best to squeeze a smile on her face, and finished the last sentence, saying, "It's not a question of how old you are, but, I, I'm already married."

"Is that right?"

Ye Han heard the words, got up directly, his upper body almost pressed against Liu Erlong's body, his blue eyes stared at the woman who was close at hand, as if he wanted to confirm whether she was lying.

The weight from his body made Liu Erlong take a breath, and a trace of panic and anger appeared in his eyes uncontrollably.

People are knives, and I am fish. In this situation, as a woman, how could she not panic? How can you not be angry?

"Yes, yes, I, I've really been married, my man is a man who stands above the ground, a hero, a hero, he is wise and wise, not only powerful, but also full of wisdom... ." Liu Erlong hurriedly said.

Ye Han was stunned and almost laughed.

Indomitable, big man, big hero, big hero, wise and wise, powerful, full of wisdom...

Is this the beggar you were talking about?

Ye Han suddenly had the urge to bring this woman to the hero in her heart and show her how upright, wise and wise the hero in her heart is.

However, in the next moment, Ye Han suppressed the tempting thought in his heart.

Liu Erlong's voice fell, Ye Han got up with a bitter look, and said in a sad voice, "That's a pity, our village is full of yang and yin, and there are more men than women. If you are not married, I can still marry you. Now, alas, it's up to the young men in the village to decide what you belong to every night, it's really cheap for those guys."

Ye Han looked lonely, then jumped out of bed and said, "I'll tell the patriarch about your situation. Those people have been greedy for you for a long time. If it wasn't for me to protect you, alas! It's a pity..."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong's face instantly turned pale as if he was struck by lightning.

Originally thought, telling him that he was married, he should not embarrass himself.

Who would have thought, this is jumping from a fire pit to purgatory.

"wait wait wait!"

Liu Erlong's eyes were sluggish, he saw the boy was about to open the door by the moonlight, his body jolted, and he spoke quickly.

"What's up?"

Ye Han stopped, looked back at Liu Erlong with a puzzled expression, and then said, "It's useless to beg for mercy, rules are above everything else."

After speaking, he will open the door.

"Wait, I, I lied to you, I'm not married at all." Liu Erlong hurriedly said.

Ye Han was puzzled, and came to Liu Erlong with suspicion, and said, "You are married now, and you are not married for a while, which is true and which is false? Which one should I believe?"

"I-I'm really not married, I lied to you just now." Liu Erlong said anxiously.

Although the light is relatively dim, it is certain that the young man in front of him should be no more than twenty years old. If Liu Erlong wanted to come, he should be easier to deceive.

But she didn't know that Ye Han's thoughts at the moment were similar to hers.

I feel that this woman is really deceiving. She just made up an unwarranted village and said some random rules, but she actually believed it.

"Really? I don't read much, so don't lie to me."

Ye Han's eyes showed doubts, and he slowly stepped forward.

Seeing this, a hint of joy appeared in Liu Erlong's eyes.

However, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Ye Han's body stopped instantly.

"The village chief said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceptive you are. You must be lying to me by being so beautiful. I won't be fooled. I will tell the village chief that you are already married." Ye Han said .

After he finished speaking, his speed was extremely fast, he turned around directly, and when he came to the door, he was about to open the door and shout.

Liu Erlong's expression froze slightly, but at the moment he reacted quickly, and immediately said, "Wait, I can prove that I really have never been married."

Ye Han's footsteps paused slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he became a little curious.

"Have you ever been married, how do you prove this?"

Ye Han secretly said that he didn't think of a way for a while.

Originally, he just wanted to scare this woman, but now, he was aroused by interest.

Facing Ye Han's doubtful eyes, Liu Erlong was awake for a while, his face flushed red, he opened his mouth, his eyes were full of shame and anger, and he was speechless for a while.

When Ye Han saw this, a thought flashed in his heart.

"This woman, wouldn't she want to use that proof?"

Although he had guesses in his heart, he did not reveal the slightest on the surface, still looking at her with a puzzled look.

Seeing that Liu Erlong was hesitating and unable to speak, Ye Han's doubtful eyes gradually became impatient.

"I, I, I'm still a girl."

Seeing the change in Ye Han's eyes, Liu Erlong's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to hesitate, so he spoke immediately.

Who knows, when Ye Han heard her words, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said, "It's up to you to say that, I'm not blind, so I can naturally see that you are a girl."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong rolled his eyes involuntarily, and said to himself, "The little guy is really simple."

"Then tell you this! I, I'm still a big girl, so you should understand?" Liu Erlong said.

Although her heart is full of, at this time, she can only go out and try her best to prove her innocence.

"Daughter of the yellow flower, girl of the flower, Ye Xi, Ye Xi..."

Ye Han's eyes flashed with a smile, and sure enough, his guess was accurate.

However, do you say that you are the eldest daughter of a yellow flower, or the eldest daughter of a cucumber?

I also said I was a virgin!

"I understand the big girl of the yellow flower, but you say so? I don't believe it, unless you can prove it to me." Ye Han's eyes narrowed and he said.

Talking about his innocence with a boy under twenty years old made Liu Erlong feel ashamed and embarrassed, and naturally he didn't notice the change in Ye Han's expression.

Now that Ye Han wants to prove it to him, this is a question, how to prove it? Do you really want to show him?

Ask for answers, wait online, and be in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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