From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 391: A leopard never changes its spots


Tang Li sat up on the bed in a flash with her heart racing rapidly.

'Tick tock…Tick tock'

The sound of the large clock hanging on the opposite hall amplified the eeriness in her surroundings.

She gasped for breath as her chest heaved up and down. Her long black hair fell over her face as she tilted her head down.

Weaving her fingers through her hair, she tucked them behind her ear before looking around.

The room was dark.

''Yuhan…Did you hear that?" She asked, keeping her gaze stuck on the clock. It was already past midnight so possibly, it was just an illusion.

Why would there be a gunshot at this hour?

"Yuhan…" Thinking that the man is asleep, she extended her hand towards him to wake him up but…

She realized that the other side of the bed was empty.

She glanced at the side which was cold now.

As realization dawned on her, she stood up from the bed in a flash and ran towards the door only to realize that she was only wearing her undergarments.


She turned the lights on before running to the wardrobe and grabbing the first thing that came to her hand. It was Mo Yuhan's blue T-shirt. She grabbed a pair of shorts hanging in front of her.

Putting it on, she hurriedly ran towards the door only to find it locked.

"Sure enough…A leopard never changes its spots…" She muttered to herself before walking back towards the wardrobe.

This man will always leave her behind and try to face the dangers alone.

She took out an exquisite jewelry box and pressed a small switch beneath it. It opened with a small 'click'.

Different rays of colors shone in the dimly lit room the moment she revealed the black diamond ring he gifted her on her birthday.

Beside it, there were the red royal gemstone ring of the Tangs and the vine bracelet-shaped green gemstone of the Songs.

She carefully removed the cushion holding the three priceless treasures and pick up the fourth one hiding beneath.

NS Edge.

She refilled the bullets inside the pistol before aiming it at the door lock.


A large dent appeared on the lock but it didn't break.

She kept the box in the wardrobe and stood at a distance from the door, this time aiming for the top of the lock-beneath the steel bars that go through chains.



The lock cracked along with its mechanism. She took a step back as the door landed straight inside the room with a loud noise.

But to her surprise, despite the loud noise, there was no movement in the other rooms in the same rows.

She doubtfully walked out of the room before knocking the room in front of her.

No response.

She twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door.

The room was empty.

She checked the second room and it was empty too.

She was sure that people were living here. Where did they go?

She closed her eyes trying to remember the last piece of the map she had given to Mo Yuhan.

If she remembered it right, the location leads to the ballroom where the masquerade party was held.

Tang Li put the gun in her waistband and hid it inside the loose T-shirt before running towards the direction only to find countless men standing at the entrance making a human barrier.

Her brows tugged together.

She made a small movement with her fingers to check if her team of bodyguards were around.

But there was no movement. And it confirmed her doubt that things were not simple.

Given that she was sleeping in the room, they must have followed Mo Yuhan to protect him as per her order.

"Who are you?" A man noticed her presence.

Realizing that hiding was of no use, she walked out of the dark spot holding the gun in her hand pointing it at the man's head.

The other men pointed their guns at her.


Tang Li slid behind the pillar swiftly dodging the bullet.

Just as she pulled the trigger, the door to the grand ballroom opened and the men immediately retracted their weapons before making way for the person who walked out.

Tang Li walked out of the pillar, still holding the pistol in her hand. She was greeted with the sight of a young girl in her early 20s. Short red hair and delicate looks but there was an extraordinary aura around her.

She frowned, wondering why she found this person a bit familiar.

"Sister Li…?" The girl looked at her in surprise. Sweat was dripping down the girl's face and body as her chest heaved up and down.

Tang Li raised an eyebrow as she glanced at the girl, "You know me?"

"I…I am Linlin. You don't recognize me?"

"Lin...Lin?" Tang Li furrowed her brows in confusion, "Huangfu Lin?"

"Yes," She smiled at her.

Huangfu Lin was none other than the head of the Huangfu Family whom Mo Yuhan mentioned when she was in the hospital. The medical genius and the one in charge of the fourth royal family.

No wonder she found her familiar. She remembered the small 12-13-year-old girl who would come to stay at their place with her grandpa, years ago.

"You've grown up. I could not recognize you," Tang Li walked towards her, "How did you know it was me?"

"Brother Yuhan said he locked you inside the room. But if anything went wrong, you would probably be here," The girl smiled at her.

Tang Li's lips twitched. This man…is really good at infuriating her sometimes.

"Where is he?" She asked.

"He is dealing with the people from Kingsman Faction in that direction," Huangfu Li said, pointing towards her right. Just as Tang Li turned around to leave, the girl grabbed her hand, "Sister Li, half of my people are there. Don't worry, he will be fine. I need your help here or else the situation will get tricky."

''Help? With what?" Tang Li was bewildered.

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