Glob! Glob!

The sound of something being boiled was heard. Two large cauldrons could be seen, with lids covering them. At the same time, two young men named Ye Qin and Wang Tao were carefully watching the flames under the cauldrons, keeping them in perfect sync.

It had just been a few minutes since Long Bing Rong's two dragons had jumped into the cauldrons. The peak master and Long Bing Rong watched the two brothers who looked confident, strangely.

Who could blame them? Since the past, until now, no one has heard anything about boiling monsters inside a cauldron. If someone were to mention it, they may be called nuts.

After ten minutes of boiling, Ye Qin and Wang Tao both opened the lids and threw in a few things, before closing them and returned to watching the flames.

After another ten minutes, they did the same thing again. Another ten minutes had soon passed. Every ten-minute interval, the two brothers would add in some things to the cauldrons.

Of course, since the monsters within were different, the things they added were naturally different as well.

After an hour of doing so, they stopped adding ingredients and only watched the flames. A few hours of waiting later, a reaction finally showed up. From outside the cauldrons, a visible shaking could be seen.

From inside, a powerful dragon's breath could be sensed by the four of them. The breath of the dragons seemed much more powerful than before. The difference was incomparable. It was like the vast difference between heaven and earth.

Ye Qin and Wang Tao both rushed to take the lids off, allowing for the powerful dragon's breath to become free.


A thunderous roar was heard from both cauldrons. After a few minutes, only then did the dragons jump out from within and revealed themselves.

The Enigmatic Photon Dragon's size increased slightly. Its scales were now lighter in shade while being extremely small and smooth like leather. It no longer looked somewhat ragged due to its rough scales and became not only more powerful but elegant.

That wasn't the only change, its tail now had an extra spike, that looked somewhat like a fin. Its eyes also looked a little different, being dual pupils rather than one.

The same could be said for the Mystic Holy Dragon, its scales which were already majestic and elegant, became ever more so. A thin membrane that looked like crystals, was now on its wings, but only around the edges.

It's pupils now were three in each eye, instead of just one. Rather than growing larger in size, it actually became slightly smaller if one were to measure it. Of course, this shrink was minuscule and hardly made a difference.

Around its arms and legs, were moon-shaped edges, that looked kind of like bracelets. Obviously, they were a part of its body but didn't stay attached to its actual body, and simply floated.

After checking out their appearance, Ye Qin looked at their new stats.

[Monster: Dark Star Dragon]

[Level: 40]

[Grade: Epic]

[Type: Mythical Beast (Dragon)]

[Element: Darkness, Fire, Star, Photon, and King]

[Additional Info: A dragon born of the universe's energy. After undergoing evolution, it gained the power of the stars.]

[Monster: Ethereal Moon Dragon]

[Level: 36]

[Grade: Legendary]

[Type: Mythical Beast (Dragon) ]

[Element: Light, Ice, Star, Photon and Emperor]

[Additional Info: A dragon born of the universe itself. It has gained the power of the stars after undergoing its evolution, reaching its true form.]

Sure enough, the dragons became more powerful. They had even lost two entire levels, during their evolution. One reason was because of evolution itself, while the other was that they were simply too powerful, which caused their levels to drop.

Now, the only thing he needed to do, was increase their grades. Once he got them both to the Mythical grade, the dragons would be nigh invincible. Of course, this was only if he could find the materials he would need.

Just the materials needed for the evolution were incredibly rare, he believed that he would need materials found only deep within the Monster Realm itself, which would further enhance their strength.

While he was observing their stats, the peak master, as well as Long Bing Rong were surprised. While they had both felt the powerful surge of energy, their thoughts were only confirmed once the dragons had come out from the cauldrons.

This had directly changed their views and knowledge on monster evolution that they had known. The twin dragons got up to their master and rubbed their heads against her.

Ye Qin and Wang Tao put the cauldrons in their storage space, as they were being stared at by the other two humans in the room.


"Nothing. It was interesting." the peak master replied.

"Well, it's time to do a test run right?"

"En." the peaker master nodded. The four people went down the well and arrived at the open space for another battle to take place.

Of course, the battle would be between the peak master and Long Bing Rong.


A large dragon tortoise appeared and took flight, far into the sky. Following it, two newly evolved dragons flapped their wings and chased.

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