From Games To Eternity

Chapter 56: There Is A Deliberate Plan, And We Will Die Together.

"Fortunately, the assassin's target is me!"

"Although assassins are the mage's nemesis, I am also the assassin's nemesis. At least, the assassin's high-speed attacks are ineffective against me!"

Assassins are representatives of high attack speed and high speed. It is almost difficult for ordinary mages to resist such a profession, but Ye Shen is different. As long as the assassin's attack cannot exceed the defense range of "Magic Shield", Then it would be impossible to hurt him.

Under such circumstances, the assassin's high-speed attack is almost useless.

Just like the "Three Kowtows of Pluto" just now, three high-frequency attacks, the damage of each hit is very high, the three attacks combined, the attack power even exceeds 30,000.

However, the threat to Ye Shen is not great.

Because its single damage is too low.

Such an attack, not to mention just three consecutive hits, even thirty consecutive strikes, three hundred consecutive strikes, three thousand consecutive strikes, or even three hundred million consecutive strikes, would not be able to break through Ye Shen's "Magic Shield".

After Ye Shen weighed the gap between himself and the assassin in his mind, he finally looked at Natalya.

At this time, Nataya still had a vigilant look on her face, and her beautiful eyes like autumn water kept scanning the surrounding space.

Seeing this, Ye Shen couldn't help but smile and said: "Nataya, relax, the assassin won't come. You should go back to space first."

"Master, Natalya wants to protect you outside!" Natalya said firmly.

"Haha, Natalya, are you looking down on me? With the strength of that assassin, even if I stand and don't fight back, he will never even think of hurting me. But it's you. If he attacks you, I'm afraid I won't have time to take action. Help!" Ye Shen said funny.

Hearing Ye Shen's words, Natalya looked stunned, and then nodded thoughtfully.

"In this case, master, please be careful!"

"Don't worry!" Ye Shen waved his hand carelessly, and after Natalya returned to the follower space, he strode towards the entrance of the Skyfire Mine.

Ye Shen had just taken two steps when suddenly, silently, a black shadow pierced Ye Shen's back like an arrow. In the blink of an eye, it had already arrived behind Ye Shen.

Then, three rays of cold light struck Ye Shen like lightning.

"Haha, it's finally here!"

Just when three rays of cold light pierced Ye Shen, the corner of Ye Shen's mouth curled up, and she laughed in her heart.

At the same time, a giant thorn strip slightly thicker than the mouth of a bowl emerged from the ground and wrapped around the black figure.

Ye Shen's timing of using "Twisted Thorns" was very good. It happened to be the moment when the black figure paused. Moreover, Ye Shen's intention of using "Tangled Thorns" was to die together.

While using his body to withstand the three cold rays of light, he used "Twining Thorns" to attack the incoming person.

In fact, if he is calculating mentally but not intentionally, no matter how fast the incoming attack is, no matter how fast it is, he can still block the incoming attack with a big fireball.

However, in Ye Shen's view, that is completely unnecessary.

If people want to attack him, let them attack him.

What he needs to do is not to block other people's attacks, but to attack the incoming person himself, or to control the incoming person himself.

At this moment, both sides plotted against each other.

Just when the three cold rays of the visitor fell on Ye Shen, Ye Shen's "Tangled with Thorns" also accurately wrapped around the visitor's body.

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