Chapter 479

Liu Erlong looked at everything in the room, his pupils dilated and his face was pale.

The man in the room became so unfamiliar, so hideous, so terrifying...

"Why, why did it become like this? All I taught him was the Holy Dragon Art?" Liu Erlong said, but his voice was blocked by a strange force and could not be transmitted to the outside world, only Ye Han around him could hear it.

"Are you suspecting that it was me who did it?" Ye Han laughed.

Then he looked at Liu Erlong who couldn't bear the blow and collapsed in his arms, and said, "The Holy Dragon Art has the characteristics of dual cultivation, otherwise why would your strength increase so fast, but Yu Xiaogang is a talent! Not only did he discover this trait, but he made it even more domineering."

"Okay, the good show is over, it's time to get down to business."

After speaking, Ye Han put his index finger and thumb into his mouth and whistled.

Sharp noises echoed far in the night sky, and in an instant, dozens or hundreds of figures appeared around this luxurious manor.

At the same time, Yu Xiaogang's door shattered, and Yu Xiaogang, who was disheveled, appeared in the courtyard in an instant.

"Who dares to run wild here?" With a loud shout, Yu Xiaogang stared at the wolf, and then his heart skipped a beat.

Among the hundreds of figures that appeared around the manor, there were dozens of them that were no weaker than him, which made Yu Xiaogang's heart sink slightly.

"Little, Xiaohan..."

Liu Erlong opened his mouth and couldn't help holding Ye Han's hand, a look of pleading on his face.

No matter what Yu Xiaogang has become, after all, there was a good time between the two, and Liu Erlong naturally didn't want to see Yu Xiaogang fall before his eyes.

But before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Yu Xiaogang's voice.

"Erlong, it's you."

Yu Xiaogang looked at Liu Erlong, his eyes suddenly became extremely ruthless.

Suddenly seeing such a big battle, and seeing Liu Erlong appear in front of him, he would naturally think more, thinking that Liu Erlong betrayed himself and brought people to surround him.

But he didn't think about it either. He has always used Liu Erlong, always hiding his head and showing his tail. He has never revealed his residence and trends to Liu Erlong. not at their own place.

Ye Han raised his hand and patted Liu Erlong's head, and said, "It's fine for us to deal with men's affairs. Don't worry, I won't kill him for your sake. After all, he is... cousin. ."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han couldn't help but pull Liu Erlong behind him and looked at Yu Xiaogang.

"You, it's you."

After Yu Xiaogang saw Ye Han's face, his pupils shrank fiercely.

Liu Erlong didn't know Ye Han, it didn't mean that Yu Xiaogang didn't know either. He knew himself and his enemy, and he would not be in danger in a hundred battles. For revenge, he planned and waited for decades.

Although not many people know the relationship between Ye Han and Bibi Dong, Yu Xiaogang deduced some from the scales and claws.

Behind Bibi Dong, there has always been a figure, that is... Ye Chen's father, Ye Han.

Yu Xiaogang even suspected that Ye Chen might be the child of Bibi Dong and Ye Han.

It's a pity that Ye Han Shenlong can't see the beginning but not the end. Wherever he has passed, all that is left are legends. Yu Xiaogang's original identity could not reach Ye Han at all. Until now, today is the real first time between each other. face to face.

"If you can do it, try not to force it. Come, today I will show you the real holy dragon art." Ye Han said, his feet squatted slightly, one arm was raised, and the other arm was swayed at will, making a jump. hand movements.

But with such a simple action, a faint golden light spread out from his body, and a faint sound of dragon roar shook the void.

Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrank slightly, naturally not to be outdone, and also made a gesture of the holy dragon art.

However, unlike Ye Han's upright and awe-inspiring, Yu Xiaogang's holy dragon art revealed a hint of gloom and eerie, although it looked more soul-stirring, but compared with Ye Han's, it seemed too petty. There is loss of light.

boom! ~

Ye Han threw a punch, dignified and upright, and the sound of the dragon's roar could not be heard.

Yu Xiaogang also punched out, the blood dragon flew into the air, the yin qi lingered, and the boundless evil qi raged...

