From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 346: I smell something here

"That was so relaxing," Mark sighed in satisfaction taking a sip of his orange juice. 

They were currently sitting in a café right opposite the Glitter Unisex spa they just walked out from. Since Mark asked her out to chill, Tang Li decided to let him select the place and he chose this spa. They spent three hours in the spa and Tang Li felt as if she had thoroughly pampered herself. 

Starting from massage, manicure, pedicure, fruit facial to finally getting her hair done, she felt a little relaxed.

"Yes, that was good," She took a sip of her third black coffee.

Mark glared at her before grabbing the coffee mug before she could take another sip of it, "Why are you drinking this bitter coffee? Aren't you fond of sweet things?" He frowned.

Tang Li paused for a second before she spoke up, "Patience is bitter but it bears sweet fruit."

Were they still talking about coffee? Mark was sure that they were not.

Looking at his bewildered face, she chuckled, "I am just reminding myself to stay calm and not be impulsive. And to be honest, I have been craving coffee lately."

"You have already finished two mugs. Too much caffeine won't do you any good," He spoke up but the woman seemed to be very persistent as she tried to grab the coffee from his hand. "You are drinking insects, you know?" He said.

And that made her pause. 

A triumphant smile made its way on his face, "The FDA' studies show that more than 10% of coffee beans become infested with roaches and other insects. They are unable to process them out completely so they just get roasted and ground up with beans," He smirked looking at her blank expressions. He was an expert when it came to pushing her buttons

Tang Li was speechless. What he said was a piece of common knowledge and she was aware of it but she never pondered about it before until now….

She suddenly felt nauseated as an image of cockroaches wandering around in a pile of coffee beans which were later roasted, eventually ending up in her coffee mug appeared in her mind.

"I… I… " She covered her mouth with the back of her hand and stood up from the chair before running to the side.

"You… What's wrong?"

As Mark waited in front of the ladies' room, he could hear the retching sounds slowly calming down. He knew that she was a neat freak and he deliberately spoke up about all that so that she will be disgusted and not continue drinking coffee. But it seems like he underestimated this woman's OCD. 

She has been vomiting for five minutes.

Tang Li came out with a few tissues in her hand as she wiped her mouth.

"Are you feeling better now? Shall I take you to the hospital?" He asked, concerned about her.

Tang Li shook her head, "I am fine. I just threw up all the coffee in my system."

"You... You are truly a bossy CEO from those comics," Mark muttered as he wrapped an arm around her before dragging her out of the café.

"I have a thing for Stockholm syndrome, wanna try?" She glared at him.


"Since when have you learned such terms?" He almost choked on his saliva, "Anyways, I am afraid of pain. Why don't you take Mo Yuhan as your captive?" He mocked her.

Tang Li was speechless.

How she wished she could scheme Mo Yuhan and make him her captive, capturing him inside Grace villa, she would love to tie him to the bed and have her way with him for a lifetime. But that man was too…. Unbending.

"Where is your secretary?" Mark asked. 

Tang Li had left her secretary inside the spa so that she would give herself a break. Even though work could be pretty hectic, Si Xiu never complained about it so Tang Li decided to give her a small break so that she could relax. And since she had brought her own team of hidden bodyguards with her this time, her secretary obeyed.

"I am here. I could not find you both earlier," The woman in discussion popped out from behind them.

Tang Li sighed as she looked at her watch, "Let's go to the shopping mall. It's time."

"Time for what?" Both Si Xiu and Mark exchanged confused looks.

"Time for 'Oh hi, I did not expect to bump into you here' mission." She murmured before walking towards the car. One of her bodyguards held the door for and she stepped inside without looking back at the dumbfounded duo.

Time for what mission?

Si Xiu: "_" You sure you are not out for war?

Mark: "_" Time for a good show!

Beijing Airport:

"Assistant Rin, do you smell that?"

Assistant Rin adjusted his thick-rimmed glasses that lying atop his nose bridge before looking around the crowded airport, his nose kept twitching, "Sir, I don't smell anything. What do you smell?"

"I smell… What do I smell? It's certainly something strange. The air or Beijing has a smell of change," Perhaps it was because of his age or his experience, either way, the old man trusted his instincts.

Assistant Rin waved his hand slightly and two bodyguards in casual outfits walked towards them before carrying the old man's luggage.

Assistant Rin eyed the old man with a hesitant gaze wondering if he should speak or not. It has been so many years since he is working as his right-hand man but he still could not read his mind.

Old Master Tang walked out of the airport and without looking back, he spoke up, "Rinrin seems to have some doubt. You can ask me about it."

Assistant Rin snapped out of his daze and ran towards the man, "How do you know that, sir?" He asked, inwardly ashamed of the nickname that the old man has selected for him.

Old Master Tang chuckled, "In recent years, my granddaughter kept me confined inside the villa and we didn't get the chance to work together but don't forget that you have been working for me for more than two decades; not only as my assistant but also as my bodyguard." The moment his footsteps slowed down, he knew that the man was hesitating about something.


A/N: 2.5k votes= 4 chapter mass release(will try to make it 5)

Do vote for this book with power stones. Btw, who else was disgusted by the coffee thing?

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