From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 320: : rippling heart

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Queen Medusa originally wanted to find someone to pass on the position.

But she didn't understand what it was until she started to practice. The ideal is full and the reality is very skinny.

In the soul beast family, there is simply no one that can be of great use.

Even Di Tian, ​​who is the most human-like, does not have the overall view that controls the overall situation.

It may be possible to let him take care of a group of people, but to let him take care of many ethnic groups with different habits and let them coexist harmoniously is nothing like a daydream.

A group of powerful guys can be of great use, but there is not one of them.

What should I do, I can only teach!

There may not be many other things in human beings, but books, teachers who teach and educate people, absolutely have enough.

So, there is this scene.


Suddenly, slumped on the throne, Queen Medusa, who seemed to be weak, scolded and gritted her teeth at a certain guy.

As long as the thought of that guy ran out alone, and threw such a big mess into her hands, Queen Medusa was a little crazy, and she wanted to catch the guy back and beat him immediately.

At this moment, she suddenly shuddered.

"Who is talking about me?"

After muttering to herself, Queen Medusa was too lazy to think about it. After all, women like her talk to many people every day.

She sat cross-legged directly on the throne, her soul-sucking eyes closed quietly, and she closed her eyes and practiced.

The pressure Ye Han put on her, the development of the soul beast, the follow-up problems of the snake people, all the things were on her shoulders, so that she had no extra time to waste. Bastard, let's vent the depression in my heart, she has no spare time.


After excluding Queen Medusa, Ye Han looked back at Yaoye.

Then he shook his head, his feelings were not in place, it seemed inappropriate.

Suddenly, a person flashed in his mind.

"Wear my clothes and eat my fairy grass, you are my person, and you are."

With the goal, Ye Han couldn't help but outline a smile.

Then, he lowered his head, looked at Yaoye, his eyes were clear, and said, "Just kidding with you, put on your clothes quickly, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will do something outrageous."

After speaking, Ye Han got out of bed and straightened the messy pajamas.

Like that, like a ruthless scumbag.

Yaoye was a little stunned, looked at her body in a daze, and then exclaimed, hurriedly grabbed the quilt and wrapped herself tightly.

The dark night is a fig leaf, she still has the courage to put herself in front of Ye Han regardless of all worldly eyes, and has the courage to risk everything.

But now, in broad daylight, the sky is bright.

Her heart was instantly filled with shame, and now she just wanted to find a corner where no one was there.

Ye Han couldn't help shaking his head and turned to leave.

Yaoye wrapped herself in the quilt again, her head lowered, but out of the corner of her eyes, she kept secretly watching Ye Han's every move.

Seeing Ye Han shaking his head and leaving, Yao Ye's complexion changed, and his old troubles were repeated. Are you worried that Ye Han was angry?

Quickly took out the clothes from his own ring and put them on, and then walked out of the bedroom with seven points of shyness and three points of apprehension in his eyes.

Ye Han's back came into view in an instant, Yaoye bit her red lips lightly, a hint of firmness flashed in her eyes, she stepped forward quickly, her voice soft and weak, "I-I'll help you!"

Ye Han had just put on his coat, and his movements paused slightly as he looked at Yao Ye who came to his side.

"The princess waits to change clothes, it seems quite beautiful." Ye Han said with a smile.

Then, he opened his arms, his eyes were clear, and he looked at Yaoye with a smile on his face.

Facing Ye Han, Yaoye couldn't help but think of last night, this morning, and the shyness and embarrassment...

A bright and pretty face instantly turned red, she quickly lowered her head, approached Ye Han, wrapped her arms around Ye Han's waist, and tied the belt around him.

Ye Han lowered his head, looked at the bright red ear in front of him, sniffed the delicate fragrance of virginity lingering on the tip of his nose, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

"This is a world where strength is respected, not bad, really good."

In this world, as long as you have enough strength, you can really do whatever you want.

After Yaoye fastened her belt, she wanted to help Ye Han straighten the front of her clothes, so naturally she couldn't keep her head down.

As soon as he raised his head, he came into contact with Ye Han's cheerful smile, Yao Ye couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and asked, "You, you, what are you laughing at?"

"I thought of happy things so I laughed." Ye Han said.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to help Yaoye pull out a strand of hair that was caught in the collar, and carefully smooth it out for her.

The sunny and handsome smile, the gentle and graceful movements, silently, swayed the beauty's heartstrings.

Her eyes flashed slightly, and Yaoye quickly turned her head away.

"Actually, you don't have to aggravate yourself so much. I'm not a bloodthirsty person, and the Jiama Empire didn't offend me, and I won't deal with you for a trivial matter."

Under the service of the imperial princess, Ye Han slowly opened his mouth while changing and washing.

Yaoye knew that she could only listen now and did not dare to express her opinions at will.

"Of course, if you really want to give gifts or something, I'm also a layman, and naturally I won't. If you send a princess to warm my bed, it's not impossible to consider..."

Ye Han started to digress as he spoke, making Yaoye pretty blushed and extremely shy.

"Okay, okay, no kidding, you wash up too, we'll go to the palace." After Ye Han finished washing, he looked at Yaoye and said.


Yao Ye nodded lightly, his voice was like a mosquito, he answered in a low voice, then lowered his head and quickly ran back to the bedroom.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror, Yaoye patted her hot cheeks, pressed her palms against her pounding heart, and murmured, "Why did he suddenly become different?"

The cruelty and ruthlessness shown at the first meeting are still vivid in my mind...

But it's only been a day, why did I forget the ruthless pervert when he beat the black girl...

Now, why is he so reasonable, approachable, and gentle, but his identity is so noble, and in addition to his prominent identity, he is also so excellent, not only his own strength, but also his superb alchemy, and more It's breathtaking...  

Thinking of Ye Han's reining his horse from the cliff last night, and thinking that this morning almost caused a **** disaster, Yao Ye's face flushed even more.

On the one hand, she admired Ye Han's temperament a little, but she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in her heart.

In the situation just now, if you really sat down, what would happen?

With a sway in his heart, Yaoye's beautiful and refined face was instantly filled with shyness.


"Yaoye, what are you thinking, you bastard?" She secretly turned her head, glanced outside the bedroom, stuck out her tongue, and patted her chest with a guilty conscience.

dong dong dong!

Just then, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Yao Ye was startled and jumped up from her seat in a hurry, looking at the door with a look of panic.

"Are you alright? Hurry up! You are naturally beautiful, you don't need to dress up, you're pretty enough, just do whatever you want. Hurry up, I'll be waiting for you for ten minutes."

Ye Han's voice sounded slowly.

"Oh, oh, well, well, soon, soon."

Yao Ye was like a frightened deer, his face was red and blood was dripping, and a panicked voice came out.

"Am I so scary?"

Ye Han was speechless and touched his cheek.

Hearing the footsteps of Ye Han leaving, Yaoye took a deep breath, suppressed the rippling heart, did not dare to continue thinking, and quickly sorted out her appearance.

After being conditioned by the Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid, Yaoye's complexion was much better than before. The rough skin that needed a little makeup to cover up yesterday was now hibiscus from clear water.

In less than three minutes, everything was done.

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