"What's going on? We clearly saw the two large beams being fired before the drones were destroyed. The little dragons were still fine, in just a second they were seen falling down, while the two big ones were in a different location!"

"That's right! How did they win within a single single instance without an explanation? There's no way anything can move that fast, if they could, why did they only do so at the end?"

The students were rowdy. They all had seen what they had seen, but didn't have an explanation for why one team had lost without reason. All they knew was that Ye Qin and the Nine Peaks academy had won this year and took first place between the top ten universities in China.

Even the teachers and principals of the universities were scattered. They had seen the exact same thing that the students saw, they only felt the powerful lingering effects of the spatial element being used once the two dragons came falling from the sky.

Even with all their knowledge put together through many years, they simply had no answer for what had occured. Only Ye Qin himself knew the answer to everyone's question.

Not even Wang Tao knew what had occured, he knew that his brother had won and didn't seek an explanation.

As for Ye Qin, he heard a notification go off in his mind.

Ding! Ding!


[Level Up]

[Level Up]

The Qiulong and Yinglong had gained two entire levels from beating the opponent. Of course, with such a big difference in level, it was no wonder they leveled up even with such a huge amount of xp needed.

Since he had won, the judge who was clueless announced the winner. "The Nine Peaks academy lead by Ye Qin wins!"


Those from the Nine Peaks roared in excitement. Their rank had gone up to first place this year. With this change, more students would want to enroll into their university in the future.

Ye Qin wasn't excited like the others, of course, he was happy that he won, but for a different reason. He looked into the distance, and looked at 'her'

She looked back at him, before turning around to leave. He sighed and turned around to head up with Wang Tao and to receive his reward.


"Student Ye Qin, what reward do you want. Don't decline, you deserve it, the academy will do anything in our power to get whatever it is you seek."

An old man spoke. He was sitting in a large chair, with his hands on his desk. If one were to look around, they would be able to see a sign that reads; 'Headmaster' on it.

The old man was the headmaster of the Nine Peaks academy. Now that he was in charge of China's top university, he had to do his job properly.

In front of him, were two young men who had represented his academy a couple days ago. The two students were of course Ye Qin and Wang Tao.

"I have some things I need, I don't know if you'd be willing to gather these items?" Ye Qin said, as he sent over a list of items he needed to the headmaster.



The headmaster tapped his smartwatch after receiving the list. As he pressed to open the list, his eyes widened in shock. "This… do you really need this stuff?" he asked.

"Indeed, is it too much trouble?" Ye Qin asked.

"Well, not exactly, it will take some time to get the things listed. I'm not sure if I can even get you everything. But what do you need these for, could it be you plan to evolve your monsters?" the headmaster asked.

When he had enrolled into the Nine Peaks academy, he had provided his Gold rank Breeders license to the academy. As the headmaster, it was obvious that he would be informed of this. Once he knew this, it would be easy to guess.

"Something like that. I may visit the Breeders Association some time to get a higher license." Ye Qin replied.

"... Do you even want others to live? A man with not only a powerful dragon, but even has two of them, on top of being a Gold rank breeder, wants to increase it further?" the headmaster couldn't help but remark.




"Alright then, I promise you to collect all the things on this list, I'll get all the other fogeys to help as well. Their collections should have a few items throughout all these years."

"Thank you, headmaster. We will take our leave." Ye Qin and Wang Tao bowed respectfully, as they left the headmasters office.

A while after they left, the headmaster started mumbling to himself; "Hehehe, I wonder how those old fogeys will feel once I show them this list of items."


"Boss, you plan to evolve your monsters further? The list of items don't seem to match well." Wang Tao asked.

"You're right, the list includes things for both of us, as well as others as well. I planned on telling you later, but now seems like a good time." Ye Qin nodded.

"The materials are not only for us, but for Sun Zhan and 'her'. Once we graduate, I want to expand our team from just the two of us into a larger team in the Monster Realm."

"That makes sense, but wait… Her dragons can evolve as well?! Boss, your goldfinger is great!" Wang Tao said.

"You knew? Why didn't you say anything until now?" Ye Qin asked, surprised.

"Haha, I've been reading novels for years. Besides, I saw a shooting star heading for your rooftop one day, then I heard that you collapsed for an entire night, it was an obvious conclusion. I didn't say anything until now, because I thought that you may lose it if I mentioned it, but it doesn't seem so." Wang Tao explained.

"... I see"

"Hehe, let's go, I'm sure the others are waiting." Wang Tao laughed as the two brothers walked towards their dorm.

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