From Fish to Dragon

15 The Mysterious Orbs

10 Hours later, Ye Qin woke up and rubbed his cloudy eyes. After blinking a few times he suddenly gets up quickly whilst still sitting and looks around to see that it's night time. He turned to look for his best friend who is sleeping soundly and then looks at the huge tusks lying atop a pool of dried blood

"The smell of the blood probably kept all the monsters away keeping us safe. Let's wake up the fatty and then start digging the area the Blazing Elephant was stomping on." he thought as he got up and started shaking his plump friend

"Oi fatty get up." he said

Shake* Shake*

"Cmon, 5 more minutes.." Wang Tao said in his sleep


Shake* Shake*

After being shaken for a while, Wang Tao finally decided to wake up. "Huh, oh boss looks like its night huh."

"Yea, your Tiger should be alright now." Ye Qin replied then walked up to the huge tusks lying on the ground

As he walked up to it, Ye Qin pressed a few things on his smartwatch then pointed at the tusks as a beam of light shone on the tusks


Within a few seconds, the tusks instantly disappeared and entered the smartwatches' dimensional space. Wang Tao who just took a look inside his monster sea got up and then the two took out shovels and started digging around the spot that was stomped on

Tap* Tap*

After digging a hole 10 meters down and 5 meters in diameter, the two boys couldn't dig further in specific spots due to a hard material that scratched against their shovels. They both used their smartwatches to scan the area and noticed an abnormality

At seven different places, a source of unknown energy could be traced on the ground beneath them. The two then started digging around the 7 places and took out the objects that were buried deep within the earth

After taking out all 7 objects, the two boys placed them in front of them and glanced at it. Looking at the 7 white orb like objects with different symbols carved on them, the two boys looked at each other confused before putting them into their smartwatches

"Strange I wonder what they are, each orb seems to have a symbol thats supposed to represent something. Maybe another race or clan of some sort?" Wang Tao said

"Who knows, I'll keep these 4 in mine whilst the other 3 should stay inside your smartwatch until we figure out what they do." Ye Qin replied

Wang Tao nodded as the two boys searched around for a place to stay in for the night. The two boy's monsters had recovered to a certain point allowing them to fly on them. After searching for a while, the Golden Monkey who kept quiet the entire time suddenly started glowing which alarmed the two

"What the?" Fatty Tao said

"Err.." Ye Qin replied

As it glew, the golden monkey pulled Ye Qin's clothes as if it wanted the 3 of them to head to a certain direction. Seeing this, Ye Qin and Wang Tao decided to follow the Golden Monkey as it's body glew even more the closer they went

Ah!* Ah!*

The two boys followed the golden monkey until they reached a strange area that didn't seem to be on the map. Looking around, they saw purple clouds and floating buildings with water falling off from them

Off in the distance, the shadows of a huge beast could be seen, however the beast itself didn't reveal itself. Following closely to the monkey, the boys stopped in front of a cave with two statues of buddha on both sides

Standing in front of the cave after getting off their monsters, out of nowhere the cries of dozens or even hundreds of monkeys were heard from within. The golden monkey ran inside without waiting for the two whilst they turned on their flashlights and followed behind with their monsters in their chibi form

Step* Step*

Drip* Drip* Drip*

As they ventured forward and looked around the cave walls, drawings of monkeys all bowing down to a single monkey holding a staff were drawn randomly along the walls. Drops of water leaked from the top and dripped on their faces as they kept proceeding slowly

Following the monkey for a while, the cries of monkeys grew ever so loudly as it echoed amongst the cave walls and hurt their eardrums

Step* Step*

Finally, after walking for a while and remembering the images recorded on the cave walls, the two boys saw the light and nodded before walking through at the same time

Ooh* Ooh*

Ah!* Ah*


Stepping into the light, the two boys looked around and saw an endless amount of huge golden trees and thousands and thousands of monkeys all atop a tree looking down at them without moving an inch

Ooh* Ah!*

As they moved forwards, the platform they walked upon slowly rose as the golden monkey's body stopped glowing. Instead, a giant stone that resembled a peach is standing proudly in front of them

Hss* Hss*

The previous shadow of a huge beast became a reality as a white snake the size of a mountain rose from the ground beneath them and faced them from behind the stone. The two boys gulped as they walked forward only to be stopped by an invisible wall

The huge white snake didn't move as it stared at the golden monkey that walked closer and closer to the stone. The monkey then touched the peach shaped stone then with a flash of light disappeared as if it had gone inside the stone

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