From Fish to Dragon

10 Getting permission

Even when the two dragons returned to the other plane, the dark clouds still hadn't completely dispersed. Ye Qin turned around to look at Kong Bo and Wang Tao who were still shocked with their mouths gasped open and smiled

Leaving the mess behind, Ye Qin starts walking out the door then paused and said "Fatty aren't you coming?"

Wang Tao suddenly snapped out of it and replied "Ah? Ah of course!" as he followed his boss out the door. The two boys waited for the Wang's driver for a while before getting into the car and went directly to Wang Tao's house

Stepping out of the car, the two boys went inside the three-story high mansion. Inside the house, Wang Tao's mother welcomed her son back home then noticed Ye Qin behind him. "Nephew Ye, will you be staying for dinner?" Mother Wang asked

"I will, thanks for having me." Ye Qin bowed and replied politely as the two boys walked upstairs to Wang Tao's room. As they walked, they walked by the living room where Wang Tao's father sat and read the newspaper whilst Wang Tao's elder sister wore loose clothing and lied down sloppily and watched the tv

"Hey dad, I'm back. I brought my boss with me too, we need to talk to you privately later." Wang Tao said

"Oh, staying for dinner?" Wang Tao's father asked Ye Qin

"Thanks for having me, Uncle Wang." Ye Qin said as the two boys kept walking and finally arrived at the staircase and got up

Once they got to Wang Tao's room, the two boys put their bags and jackets down whilst Wang Tao went to change, Ye Qin focused his mind into his Monster Sea

Focusing for a few moments, Ye Qin saw a large space and arrived at the seven beams of light. Seeing two lights, in particular, shining brighter than the others, he knew that the lights belonged to the Gold and Silver dragons respectively

"I'll need to gather the materials for the other five during this journey to the Abandoned lands, this months allowance isn't enough to buy the necessities. Though the current two are more than enough to get far into the final exams." Ye Qin thought

Once Wang Tao finished changing, he called out his Blackgold Python Tiger and let it lay on his bed whilst the two boys chatted

Ye Qin looked at the python tiger and thought, "since my dragons can shrink maybe Fatty Tao's cat can too?". Thinking this, he stood up and poked the tiger in between its forehead lightly


As if the tiger knew what Ye Qin thought, with a light poke the tiger became encompassed by a golden cloud before shrinking into a cub-sized tiger though with the same appearance

Wang Tao turned to see his partner shrinking and said "Ah! What happened?!"

"It's fine, it can transform in between both forms freely. Since you are its master you can just speak within its mind." Ye Qin replied

"Oh, so it's the same as your dragons turning back into a koi, I see you scared me for a second there." Fatty Tao said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead

After dinner, the two boys went into Wang Tao's father's study and sat down across from the latter. Before his father could say anything,Wang Tao said "Dad we want to take a leave of absence from school and need two passes to go to the Abandoned Lands."

Hearing this Wang Tao's father's mouth twitched and replied "You want a what?"

"You didn't hear wrong, today boss evolved his monster! If you see it now you might even sh*t your pants!" Wang Tao said excitedly with a calm face

Ye Qin nodded as he stood up and called his gold koi out


A golden koi danced in the air elegantly as it gave off a slightly fierce aura, Wang Tao's father noticed a change in the koi and asked "It evolved but… Can it fight even then? I mean sure it can fly but.."

Suddenly the koi flew to the largest area in the room and with a puff of smoke, the small koi's body expanded in an instant stretching to a length of 10 meters! Slowly, it's four claws appeared along with its large body, then finally it's head


The golden Qiulong roared lightly however it still frightened Wang Tao's father making him fall off his chair. Seeing this the two boys smirked as Wang Tao's father slowly shouted "Wha? How can this be? A fish turning into a dragon?? This is unheard of!"

Luckily the study room had great sound insulation keeping the noise contained solely within the room. The golden Qiulong then shrunk into a 3-meter long dragon then flew downward and coiled around Ye Qin's body and rubbed its head against his face

"Hahaha." Ye Qin laughed

"So, can we get a pass now?" Ye Qin asked

"Uh… Even if I allow the two of you to go, I'll still need to hire a bodyguard to go along with you." Wang Tao's father replied

"Dad, I'm telling you we don't need one. Just the two of us are enough, we won't venture outside of the allowed zone, besides boss still hasn't shown you his true strength." Wang Tao said

"What? What do you mean by that?" Father Wang couldn't help but ask

"Well you see.." Ye Qin said as a silver flash of light appears and another koi dances in the air

Seeing this, father Wang said slowly "What? Another one? Wait.. don't tell me!"


The silver koi transformed into a Yinglong in its full form before similarly shrinking and coiled around Ye Qin. "What in the heavens?!" Father Wang shouted

"Hehe, I told you so." Wang Tao said


Father Wang stared at Ye Qin and the two dragons for a while before getting up and wiped the dust off before calmly saying "Ahem ahem, since I've seen your true strength I'll allow it, as for the passes that will take a bit of time since you're still in school."

Hearing this the two boys looked at each other and nodded, as Ye Qin left the Wang's home, he went home and brushed his teeth before lying down on his bed and used his smartwatch as he fell into a slumbe

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