From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 522: : Tianmu Mountain

Chapter 523 Tianmu Mountain

The blue sky stretches as far as the eye can see, a big sun hangs high, dotted with blossoming white clouds, empty and beautiful.

At this moment, two whites and one red, three figures galloped from a distance like a long rainbow piercing the sun, streaking across the sky with a swoosh.

On the top of the mountain soaring into the clouds, a tall and tall figure in white clothes fluttered in an instant.

"Hahaha! I'm the first, there is no doubt that I'm still the strongest." The man laughed and opened his arms, and then a figure in white was too fast to control his body and plunged into his arms. middle.

Immediately afterwards, almost at the same time, a woman in red clothes, fluttering black hair, a beautiful face, and a charming figure, exuding amazing charm all the time, like a stunner, appeared beside the man in an instant.

"You two, get out of here!"

A pair of soul-stirring phoenix eyes looked at the two hugging each other, and a hint of grievance appeared involuntarily.

These three are none other than Ye Han, Yun Yun and Queen Medusa.

"Hahaha! If you lose, don't deny it." Ye Han hugged Yun Yun, looked at Queen Medusa and couldn't help laughing.

The three made a bet and competed for speed, and the result turned out to be Queen Medusa with the highest realm and the slowest.

Ye Han is a monster, so there is no need to say much about his speed, but Yun Yun, this newcomer who has just become a fighting saint, is even a little faster than Queen Medusa, a six-star fighting saint, which is a bit unbelievable.

Although Yun Yun didn't slow down at the last moment, she had some opportunistic tricks, and she had a certain advantage because of her wind-type fighting spirit, but if she won, she won, which Queen Medusa could not accept.

But Ye Han's words managed to arouse Her Majesty's pride.

"Humph! This king counts what he says, everything is up to you today." Queen Medusa snorted coldly.

"Okay! Her Majesty's words of gold, I admire it from the bottom of my heart..." Ye Han immediately flattered, but what he got in return was a scorn from Queen Medusa.

The three of them spent the most beautiful half a year traveling in the mountains and waters.

Then Ye Han started alchemy again, and finally let the two take them to the endless sea.

There is the base camp of the soul beast clan, and I don't know how it is now. The current Queen Medusa is already a seven-star fighting saint. As long as she does not encounter a nine-star fighting saint, she is basically an invincible existence, plus Yunyun, it is enough. Protect the soul beast family from being violated.

The return of the two of them was timely. Without bloodshed, they directly prevented the overseas Dragon Island's comprehensive suppression of the soul beast family, and successfully avoided the destruction of the soul beast family. The reason is very simple, because Zhu Kun recognized Medusa. Queen.

The so-called flood swept the Dragon King Temple, the family didn't know the family, that's all, the tense atmosphere was resolved dramatically.

"Tianmu Mountain, the tide of spiritual energy, I don't know what kind of secrets it contains?"

Ye Han changed his appearance slightly, but he was still handsome and slag, and his temperament was noble and refined. At first glance, he was not a thing in the pool. He stood on the top of a high mountain and looked at the dense crowd around him and couldn't help muttering to himself. .

Tianmu Mountain, the biggest chance, in the original book, is undoubtedly the blood pool where Xiao Yan can break through Dou Zun, but in Ye Han's view, the energy tide here is the biggest mystery, and it contains a huge fortune.

At this moment, a loud chirping sound suddenly came from the distant horizon, and it immediately attracted countless gazes around him.

Ye Han turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from, and saw a colorful giant crane in the distance fanning its huge wings, leaping towards Tianmu Mountain like a gallop.

The sun shines on the gorgeous feathers, reflecting a dazzling luster.

At the same time, various whispers sounded, indicating the identity of the person who came.

One of the Sifang Pavilion, Fenglei Pavilion, Miss Feng, Feng Qinger, and this colorful spirit crane is the other party's mount.

However, what made Ye Han laugh and cry was that this colorful crane was not biased and flew towards the mountain where he was.

After thinking for a while, Ye Han didn't want to cause trouble, so he could only move his footsteps to the side.

He did this, and not many people despised him. In this world where strength is paramount, what he does is a normal behavior. If he refuses to leave for the sake of face, it will appear to everyone that he is mentally ill.

The speed of the colorful spirit crane was very fast, and it came to the front in an instant.

As the Linghe slowly descended, the first thing that caught Ye Han's eyes was the moving figure in the head of the crane with a fluttering colorful dress.

The woman was wearing a colorful short skirt, looking from a distance, revealing a kind of nobility that could not be concealed, her cheeks were slightly thin, her perfect melon-seed face, and the pair of purple-brown gemstone eyes, she looked even more beautiful and holy, and the colorful skirt fluttered. In the air, a white streak is faintly visible...

His appearance and temperament are all the best choices. Even Ye Han couldn't help but glance at it, and couldn't help but scolded in his heart, "This **** safety pants."

Feng Qing'er swept her beautiful eyes, looked at Ye Han lightly, and was surprised by his appearance and temperament, but it was only for a moment, so she stopped paying attention.

In a world where strength is respected, good looks are useful.

There is no doubt that the appearance of Ye Han who had just avoided has been caught in her eyes, and Ye Han has also been labelled by Feng Qing'er as a dud.

After taking a look, he stopped paying attention.

This is how people are, you respect him, he takes it for granted, and even despises you in his heart, but if you treat it like air and ignore him, he will think that you are provoking him, not giving him face, and thus hold grudges. on you.

This kind of behavior, in an elegant way, is called human nature, and in a rude way, it is called vulgarity.

"I wonder if that guy will come here?" Feng Qing'er looked into the distance and muttered to herself.

"Miss, don't be careless, that guy can escape from the hands of the The strength is obviously not to be underestimated." The person next to Feng Qinger heard the words of his own lady, and couldn't help but smile and reminded. .

"Yeah! I will." Feng Qing'er nodded.

But his face was calm, and he obviously didn't take his words to heart.

"Is it that guy? If so, it would be really fun!" Ye Han secretly said.

He changed his appearance, and he was not afraid of being discovered at all.

At this moment, seeing Feng Qing'er and hearing her words, she couldn't help thinking of the original book.

I thought that my arrival had changed a lot, but now it seems that not much has changed, and the history is still surprisingly similar.

The tide of spiritual energy disappeared, and all those who wanted to enter Tianmu Mountain in search of opportunities began to show their magical powers, and one by one they poured into the channel opened by Tianmu Mountain.

That Feng Qing'er did her part even more, turned into a colorful rainbow, and rushed out instantly.

But Ye Han gave her face, but others didn't.

A figure dressed in black, carrying a violent aura, flew directly over her head and entered Tianmu Mountain first.

Seeing this, the arrogant and arrogant Feng Qinger's face would not look good, but after all, she had already left, so she didn't have much to say.

But just when her figure paused for a moment, and just wanted to continue her steps, a figure in white was walking by Shi Shiran's side, and the second one entered the Tianmu Mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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