From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 577: : Women's Federation

Chapter 568 Women's Federation

Fairy Qing didn't know exactly what happened between Xuanyi and that person, but she could tell from Xuanyi's expression that it was definitely not a good thing.

However, although he and Ye Han have a lot of compelled feelings, more of them are their own needs.

So many years have passed, the feelings for Yaochen when I was young have long been forgotten in the long river of time. Occasionally, when I think back, I just smiled knowingly at my youthful youth.

However, the appearance of that man, although taking away her body, also filled the vacancy in her heart and saved her sect.

At the beginning, Fairy Qing really didn't have much affection for Ye Han, but she didn't hold any grudges. After all, she was asking for others, and in the company of several years, her long-empty heart was quietly invaded by that person. .

It is undeniable that she has him in her heart, and when they parted, Ye Han's words I will come back filled her heart directly.

But now Xuanyi wants her to kill him, how is this possible?

"That's right, not only do I want to kill him, the people we are here today are all looking for revenge on him. Only with his blood can we wash away the shame we have suffered." Xuanyi said in a cold voice.

Now Xuanyi has only hatred in his heart, hatred for Ye Han, what he did to Xiaoyixian, what he did to Xiao Xuner, Qingxianzi and others, but he forgot himself.


When Fairy Qing heard this, she looked at Xiao Yixian and Xiao Xun'er with a look of surprise in her eyes.

Xiao Xun's cultivation is only at the peak of Dou Zong, which is nothing to worry about, but Xiao Xun'er's strength surprised him a little.

"I am a top Dou Sheng peak, I know that person is very strong, but you don't have to worry at all." Xiao Xun'er said.

After noticing Fairy Qing's eyes, Xiao Xun'er thought that the other party was worried about her own strength, so she directly stated her cultivation.

In the conversation between Xuanyi and Fairy Qing, Xiao Xun'er already knew that the man must have been to Huazong.

And with Xiao Xun'er's understanding of that person, how could he let go of such a beauty as Fairy Qing.

In Xiao Xun'er's mind, she was preconceived and never thought that Fairy Qing was voluntary, and she fell in love with that person with all her heart during the time they were together.

"Are you really sure about dealing with that person?" Fairy Qing asked tentatively when she heard Xiao Xun'er's words, her face changed for a while.

"Don't worry, although that person is strong, we are not weak, and besides you, I have other helpers." Xiao Xun'er looked at Fairy Qing and said confidently.

Xuanyi looked at Fairy Qing with some doubts. The woman's sixth sense told her that Fairy Qing's expression was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong for a while.

"If that's the case, then I'll join forces with you." Fairy Qing thought for a while, then nodded.

Xiao Xun'er was too confident. Although Fairy Qing believed in Ye Han's ability more, just in case, she decided to break into the enemy's interior and check out the enemy's internal information for her lover.

"In that case, welcome to join."

Seeing Fairy Qing agree, Xiao Xun'er finally showed a happy expression on her face, she stretched out her lush palm, and looked at the other party with a look of hope.


The two white and slender palms were tightly clasped together, and then they looked at Xuanyi and Xiaoyixian on the side.

The latter glanced at each other, and then stepped forward, also putting his palm on it.

"Let's work together to eliminate evil for the people, eradicate this social scum, remove this scum, and do a good thing for the world." Xiao Xun'er looked at the three of them, her small fists clenched, her expression excited and high-spirited.

"Remove the scum to correct the social atmosphere."

"Remove the scum, to be right..."

"Clean up the scum..."

The four women raised their arms and shouted one after another, like the general mobilization before the war, and their emotions were extremely high.

It's just the specific thoughts in these people's hearts, or the thoughts in Fairy Qing's heart, that only she knows.

After the alliance ceremony ended, the four of them immediately changed their names. They were ranked according to age and seniority, and Fairy Qing actually became the boss of these people.

Then a few people found the woman in white standing in a daze in front of the golden chrysanthemum in the garden in the backyard.

"Teacher, what are you looking at?" Xiao Xun'er stepped forward, hugged the arm of the woman in white, and asked curiously.

While speaking, Xiao Xun'er's eyes followed the line of sight of the woman in white, and she also noticed the dazzling, golden chrysanthemum.

"This is? What a magical flower." Xiao Xun'er exclaimed.

"How's your business going?" The woman in white came back to her senses, turned to look at Xiao Xun'er, and said.

"Mm! It's been negotiated." Xiao Xun'er didn't look back, her eyes were fixed on the golden-brilliant Qirong Tongtianju, she nodded and said, "Teacher, what kind of flower is this, do you know it?"

"Qirong Tongtianju, a top-notch medicinal herb with a strong foundation, unfortunately, it is of little use to us." The woman in white said.

Her words made Fairy Qing's beautiful eyes flash slightly, and she couldn't help but glance at the woman in white in surprise.

As a native of Douba Continent, Fairy Qing also got this fairy grass from Ye Han, only then did she know that there is such a peculiar flower and grass in the world.

However, this woman in white was able to recognize Qirong Tongtian Ju at a glance, so Fairy Qing couldn't help thinking about it.

"This plant is indeed magical. I can feel the surging power contained in it. If it can be refined into a medicinal pill, it may have incredible effects?" Xuanyi looked at the Qirong Tongtianju and said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Xuanyi saw Fairy Qing's anti-thief gaze, and she was a little embarrassed, and said, "Occupational disease, don't mind, this is your baby, I won't do anything to him without your consent. ."

Xuanyi's words made Fairy Qing feel a little felt that her reaction was a little big.

So he pretended to be proud and said, "Where? Isn't it just a medicinal herb, if necessary, it will help us avenge us, and it is nothing to contribute."

However, Fairy Qing was careless and forgot that the person in front of her was Xuan Yi, a straight person.

"Since you say so, then I'm welcome. The strength of the little medical fairy really needs to be improved, and your herb has a great effect." Xuanyi said.

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Fairy Qing to respond, she just waved her hand and put away the Qirong Tongtian Ju.

The corner of Fairy Qing's mouth twitched, and she suddenly wanted to cry without tears. She was extremely annoyed and felt that she had made a mistake. She should not be polite to this woman.

"Ah, second sister." Xiaoyixian's mind was clear, and she could see the reluctance in Qingxianzi's heart, so she pulled Xuanyi and reminded in a low voice.

Originally, Xiaoyixian called Aunt Xuanyi, but as the number of people increased, it meant taking advantage of others, so she had to change her tune, and let Xiaoyixian call herself Second Sister.

(End of this chapter)

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