Looking around, over a third of their class of 20 students removed themselves from the group and entered the bronze dorms. After all of them entered the dorms, the remaining followed behind Yang Xinyi back to the three bridges and crossed the silver bridge to enter another teleportation gate that leads to the Silver students' dorms

The Silver students' dorms resembled a castle from the outside. Like the Bronze dorms, everything was silver in color besides the natural lake and nature that grew around the dorm. This time a majority of their class was gone. The two brothers realized that Su Guiying and her friend was still with them meaning they too were Gold Students! Naturally, the girls had the same reaction seeing the two brothers whilst one more student who covered themselves in a thick layer of clothes who Ye Qin couldn't figure out if they were a male or female stayed behind with them

Before Yang Xinyi led the five of them to the Gold dorms, Su Guiying's friend put up her hand and asked "Teacher Yang, since we cannot see the students from the other classes even though they should be entering the dorms at the same time. Does that mean that there are many teleportation gates and entrances to the dorms around the university?"

Yang Xinyi nodded and replied "That's right, the way we entered was just one of the many entrances to the dorms, however, everyone still arrives at the three bridges eventually which are then further separated in other subspaces. Naturally, there is a lobby that connects everyone through to the same path which will be the one that is used starting from tomorrow onwards. Also just call me by name no need for teacher."

Su Guiying's friend nodded as she began pondering. Yang Xinyi then brought the class towards the Gold Dorm. The Silver Dorm was already grand enough for it to be a castle, the Gold Dorm is even grander. It was literally an imperial palace that an emperor lived in millenniums ago!

The decorations included two large lion heads on the two sides of the front entrance made out of pure gold. Large pagoda's stood symmetrically around the palace and a huge gold and blackboard that read 'Golden Dormitory' is placed directly above the gate of the dorm. Beneath the dorm is a large staircase that reached over 200 steps which can be avoided by simply stepping into the nearby teleportation gate. Beneath and atop the steps were stone lanterns with intricate designs

Further away from the steps is a large fountain that sprayed water out of a statue of the principal from his mouth. The golden statue of the principal displayed him stepping on a stone tablet that had unreadable characters whilst in the fountain water lied some rare koi that hadn't transformed into a monster and lily pads with golden lotuses sitting on top

On one side of the dorms is a large temple like building with a stone table and chairs where a chessboard and pieces were placed. Next to that, a large pond with a small wooden canoe and instruments such as the guqin and zither lay beside the bridge that reached the canoe

On the opposite side is where large drums the size of cauldrons were placed along with a large bell with a large block of wood that is chained to the roof used to knock on the bell. Near the bell is a well that resembled those from the ancient times of the past and another pagoda that stood over 50 meters in the air

All five students were surprised as they looked at the grand sight before them. Naturally, since Yang Xinyi has seen the dorms many times, she only displayed a poker face as she led the five in front of the dorm. Handing out their keys, Yang Xinyi left the area whilst the five entered the large door

Wang Tao standing in front pushed open the large doors as they creaked, however, the sound wasn't irritating but instead sounded quite soothing which was a surprise to the students. The dorm is extremely large however only five of them stayed there making it seem quite lonely as not a soul was to be seen by them

Ye Qin noticed a sign that read 'Monsters are allowed to be roaming around the dorms' which he pointed out. Since they didn't want to waste any time, everyone went to their rooms and looked around then placed their luggage before heading back out

Back in the hallway where the students all lined up and the principal made his speech, the Bronze and Silver grade students were already there. The principal once again was half naked as he stood atop and looked down on all the students. "Testing, testing, once all the Gold students have arrived, we will begin." Lu Bu said into the mic

Whoosh* Whoosh*

Just as he finished his line, Ye Qin's group arrived shortly attracting the attention of the other students. Looking at the signs, Ye Qin's group stood in front of the other students as the principal began talking

"Now that the Gold students have arrived, I would once again like to welcome you all to the Nine Peak Academy. Some of you may or may not already know this but starting from this year onwards, a new rule has been implemented to allow for students to skip a grade or to even graduate early! Naturally, there is a requirement that needs to be fulfilled but I won't get into that. You'll have to find out for yourself, oh but don't feel bad it's part of your training since gathering information is important for trainers." Lu Bu said

Lu Bu then continued his speech for a while before letting everyone go freely

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