From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 362: Skipped three physics classes already

As soon as they walked out of the hospital, Ye Jie ran towards them as he looked at his friend in irritation, "Mo Yuhan, how could you take her to the hospital by yourself? They are keeping an eye on you and by doing this, you are letting them take leverage of your weakness. What if they used her to go against you? When they hold her hostage tomorrow, will you do their bidding?" What frustrated him further was that despite all the lecture, there was no change in the man's expressions. 

Ye Jie glared at the man as he continued, "Mo Yuhan, are you really bewitched by that woman? You want to risk everything for her? That bit…"ch. He had to put a sudden brake on his tongue the moment Mo Yuhan looked at him with that pair of blue eyes filled with menace.

Ye Jie gulped, "What I mean to say is that poppy is a beautiful woman. It won't be good to let her go through all this." What he wanted to say was maybe Tang will remain unharmed, but Mo Yuhan won't escape from the situation unscathed if those higher-ups in the military decide to use Tang Li to lure Mo Yuhan back to his position.

The suffocating aura in the air seemed to have disappeared in an instant.

For now, It would be best for him to stay away from Tang Li. Nobody would use that woman to threaten him and secondly, it would hurt his sister less, Ye Jie thought to himself.

Knowing how much he loved Tang Li, there were zero possibilities for Ye Lan and Mo Yuhan. But he did not want to see his sister getting hurt again and again by seeing the couple together. After this mission, Mo Yuhan will no longer have any links with the military.

He will go back to his life of being the mighty Crown Prince of Mo's Family while they would go back to their usual life. Till that time, he did not want his sister to go through the pain of unrequited love by watching her beloved man doting on another woman.

As a brother, that was the least he could do for her.

Ye Jie expectantly looked at Mo Yuhan waiting for his response.

Mo Yuhan expressionlessly looked at him, "Noisy," He muttered before walking towards the black sedan parked on the other side of the road.

"_" Ye Jie was speechless, "Hey what do you mean? Don't you agree with what I said?" He shouted but there was no response from the other side.

Ethan looked at the man coldly, "You think that man needs your suggestions? Tsk!" He clicked his tongue before walking towards his car in a grumpy mood.

Ye Jie was stunned. What is up with them? Did he miss something?

Back inside the hospital ward.

"If you have something to say, then just say it. Why are you hesitating so much?" Tang Li looked at him questioningly.

Mark smiled wryly, "Isn't it all because of you? You are such a husband-doting wife. You can't take a word against him," he grumbled.

"It's about him?" As Mark nodded, she said, "Then it's more of a reason that you tell me."

Mark sighed. He knew that she wouldn't let this go until he told her about it, "You…Why don't you leave Mo Yuhan?"

She raised an eyebrow.

He continued, "Look darling, although I don't know what's going on between you both right now. But, aren't you tired of all this? You are not like this. You are not someone who would cling to a man like this. He was so persistent about pushing you away from him, then why don't you leave him? It's not like you are a damsel-in-distress who must have her Prince Charming. I mean…Look, I am not trying to drive a wedge between you both but…The first time I got to know about your relationship with him, I was very happy because he was treating you well. But right now, he is trying to send you back to Beijing. Do you think he is up to something?" 

Mark helplessly sighed, he did not know how to explain what he was feeling. He just couldn't find the proper words to describe his thoughts. 

"You mean to say that he might be losing interest in me?" Tang Li asked, coming straight to the point.

"You…I can see that he cares for you. But…" He sighed yet again, "In love, all the bounce will go flat, like soda with the top left off. So, if you are not treated well, leave him and just walk out of this relationship."

Tang Li chuckled, "I can leave anyone but him."


Tang Li looked into the distance as if she recollecting some distant memories.


"Lili, come down" The 16-year-old Mo Yuhan looked at the girl with a frown.

The girl sitting on the tree branch swung her legs even faster, "Your tone is so harsh. Do you want to scold me as soon as I come down?" she squinted those adorably round hazel eyes.

"_" He did think like that. "It's dangerous there. Come here," Mo Yuhan tried his best to speak in a softer tone to coax the girl.

"No, I am not going down. You said that you would take me out to play today but now you changed your mind. Going back on words….it is the wrong thing to do," The 13-year-old girl made a cross sign with her hand as she shook her head in disappointment. Her twin pigtails swayed with her fast movement.

She pouted, "Liar liar pants on fire."

"I've skipped three physics classes this week. Today is the class test," Mo Yuhan furrowed his brows. His mother made sure to check the results of all the class tests and exams. So, skipping this weekly test meant more nagging.

Tang Li tapped her chin in contemplation while her other hand held the branch of the tree tightly. "I have an idea," she said.

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