From Fish to Dragon

12 The Golden Monkey

After picking up the remains of the Rocky Earthworms, Ye Qin turns to look at the scrawny monkey they had saved from the earthworms. The monkey is slightly gold in color and if one looks carefully they would be able to see a peach shaped mark in the area between its eyes

[Golden Peach Monkey]

[Grade: Mythical]

[Level: 1]

[Type: Beast]

[Element: None]

[Evolution: ???]

"What the f*ck? This scrawny thing is a [Mythical] grade monster?" Ye Qin screamed internally, he then looked at Wang Tao and said "Fatty… Do you trust me?"

"Huh? Why are you asking me that? Of course I do! If you tell me to walk through fire and water I wouldn't hesitate to do it!" Wang Tao replied confidently


"Well, you see this monkey?" Ye Qin asked

"Yea?" the latter replied

"Well.. It's a [Mythical] Grade monster…" the former said


After a moment of silence, Wang Tao laughed out loud "Hahahahhaha! You're hilarious boss. This little thing? I'd rather believe you telling me you could fly to heaven!"


Seeing Ye Qin's serious expression, Wang Tao paused before saying "Seriously?". Ye Qin nods



"What the f*ck!" Wang Tao cursed loudly slightly scaring the monkey in front of the two. "Well there's nothing we can do about it, so let's just take a picture of it before leaving." Ye Qin said as the flash from a camera shines


The two boys then turned and jumped on their monsters as they slowly took off. As they grew further away, the Golden Monkey screamed at them making them look back at it. "Huh? What's wrong with it?" Ye Qin wondered as he flew back down towards it

The monkey then jumped happily as it attached itself to Ye Qin's shoulder, he tried to pull it off using all his strength, however, Ye Qin found that he couldn't budge it at all so it let it do what it wanted as the two boys flew off

After flying for a while and not seeing any monsters, the two boys found a small cave to stay in for the night. The cave wasn't too big or too small, being able to fit both of them along with their tent and other things

Wang Tao took out the tent and let it set up automatically as Ye Qin took out some firewood and lit it up. Placing a frying pan over the fire and spreading oil around the pan, Ye Qin took out some beef and cooked it then threw in some green peppers

Woosh* Woosh*

As he made the meal, the golden monkey jumped around him for a bit then went off on its own and sat down crossed legged and closed its eyes as if it were meditating. Looking at it's strange behaviour and stats, Ye Qin thought to himself "A golden monkey with a peach mark… Along with its grade, it can't be that right?"

Suddenly, golden light seeped outside of the monkey's eyes as it's body started floating up slowly. The two boys watched it for a while as the food cooked then when it finished cooking, the monkey stopped meditating and ate along with the two boys

"Hmm a monster eating human food? Must be a special trait of a [Mythical] grade monster." Ye Qin thought as they ate peacefully

After dinner, Ye Qin gave Wang Tao a minor test to check his knowledge. Looking at his best friend getting 3/30 correct, Ye Qin sighed as he face palmed himself and thought "How did he make it to third year with results like this?"

Wang Tao laughed as he looked at his score and said "Ah well.. I like to play hooky so um.. Yea.."


Ye Qin then transferred over his notes on monsters he learned at school and the information from scanning textbooks and monsters during his private time

Leaving Wang Tao alone, Ye Qin went to bed as he made sure Wang Tao studied and warned him before covering his head and slept soundly until morning whilst the Golden Monkey slept outside the tent

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