
Dazzling rays of golden lights blinded everyone in the stadium as the awakening of Ye Qin's dragon made even the heavens and earth tremble. After transforming, the golden dragon turned from the golden koi floated in the air with its huge body as it's aura now suppressed all three opposing monsters at once

"A.. A… A.."


"Hey don't take my line!"

"Shut it! Stop stuttering!"

"Stop arguing, every single time! It's always you two!"

"Just look at that dragon! It's huge, strong and even good looking!"

"How can a being such as a dragon appear here today!" many shouted as they dropped on their knees like flies

Mo Qiu in the stands thought to herself "What? It can transform? I as his homeroom teacher had no knowledge of this... I must reflect..."

Suddenly, recruiters from every single academy all shouted at once. "Join us!" "No join us!" and the likes such as they did for Sun Zan except Ye Qin caused an even larger ruckus amongst the crowd this year

"Quiet! The match is still in session!" the referee shouted through his mic shutting up everyone instantly

Just by being on the field, Ye Qin's opponent seeing a majestic golden dragon before him fell backwards as he instantly became a coward and said "I'm out!" before running and standing far away from the battle with his monster returned inside the Monster Sea

"Man he gave up after it only just transformed… If people were to know that I have another six monsters would they just find a place to hang themselves?" Ye Qin thought

After his opponent gave up, Ye Qin returned his dragon into the Monster Sea as he along with Wang Tao watched the battle between Tang Yaling and Gu Lexian unfold

Naturally when Ye Qin's koi transformed it had affected Gu Lexian too, as she had already engaged the Phantasm Peacock in battle for a while, her monster had run out of some stamina. Once the dragon came out, her monster instantly felt weaker as the power in its moves became soft and its speed decreased by a notch

Though, even without Ye Qin and Wang Tao's oppressive aura's, Gu Lexian still had a hard time against Tang Yaling. The entire time, her monster had only done some surface damage to Tang Yaling's which should be an achievement since not many are able to discover it inside it's dark attribute mist. The only reason she managed to land a few hits was because they are both of the same element

Tang Yaling took advantage of her opponents weakness and used its illusion skill to create dozens of itself before shooting out an endless torrent of pitch black feathers at its foe. Gu Lexian's gull was attacked from all sides making it hard to tell which attacks were real and which were just mere illusions. However, in its weakened state, even attacks from the illusions seemed to be real

Floosh* Floosh*

As it failed to break through the Phantasm Peacock's attacks, the Gull cried as the endless attacks cut through its flesh leaving trails of blood behind.Gu Lexian suddenly had an idea as her monster's beak became darker and darker in color until it smashed through a single point that broke the peacock's attack as it charged towards the Phantasm Peacock's surrounding it

Floosh* Floosh*

The Phantasm Peacock's clones dispersed as the gull flew around in the air. Meanwhilst the real Peacock spread out its wings and tail to its largest span as black and purple element energy became infused into its feathers

Once Gu Lexian's monster aimed directly at it, Tang Yaling's peacock unleashed another barrage of more powerful feathers that are reinforced by its own energy. The gull's attack came closer and closer to reaching the peacock, however, once it went past the halfway point, Tang Yaling's peacock's eyes shone with dark light as its attacks became fiercer as the energy became stronger and stronger forcing the opponent backwards

Floosh* Floosh*

Tang Yaling's power pushed back Gu Lexian as her gull became engulfed in dark feathers before being sent flying outside the field

"Winner, Ye Qin's team!" the referee shouted through his mic





"I thought Tang Yaling was going to lose, then suddenly her attacks became so powerful that it completely crushed Gu Lexian!"

The main recruiter from the War God Academy thought to himself "This years participants are indeed powerful. They are much greater than their peers even starting from a decade or two ago! With children like Ye Qin, Chen Jingyi, Wang Tao, Sun Zan and more, looks like humanity will have some great leaders in this generation!"

"However, even amongst them, it seems like Ye Qin and Chen Jingyi have the most potential. I didn't think I'd live to see the day to see creatures told in legends. Though that girl… she's an exception…" he continued thinking

"Ye Qin!"

"Ye Qin!"

"Ye Qin!"

After their overwhelming win, the crowd cheered for Ye Qin and friends. Previously, Ye Qin's koi was already more powerful than most of the students here to begin with. Now that it revealed it's true form, it was guaranteed that Ye Qin and his friends would be invited to the top 3 academies!

As the match came to a close, Ye Qin and friends returned to their rooms as they are congratulated by all those around them. Even Mo Qiu, couldn't contain her pride as Ye Qin's homeroom teacher

The following day will be the match between Ye Qin's party and Chen Jingyi's. This match up brought about excitement for the entire night as people began discussing on who they think will win

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