Finally, the match between Ye Qin's trio and one of the six, He Ru's trio begins. As they are called up, all six of them face off against each other

"Round 1 of the quarterfinal match of the group battles begin!" the referee exclaimed

Soon enough, all six called upon their partners as six flashes of light illuminates the arena

[Monster: Flying Panda]

[Grade: Uncommon]

[Level: 18]

[Type: Beast]

[Element: Wind]

[Monster: Toxin Mantis]

[Grade: Common]

[Level: 14]

[Type: Insect]

[Element: Poison]

[Monster: Shining Pillbug]

[Grade: Uncommon]

[Level: 13]

[Type: Insect]

[Element: Gold]

"Even though this isn't my first time seeing them, insect types are kinda…." Ye Qin thought

Immediately as the match began, the Toxin Mantis spat out toxin on the ground whilst the Shining Pill Bug rolled through it and coated itself in the toxins as it made way towards the Blackgold Python Tiger

Though it couldn't fly, the Pillbug is able to bounce as it rolled making it able to reach even those that are flying within a certain distance


The Blackgold Python Tiger roars as purple mist begins to cover its body along with the Golden Koi and hid their presence entirely as the Shining Pill Bug phases through them

Woosh* Woosh*

The Toxin Mantis flies in as it spits toxins into the mist endlessly even if it didn't hit anything. As this happened, the slightly green Flying Panda owned by He Ru fired a ball of wind energy blowing away the mist

Ye Qin's Golden Koi took advantage of this and headbutt the Shining Pillbug making it fly into the Toxin Mantis knocking them both back whilst Tang Yaling's Phantasm Peacock fired and endless barrage of feathers at the Flying Panda

The Blackgold Python Tiger which was now revealed took flight as it flew around the Flying Panda and knocked it out of the air


As it came crashing down towards the floor, the Golden Koi sent a headbutt at it making it fly towards the Phantasm Peacock which didn't stop its torrent of feathers

Roar* Roar*

The Flying Panda took the feathers head on as it begun spinning into the air and blocked the feathers with its wings making it vulnerable for more headbutts. However Ye Qin didn't take advantage of this and directly sent a beam of golden energy at the Toxin Mantis and Shining Pillbug


The two insects take critical damage making them almost unable to battle any longer as they slowly tried to attack the Phantasm Peacock that was occupied with the Flying Panda. The Blackgold Python Tiger then shot out beams of ice onto the field and froze the two insects along with the ground making it a battle of flight

After taking out the two insects, the tiger jumped up and hacked at the Panda's wings only for the wings to suddenly expand and explode with a powerful wind energy knocking it down onto the ground


Ye Qin's Golden Koi didn't move as it watched the battle between He Ru, Wang Tao who is still holding back and Tang Yaling who has only used one move


The Blackgold Python Tiger grew tired as it took flight once again and transformed into its true form before lunging its tail towards the Flying Panda and wrapped its entire body up before flinging down into the ground


"Whao!!! The tiger became bigger!" someone exclaimed

"Quickly get that kid now!" a recruiter remarked out loud

"Hmm did I overestimate him? Or did I underestimate my own team?" Ye Qin thought as he watched the battle continue to unfold before his very eyes

Suddenly, the Flying Panda picked itself up as its entire body bean to glow green whilst an enormous amount of wind energy gathered inside the core of its body

"Fatty stop it from exploding!" Ye Qin said loudly

"Go!" Wang Tao nodded as the Blackgold Python Tiger shot out both energies of Gold and Ice element

Bang!* Explodes!*

As the three energies explode at the same time, a large cloud of dust fills the entire stage making everyone cover their face with their sleeves

After the smoke cleared out there was a sight to behold. The Flying Panda had exploded the energy within its very being causing damage to even the Toxin Mantis and Shining Pillbug! As for the Blackgold Python Tiger, the Phantasm Peacock and the Golden Koi, each had some scratches on their bodies whilst the opposing side was critically injured

The referee then stopped the match and exclaimed "Winner of the Round 1 Match, Qigong Academy of Jiangnan!"

"That was nice! That blast at the end was powerful!" someone shouted

"What you think that was amazing? Didn't you see that tiger shoot out both Ice and Gold energy at the same time?" another student replied

"A match truly worthy of being the quarter finals!" a government worker said into a speaker as he clapped his hands

After winning the match, Ye Qin's trio returned to watch. As he made his way to the stand, Sun Zan's team was called up to fight. Walking by each other, Sun Zan said quietly to Ye Qin "See you in the finals."


Ye Qin ignored Sun Zan they continued to walk by each other before reaching their seats to be congratulated by Mo Qiu. "Good work everyone." she said

"Thanks!" Wang Tao replied for them

"Watch the match fatty." Ye Qin turned around to say as they all focused on the upcoming battle in front of them

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