From Games To Eternity

Chapter 126: The Two Major Skills Have Some Pitfalls!


Ye Shen pointed his hand, and in a moment, he saw a gray light, like lightning, falling on a wild wolf dozens of meters away.

With a damage of more than 80,000 yuan floating up, the wild wolf exploded on the spot.

During the whole process, the wild wolf didn't react at all, and didn't even know where the attack came from.

"It's so fast. The speed of "Arrow of Chaos" is already fast, and with the magical power of "Aurora" accelerating it 12 times, this speed is simply indescribably fast."

Ye Shen exclaimed with joy on his face.

The magical power of "Aurora" did not disappoint him. Increasing the flight speed of the skill does not increase the damage, and 17 cannot increase the attack speed, but at least it is extremely difficult for others to dodge and block the skill.

"No wonder the "Infinite Qigong Wave" of the wandering three-legged bird before attacked as fast as a cannonball. It must have been accelerated by the "Aurora" magical power.

"However, the wandering three-legged bird's "Aurora" magical power may be somewhat different from my current "Aurora" magical power. Its magical power may be more of a talent!"

While thinking, Ye Shen also looked into the backpack. He had not forgotten that the wandering three-legged bird had exploded three things in total.

"Infinite Qigong Wave": Warrior professional skills book, how to learn warrior professions.

"Good stuff!"

Looking at the skill book of "Infinite Qigong Wave", Ye Shen's face was full of desire and yearning.

Although he is very powerful now, one of his biggest problems is that he does not have group attack skills.

Like this "Infinite Qigong Wave", it would be great if he could learn it. It is completely like a walking bomb. Wherever people go, the bomb will go. Compared with using "Burning Windbreaker" to kill monsters

More than a hundred times better?

Like that wandering three-legged bird, with just this skill, it can conquer the world and become invincible.

If he could learn it, its power would definitely be several times more powerful than that of a wandering three-legged bird.

It's a pity that it is stipulated that only the warrior profession can be learned, so he is excluded immediately.

Ye Shen sighed, put away the skill book, and then looked at another general skill book.

"Escape from the Golden Cicada": a general skill book.

"General skill book, learn it later."

Ye Shen read some skill books and directly chose to learn. In a moment, a new skill appeared in the skill column.

"Escape from the Golden Cicada": Passive, level 0, when receiving a fatal attack, it will be used automatically to resist the attack with all the equipment equipped on the body. At the same time, it will instantly appear at a designated location within 300 meters. After using the skill, it will resist the attack. Equipment will be destroyed.

"Ding dong, you can choose whether to enable this skill or not!"

"Ding dong, it has been detected that the player already has a life-saving skill. The player can set the priority level by himself."


"Damn, this skill is a bit excessive."

After seeing clearly the properties of "Escape Plan", Ye Shen's face twitched.

To put it simply, these 317 skills are indeed life-saving skills, but the problem is that once this skill is used, all the equipment will be turned into water.

If it's a piece of rubbish equipment, that's fine, but if it's a piece of divine equipment, the player would rather die ten or a hundred times than use "Escape from the Golden Cicada".

In fact, even Ye Shen felt a bit cheated when he saw this skill.

After all, even if he dies, he still has a 75% chance of being resurrected, but if all his equipment is gone, even he will feel distressed for a while.

This is the reason why his equipment is not very top-notch, and at the same time, he has already learned all the skills above legendary equipment.

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