From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 376: : teach swordsmanship

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Yun Lanshan topped.

Yun Yun was alone in the pavilion, staring blankly at Yun Lanzong below with a pair of wonderful eyes.

To be precise, it was looking at the two people who cooperated more and more tacitly in a small courtyard.

The breeze was blowing, the corners of the clothes were raised, the hair was messed up, and the heart was disturbed...

Yun Yun was very confused at this time, she wanted to rush down desperately, and questioned Ye Han fiercely.

But reason has rooted her feet, unable to move a step.

Nalan Yanran was pushed to Ye Han by her, so she had no right to blame him.

With long black hair, a dress as white as snow, a beautiful bump, a slender and full figure, indifferent and elegant, with an extraordinary temperament, but it can't hide the sadness and loneliness.

"Am I doing something wrong?"

The beauty whispered softly, with an undisguised helplessness and hesitation in her voice.

Looking down at the young man and woman who looked like a single body, Yun Yun felt as if a piece of flesh had been dug out of her heart by life, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe and penetrated deep into her bone marrow.

However, as long as she thinks of the scene in her dream, she is even more overwhelmed and full of powerlessness.

She is worried that everything in her dreams will become reality, and she is afraid of Nalan Yanran, the little girl who is in love at the beginning of her life.

She wanted to fulfill Nalan Yanran, but at this moment, she felt that she couldn't do it.

"Take a break!"

In the courtyard, Ye Han let go of Nalan Yanran's waist and let out a soft breath.

Teaching Nalan Yanran swordsmanship is really tiring.

Not physically tired, but mentally tired.

A young and beautiful girl, full of vitality, is very attractive to a young man with strong blood.

Ye Han was able to endure nothing out of the ordinary until now, which was enough to see that his determination was extraordinary.

But it's hard work to endure it like that.

Ye Han released his palm and looked towards the top of the mountain, only to see a white figure passing by and disappearing without a trace.

"Don't be angry!~"

Ye Han was dumbfounded.

It feels like something shouldn't be.

With Yunyun's eyesight and insight, she should be able to see the extraordinaryness of the exercises she taught, and she should be able to understand it by teaching her by herself!

Ye Han felt very difficult.

Everything he did was for Yun Yun!

It's a long story, but it only happened in an instant.

Ye Han let go of his hand and turned his head, muttering in his heart, everything was just between the lightning and flint that happened.

Suddenly, Nalan Yanran's delicate body lay softly on his chest, interrupting his thoughts.

Ye Han came back to his senses.

What caught my eye was a face as bright as a peach blossom.

Nalan Yanran's lovely fair cheeks were covered with red clouds, fine sweat oozes from her forehead, her body was as soft as noodles, her hazy eyes were like drunk, shy and cowardly, her emotions were complicated, she looked at Ye cold.

Ye Han "..."

This expression, he has seen too many times, is very familiar.

Isn't that the expression of those women of your own after being fed by yourself?

However, to Nalan Yanran, I just hugged her waist, grabbed her palm, and said something in her ear when I was teaching her how to practice the sword!

As a result, she became like this, looking like she could not bear the ravages, and could only rely on her own body to stand firm.

"Okay, take a bath, and then familiarize yourself with the swordsmanship I taught you a few times. If there is anything you don't understand, come back to me."

Ye Han injected his fighting qi into Nalan Yanran's body to help her recover her physical strength, and then let Xiao Xun'er and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger who were standing beside her send her back.

"Ye, Ye Han..."

With the help of the two women, Nalan Yanran, who had already reached the gate, suddenly turned around, looked at Ye Han, and hesitantly said, "Yesterday, last night, was that you?"

"What am I?"

Ye Han was puzzled, and then saw Nalan Yanran's embarrassed eyes, and the confusion in his mind was instantly expelled by a flash of lightning.

He instantly guessed what Nalan Yanran was asking?

So, he shook his head decisively and said, "It's not me."

"Okay, I get it now."

Nalan Yanran nodded, and with the help of Xiao Xun'er and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, she gradually walked away.

Ye Han couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, feeling that the little girl was deceiving.

But just when he was proud, a shy but firm voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Ye Han, my innocence has been tarnished by you, you must be responsible for me."

Nalan Yanran's voice made Ye Han's body stiff.

Take charge, I take responsibility for the hammer.

Isn't it just a few touches? Is there a little piece of meat, how can I tarnish your innocence?

Ye Han was speechless, feeling that the girls in this world had problems with their brains and their thoughts were too conservative.

Then, Ye Han shook his head, throwing away the thoughts in his mind.

Ye Han left the yard and walked towards the top of the mountain.

In Yunyun's bedroom, the beautiful woman in white sits cross-legged, like an immortal immortal.

After Ye Han came, her eyebrows moved slightly, and then there was no life, as if she didn't notice anything.

Seeing all this in his eyes, Ye Han couldn't help laughing.

Yun Yun sat on the futon to practice, Ye Han didn't bother, just sat down opposite her.

Look at her quietly to see how long she can pretend.

Yun Yun's skin is fair, soft and smooth like a baby, as if with a layer of fluorescence, her facial features are extremely delicate, and she is born with a soft aura. On the contrary, it makes people feel very comfortable and does not cause any pressure.

Ye Han quietly admired the beautiful face in front of him, intoxicated for a while, unable to extricate himself.

Suddenly, Yun Yun's eyes opened.

Those pure amber-like eyes widened, as if trying to make an angry gesture, but in Ye Han's eyes, they were not lethal.

"Look, what to look at, and then see me gouging out your eyes." Yun Yun pretended to be indifferent.

But that cute appearance is like a little milk cat with fangs and claws, which makes people laugh.

Ye Han stretched out his hand, rubbed Yunyun's head, then took her mature and plump body into his arms, lowered his head involuntarily, and kissed the red lips forcefully and domineeringly.

Yun Yun didn't expect Ye Han to be so rude all of a sudden. Looking at the rapidly enlarged face, her pupils couldn't help but dilate.

Then his mouth was blocked, and he could only let out a whimpering sound. He held a fist with a hand as white as jade, and lightly beat Ye Han's shoulder in a futile resistance.

But her resistance caused the dissatisfaction of the enemy.

So, the next moment, the resistance was curbed.

In an instant, the force of resistance collapsed.

The enemy forcibly broke through the barrier and entered, like a bandit entering a village, stealing and robbing all the way...


Ye Han smiled and looked at Yun Yun, who was limp in his arms, with red lips slightly open, and his chest undulating rapidly.

After her breathing calmed down, Ye Han said, "Don't be angry, I don't have any other intentions for Nalan Yanran. The reason why I taught her... fighting skills is also because of you."

"Because of me, is it because of me what you did underwater last night?" Yun Yun said angrily.

Ye Han "..."

He really wanted to nod and say yes.

But in this case, if he dares to nod his head, I'm afraid Yun Yun will beat his head into a pig's head.

As a man who has more than ten wives at the same time, he has a wealth of experience in how to coax women.

"I did a bit too much last night."

A mistake must be admitted, and then Ye Han said again, "But if I don't do that, Nalan Yanran will definitely have found me, and it's nothing for me to bear the name of a flower But, let your reputation be Damaged, then how can you let me bear it."

Yunyun "..."

Having said so much, in the end it's still for me!

Although a little embarrassed in her heart, Yun Yun is not an unreasonable person.

It was just out of jealousy just now, she naturally knew very well that Ye Han didn't lie to her.

If the matter between the two is revealed, the biggest victim will definitely be her, and there will be no accidents.

This is the disadvantage of being anonymous.

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