Peng! ~

One hit and collided, Ye Han's body swayed, and he was actually somewhat lost.

"Hahaha, how powerful I think you are, it turns out that it's just an appearance." Yu Xiaogang had the upper hand with one blow, and he couldn't help but be proud of himself, laughing wildly.

"I'm kidding you? Look at what you're proud of, wife. For your own sake, I'll give him a chance to reform his evil ways!" Ye Han turned to look at Liu Erlong and said.

Hearing this, before Liu Erlong could speak, Yu Xiaogang couldn't sit still.

"you wanna die!"

With a roar, Yu Xiaogang ran the holy dragon art with all his strength, the sound of the dragon's roar resounded through the void, and then turned into a lingering blood dragon with boundless yin qi, which charged towards Ye Han with its teeth and claws.


The speed of the blood dragon transformed by Yu Xiaogang was very fast, carrying a turbulent aura, as if it could destroy the sky and destroy the earth. In the blink of an eye, it spanned the distance between Ye Han and Ye Han, but Ye Han hadn't recovered yet. The head that spoke to Liu Erlong, seeing this, Liu Erlong's heart throbbed slightly, and he said without thinking.

A hint of surprise flashed in Ye Han's eyes, and then a smile from the bottom of his heart appeared on his face, and one arm suddenly raised his hand.

At this moment, the palm of the hand circulated the yin and yang qi, evolved the universe, and reshaped the rules. Like a small world, it directly responded to the flying Yu Xiaogang.

The speed that was originally as fast as lightning suddenly slowed down after touching Ye Han's palm, the turbulent momentum disappeared in an instant, and Hualong's body also collapsed rapidly.

As if he had thrown himself into a snare, by the time he actually made contact, Yu Xiaogang's neck had already appeared in Ye Han's hands.

Facing Ye Han's playful gaze, Yu Xiaogang's eyes only had boundless fear.

"Don't be afraid, you are also a cousin anyway, right! For Erlong's sake, I will also give you a chance to be a new person, you must seize it!" Ye Han looked at Yu Xiao, who was full of fear. Just, with a gentle smile.

"You, are you serious?" Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrank slightly, and a trace of joy flashed in his eyes, said.

As long as you don't die, everything has a chance.

Yu Xiaogang swore in his heart that he would repay the hatred of his wife.

"Of course, but I heard Erlong say, you seem to have an opinion on our marriage?" Ye Han asked suspiciously.

Yu Xiaogang glanced at Liu Erlong, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Bitch, it's all because of you, even telling him everything.

Liu Erlong shook his body slightly, and read Yu Xiaogang's mind and understood the meaning in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Yu Xiaogang's shameless words in order to survive.

"Those are just the family's decisions. After I go back, I will try my best to persuade the family to agree. After all, you are so good, Erlong can follow you, it is her honor, I wish you a hundred years in advance, no, it is Wan Happy new year, happy forever."

"Hahaha! Yes, my cousin looks like a talented person. In that case, I will give Tang brother a I hope Tang brother will behave well in the future, and don't waste my heart! "Ye Han laughed and said, loosening Yu Xiaogang's neck and placing him on the ground.

"Thank you, thank you, from now on I will definitely change my mind and be a new person..." Yu Xiaogang nodded and bowed, but his eyes were full of resentment.

Then, he just let out a scream, the sound is shrill, making people feel creepy.

Moreover, with the power of massive rules, it poured directly into his wound. From now on, if his understanding of the rules does not surpass Ye Han, then he will have absolutely no hope of recovery.

"You're welcome! You are Erlong's cousin. After all, we are also relatives, so we should help each other. Today, I will help you get rid of the trouble, and you will be able to truly be a human again in the future." Ye Han smiled and took back the murder weapon. , reached out and patted Yu Xiaogang on the shoulder, saying kindly.

Yu Xiaogang heard the words, his mouth could not help making a crackling sound, and then rolled his eyes, and passed out without saying a word.

"The follow-up matters here are handed over to you." Ye Han explained to the person beside him, and then turned away directly.

(End of this chapter)

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