From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 434: : You are surrounded by me

Chapter 435 You are surrounded by me

The scarlet-red long sword is made by sacrifice and refining of the nine heavens and ten earths to the sun.

There are two such long swords, one is ice blue and the other is scarlet red. The ice blue one is the exact opposite of scarlet red.

These two swords were originally forged by the Snow Emperor during the decades when Ye Han was in the starry sky. However, the Snow Emperor's body was the Snow Maiden. Even if she practiced the methods of the yin and the sun at the same time, she also had her own way. 's preferences.

She still has some repulsion for this kind of yang and just, so she did not accept this scarlet sword, so this long sword has been flowing in Ye Han's hands, and she has been helping him pretend to be forceful these days. in the formless.

The crimson long sword is so gorgeous, it doesn't look like a weapon for fighting at all, it's a magnificent work of art.

When flying, it will drag out a long tail flame, as if the rainbow in the sky will last for a long time.

Following Ye Hanfengsao's flight path, a path of scarlet red circled over the head of the black bandit below.

How could the black bandits not notice such a blatant provocation.

A series of sharp arrows burst out of the sky, and ten thousand arrows shot at Ye Han. Unfortunately, only a few arrows were able to reach him, and they did not pose any threat to him at all.

"That's it?"

Ye Han looked down with contempt and raised his middle finger.

Of the more than 100,000 black bandit army, there are naturally many strong ones. After some people saw Ye Han's universal language, they immediately noticed the ridicule in that gesture.

So, five or six figures with wings on their backs rose into the air in an instant, chasing Ye Han towards the sky.

"Little, husband, stop making trouble, hurry up." Liu Erlong said with an anxious look on his face.

Right now, she just wanted to go through this most difficult period in a safe way and wait for her to recover. She really didn't want to accompany Ye Han to make trouble here.

"Xiao, you said I'm small again, it seems that I have to find a time to let you see how old I am." Ye Han said with a face full of resentment.

When Liu Erlong heard this, his pretty face couldn't help blushing and he spit, but instead of arguing with him, he continued to urge him to leave.

"What's the hurry? Even if you want to see my size, you don't have to rush for a while, there will be opportunities in the future." Ye Han said seriously.


Liu Erlong cursed secretly, she was almost immune to Ye Han's verbal teasing.

When she saw that the man didn't listen to his advice, she could only watch him die, praying in her heart that he would be beaten to death by these people, and at the same time she had to pray for his safety.

"Let me go down to you."

Ye Han ignored Liu Erlong, but let Liu Erlong and Xiao Xun'er stand behind him, then he used his fighting spirit to condense a Clear Sky Hammer, looked at the enemy soaring into the sky, shouted, The hammer turned and suddenly fell.

Bang! ~

Heaven and earth shook, space trembled, under this hammer, time and space were whining, the power was too great.

The imitation version of the Clear Sky Hammer zoomed in at an extreme speed, directly covering the two who were soaring into the sky, and slammed into the two of them with a slamming sound.

With two bangs, like a watermelon, the two of them exploded directly, turning into a mist of blood, leaving no bones behind.

"How dare you, court death!"

The rest of them dispersed instantly, surrounded Ye Han in the middle, and scolded coldly, but the fear in their eyes could not be concealed.

With just one blow, two Dou Wangs were killed. What kind of fierce person is this?

The hearts of these surviving Douwang realm powerhouses are trembling, looking at Ye Han, full of fear.

However, they never thought of running away.

It's not that they are not afraid of death, nor that they are loyal and want to avenge their dead brother, but that they still have backing hands.

All they have to do is delay for a while!

"Bold thieves, you are already surrounded by me, and you will be captured before you can." Ye Han roared loudly, resounding through the sky, with a serious look.

The few fighting kings alive were startled, their eyes flickered, and they turned to look around.

There was also a certain riot in the black army below, mainly because Ye Han's aura was too strong, combined with his majesty to kill two fighting kings with one blow, it was indeed very intimidating.

The enemy was flustered and suspicious, but Ye Han was ruthless and brought Lao Yinbi's personality to the extreme.

Taking advantage of your chaos to kill you.

Bang Bang and two hammers smashed it. The two Douwang strongmen already knew that the man with the mask in front of him could not bear the attack at all, but they wanted to avoid it, but found that their body was firmly locked, as if there was an invisible shackle He was firmly fixed here, and there was no way to hide.

That is the suppression of the Qi machine brought by the huge force, which will make the body stiff.

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the powerful Douwang. Seeing that he had no choice but to grit his teeth, he could only bear it.

With two bangs, the two of them vomited blood directly, their hands were broken, and the whole person flew out.

However, because it was a hasty shot, this blow did not kill the two of them, but only caused them to break their hands and suffered heavy injuries, and they lost their ability to continue fighting.

"Surrender everyone! You are already surrounded by me. Our policy is to treat the prisoners preferentially. Don't make senseless resistance, so as not to expose the corpse to the wilderness." Ye Han raised his sledgehammer and pointed at the enemy on the opposite side, talking nonsense in a serious manner.

The remaining two people's breathing stagnated for a while, their scalps felt numb, and they had the urge to run away.

Suddenly, Ye Han, Xiao Xun'er, Liu Erlong, and the two people on the opposite side let out an exclamation at the same time, and then fell directly into the void like an angel with broken wings.

"Damn it, is there a Forbidden Space Array in Dou Qi Continent?" Ye Han cursed inwardly.

This is really pretending not to be struck by lightning.

Ye Han knew what he had encountered in an instant. He forcibly stabilized himself, grabbing Liu Erlong and Xiao Xun'er one by one, and then relying on his strong physical fitness, he hugged them and forcibly moved his body in the void.

Boom twice! ~

Ye Han relied on the bodies of the two black bandits as a springboard, relieved the force of the fall, and carried them to the ground smoothly.

Unfortunately, the surrounding area is already crowded with people.

"Pretend! Why don't you continue to pretend?" Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han's confused look and couldn't help sneering.

"What am I pretending to be? Didn't you see that they were already surrounded by me?" Ye Han quietly swallowed his saliva, as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"Me, can we still leave alive?" Xiao Xun'er looked at Ye Han and muttered softly.

"Trust me."

Ye Han glanced at her and said three words lightly.

Then, Ye Han released the two of them and stepped forward, leaving the two women with a tall Finally, a solemn warning, you are already surrounded by me, please put down your weapons, do not make senseless resistance, lest you error. ' Ye Han's voice sounded.

This time, hearing his voice again, hearing him repeat the words just now, Liu Erlong did not ridicule, but a strange light flashed in his eyes.

This person, in this situation, can still shout such words, either a fool or a lunatic, or he has enough confidence.

Obviously, Ye Han is neither a fool nor a lunatic, so what is his confidence?

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, Liu Erlong wanted to know what Ye Han's confidence was.

Xiao Xun'er looked at the tall figure, and inexplicably felt a sense of being protected again in her heart. This feeling has never happened before, and she was warm and at ease.

"Where's the idiot from, let's go together and kill him."

A sudden scolding sounded, causing the atmosphere that Ye Han created in the hearts of the two girls to shatter.

"Idiot, um, it's really similar." The corners of Liu Erlong's lips couldn't help but lift slightly.

Xiao Xun'er also nodded in agreement.

"Mummy, if I don't call all of you idiots today, wouldn't I really be an idiot." Ye Han's mouth twitched slightly, and a roar came out of his mouth.

With a wave of his palm, countless golden beans fell from the sky.

"Today, I'll let you **** see what it means to scatter beans into a soldier!" Ye Han said.

(End of this chapter)

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