From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 511: :Mystery man

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

A tall figure, a cold pretty face, and a cold long sword.

Ruthless man, ruthless sword.

It was as fast as lightning, it was close, it was close, it was about to pierce into Ye Han's chest, but at this moment, **** suddenly stretched out from one palm, the back hair came first, and instantly clamped a sharp sword that was advancing forward. .

The flames were burning, but they couldn't burn the slightest bit. They were only two fingers, as white as green onions that had just been peeled off. The delicate fingerprints were clearly visible, but these **** tightly clamped the murder weapon. Don't let it get any closer.


Xuanyi turned pale in shock, his eyes moved away from those two fingers, and then directly met a pair of cold eyes.

Xuan Yi, who was startled, was really frightened and angry, and then the anger grew from the heart to the courage, and the sword in one hand was instantly changed to two hands.

The turbulent fighting qi surged out, and Xuanyi instantly burst out with the strength to suckle, but Ye Han's palm did not move at all, but a large mouthful of blood was involuntarily spurted out of his mouth.

Resisting the pain that felt like his body exploded, Ye Han twisted his wrist slightly, and with a bang, the long sword in Xuanyi's hand broke instantly, disintegrating inch by inch.

Too much force, coupled with the loss of her mind, caused her to stand unsteadily, and her body was out of control, and she instantly threw herself on Ye Han.

Ye Han bit the tip of his tongue, condensed the last strength, hugged Xuanyi's body, and the power of the uncontrollable ghost blood pill rushed directly into Xuanyi's body, causing her to be severely injured in an instant, and the muscles in her body were broken. His internal organs are riddled with holes, and if he is not strong, he will definitely die in an instant.

"For a while, a good heart gave you a way of life, but you don't know the good or the bad. If you want to die, then you can't blame me. Whether you live or die depends on your own destiny."

Ye Han muttered to himself, and then his body shook, and the clothes on the two of them disintegrated instantly...

"You, uh!~"

The sudden heavy trauma made Xuanyi's mind bewildered, but as a woman, she suddenly lost all her clothes, and the coolness of that moment made her dizzy head instantly regain a trace of clarity.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she felt a tearing pain...

Then the whole person was overwhelmed by a tidal, indescribable feeling.

"Phew! It's finally recovered."

After three hours, Ye Han couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, then got up and moved his hands and feet, feeling the power of his own, and then looked down at lying on the ground, his face full of love and no focus. Looking at the sky, Xuanyi kicked her angrily, but in the end she couldn't bear to hit her hard.

She took out a piece of clothing and gently covered her jade body.

"It'd be fine if you didn't leave just now, you have to come for stimulation." Ye Han shook his head and muttered to himself.

"Today's humiliation, if I don't die, I will pay it back in the future." Xuanyi turned to look at Ye Han, with bitter hatred in his eyes.

"If that's the case, then I'll kill you." Ye Han sat down beside Xuanyi, his palms touching her collarbone.

Xuanyi had already twisted her neck for Ye Han, and instinctively closed her eyes, waiting for death to come, but after waiting for a long time, she did not feel suffocated, but felt that Ye Han's palm was gradually touching her. face.

The moment she opened her eyes, she heard Ye Han sighing a little.

"It would be a pity to kill such a beautiful woman like this." Ye Han sighed while stroking Xuanyi's fair and delicate face with his palm.

"If you want to kill or slash, please listen to your respect, why bother to act so arrogantly that it makes people feel sick." Xuanyi twisted his head weakly, trying to break away from Ye Han's claws, but after finding that it was just useless, he couldn't help but grieved.

"Your name is Xuanyi, right? Why don't you follow me in the future, as a slave and a maid to repay my grace for not killing me today, that's good." Ye Han said with a smile.

"You are dreaming, if you don't kill me today, I will kill you in the future." Xuanyi's limbs were sore and weak, but he looked at Ye Han with a stubborn expression, and he refused to give in at all.

"Haha! There are many people who want to kill me, especially women, and there are more women who say the same thing to me, but without exception, the end result is that they fall in love with me, you say, you will be a Is there an exception?" Ye Han held the woman in his arms, and while speaking, his palms became irregular.

Xuanyi's hair froze instantly, his muscles were tense, his face flushed red, and his big eyes glared at Ye Han angrily.

"Don't look at me like this, I kindly let you go, but you don't know what's wrong, and you came here secretly and almost killed me. From now on, you will be my maid, if you dare not obey, I will find a brothel to take you. Sold." Ye Han said with a smile.

