From Games To Eternity

Chapter 157 Unsatisfied, The Item Failed To Sell?

"I didn't expect that the first item would be the "Infinite Qigong Wave" that Wandering Three-Legged Bird is best at!"

"The wandering three-legged bird's reputation is not simple, and the "Infinite Qigong Wave" is a super powerful group attack skill!"

"No, I must definitely win this skill!"

"There is no doubt about the power of "Infinite Qigong Wave". You must know that in the past year, countless players have died at the hands of the Wandering Three-legged Bird, and the Wandering Three-legged Bird

The reason why it is so powerful is because of this "Infinite Qigong Wave". 17

"This skill must be acquired. With "Infinite Qigong Wave", I have the possibility to defeat one against a hundred, or even one against a thousand!"

""Infinite Qigong Wave", unlimited group attack without cooldown, this skill must not be missed."

Almost at the same time, the hearts of the players present became hot.

Everyone knows how powerful the wandering three-legged bird is, and its signature skill "Infinite Qigong Wave" is so powerful that there is no need to think too much about it. Once you have such a skill, there is no doubt about its lethality. Yes, he definitely has the strength to dominate the battlefield.

"Very good. It seems that everyone knows how rare this "Infinite Qigong Wave" is. Then, next is the request of the owner of this skill book. Its request is to give priority to exchange for the mage professional skill book, equipment, and treasures. And magical blood crystals...!" Long Yaotian announced loudly, and when he said the last four words, he emphasized his tone.

"Friends who are interested can send the projection of the item to be traded to the auction table through the pass, and finally give the choice of consignment!"

"Very good!" After hearing Long Yaotian's words, Ye Shen suddenly became energetic and stared at the auction table closely.

Soon, projections appeared on the auction stage.

It took a full minute for the projections to stop increasing. At this time, the number of projections on the auction platform had already exceeded 100, and dense projections of items were floating around Long Yaotian. An ordinary person might not even know what the projections were. Can't see clearly, but fortunately, Ye Shen's eyesight has already exceeded the limit of ordinary people.

"The Mage Skill Book "Wind Blade"? No!"

"Mage Skill Book "Lightning Strike"? No!"

"The Mage Skill Book "Stonefall"? No!"

Level 20 gold equipment Perilla Staff? No!"

Ye Shen's eyes quickly scanned the projected information one by one. After two minutes, he looked at all the projections. Unfortunately, among the more than one hundred projections, there was nothing that Ye Shen liked at all. .

"It seems that good things are not so easy to come by!"

Ye Shen shook his head, with a thought in his heart, he passed the pass and chose "."Not satisfied"!

"It's a shame that none of the items in this batch of projections satisfy the owner of "Infinite Qigong Wave". If no one comes up with other items to project, then I can only let the owner of this item choose to auction it with gold coins or lose the auction. ." Long Yaotian's last words of auspiciousness.

After Long Yaotian finished speaking, several items sparsely appeared on the auction stage.

However, after Ye Shen scanned it for a while, he reluctantly chose "not satisfied".

"It seems that it is a bit difficult to exchange for something that I am satisfied with. However, (hao De Zhao), even if I cannot exchange for something that I am satisfied with, there is no way I would choose the gold coin auction!" Ye Shen sighed in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged. ,At the same time, the idea is also extremely firm.

Thinking of this, Ye Shen immediately passed on his thoughts through the pass.

"It's very shocking. It seems that this "Infinite Qigong Wave" skill book can only be rejected..." Long Yaotian said helplessly.

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