"You dare?" Xuanyi angrily scolded.

But Ye Han laughed and said, "You'll know if you dare or not."

clap clap clap! ~

"Friend Daoist's return to the carbine is really a good method. It's really hard to deceive me. If I disturb your good deeds, it can be considered even!" The crisp applause mixed with the hoarse voice slowly echoed in Ye Han's voice. ear.

Ye Han's face suddenly changed, and his heart sank.

The person who appeared suddenly escaped his feeling. If the other party hadn't taken the initiative to speak up, he probably wouldn't have been able to find out.


Xuanyi didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly struggled and shouted in Ye Han's arms.

But how could she be stronger than Ye Han.

"I don't even look at your current appearance. If you escaped from my arms like this, I'm afraid you just came out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den." Ye Han controlled Xuanyi and reminded him lightly.

When Xuanyi heard the words, she became alert and found that because of her struggle, the clothes that Ye Han covered on her body had slipped, and the plump **** wrapped around her...

But there is no doubt that the look of looking at flowers in the fog and acting is undoubtedly more attractive.

The current appearance is exactly as Ye Han said, if he ran out, he would not seek rescue at all, but would be tempting to commit a crime.

After understanding his situation, Xuanyi had no choice but to be honest.

"Could you avoid it, fellow Daoist?" Ye Han glanced at the person who came, and found that the other person's body was wrapped in a thick layer of black mist, and he could only say so after he couldn't see through it at all.

The mysterious man glanced at Ye Han, then looked at Xuanyi in Ye Han's arms, and probably guessed what he was going to do, so he nodded and said, "Yes, but I hope fellow Daoists don't even think about running away!"

Having said that, he turned around.

Ye Han retracted his gaze, looked at Xuan Yi, and said, "If you don't want to be seen by others, just be obedient."

Xuanyi opened her mouth and wanted to refute, but in the end all the words were dead, only her cheeks were flushed, and Ye Han was shy and angry to help her put on the clothes.

"Not bad! It's very predictable!" Ye Han couldn't help but praise when he looked at the black clothes that still looked bumpy when he put on his large clothes.

Hearing this, Xuanyi just glared at Ye Han fiercely, but did not speak.

If eyes could kill, Ye Han would have died thousands of times.

"Be serious, don't seduce me." Ye Han said with the appearance of a decent man after seeing his eyes.

"What, my special..."

Xuan Yi, "Am I seducing you? Can't you sense the murderous aura in my mother's eyes?"

Xuanyi's teeth were itching with anger, but unfortunately he was tossed for three hours, and now he was really exhausted, and he didn't even have the strength to move a finger, let alone fight with Ye Han.

"Cough cough! There will be time after the two flirting, should we talk about business now?" The mysterious man turned around, and a faint voice sounded.

"You bastard, open your dog's eyes and see, who is flirting?" Ye Han hadn't spoken yet, but Xuanyi opened his mouth and cursed.

Now I can't wait to kill this **** around me and flirt with your mouth.

Xuan Yi was really annoyed.

Ye Hanqiang held back his smile and quietly gave a thumbs up to the woman in his arms.

At the same time, a cold and bone-piercing killing intent descended directly on Xuanyi's body, leaving her angered brain blank, her face instantly pale as paper, and the whole person's soul seemed to be pulled away .

"Women are open-minded, so why do fellow Daoists have the same knowledge as him?" Ye Han said, a golden light curtain bursting out of his body, isolating the mysterious person's aura, and said lightly.

After the golden light curtain rose, Xuanyi involuntarily opened his pale lips, like a stranded fish, in Ye Han's arms, he took a deep breath.

After a long time, he regained his senses, and the side face looking at Ye Han couldn't help being dazed. Is this what it feels like to be protected?

"For the sake of fellow Daoists, let this matter go."

The mysterious person has a restrained attitude and speaks With his identity and status, even if an old opponent sees him on weekdays, he would like to stab him with a thousand swords, but on the surface, he has to wait for a moment. Who dares to scold him in front of his face?

But today, she was scolded by a woman. If it wasn't for Ye Han's identity, Xuanyi's current body would definitely be a corpse.

"My purpose, with the wisdom and ingenuity of fellow Daoists, I already know it. Since that's the case, I won't beat around the bush. Give me what I want, and I will owe you a favor from now on." The mysterious man took a deep breath and said.

Ye Han took a serious look at the mysterious figure in front of him. After a long time, he couldn't help but grin and nodded, "Okay!"

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