
After detecting the attributes of the Heavenly Fire Centipede King, Ye Shen almost gasped.

Because the attributes of the Skyfire Centipede King are too powerful, it is a much stronger attribute than the bronze boss, whether it is attack, defense, life, or skill, it is far more than the bronze BOSS.

“Lean, the basic attack of 1200, after using the skill, the damage, I’m afraid it’s close to 3000, and the defense of 1800 is twice as high as the bronze puppet outside who is known as a dissuasive monster, is this really sure that someone can be moved?”

The moment he saw the attributes of the Heavenly Fire Centipede King, Ye Shen even began to wonder how other players had fought this boss.

Of course, for him, although the Silver-tier Heavenly Fire Centipede King is powerful, he can still face it easily, but other players are not him, there is no unlimited mana, no full-level skills, no super defense, and no super life-saving ability.

In this case, how could he deal with the Heavenly Fire Centipede King of the Silver Rank?

Of course, the reason why Ye Shen thought so was also because his understanding of this game was still too shallow.

Is he just a lone player, or a lone player who hasn’t played the game for a long time, how can he want to get the resources of the Grand Guild?

For him, fighting a boss is either hard to carry or dodge with skill, but for the Grand Guild, all kinds of spell scrolls, alchemy items, props for lowering attacks, props for breaking defenses, props for burning mana, etc., all kinds of things are used, even the Silver Rank Skyfire Centipede King is first abolished by half.

Otherwise, where can this silver-tier Heavenly Fire Centipede King be dealt with by ordinary players.

Between thoughts and doubts, Ye Shen’s movements did not have the slightest delay, and after coming to the vicinity of the Heavenly Fire Centipede King, one after another fireballs had already smashed towards the Heavenly Fire Centipede King one after another.


A violent explosion sounded, and as the large fireball smashed on the body of the Skyfire Centipede King, the Skyfire Centipede King also had damage up to “1590” on his body.

At the same time, the Heavenly Fire Centipede King’s “explosive fireball” was also madly smashed towards Ye Shen.

It’s a pity that although the Skyfire Centipede King’s “bursting fireball” is powerful, it is obvious that it is far from enough to break through Ye Shen’s “magic shield”, and all the fireballs, when smashed in front of Ye Shen, are like smashing on an invisible gas wall, directly annihilated into the invisible.

In this way, Ye Shen and the Heavenly Fire Centipede King, separated by a distance of 50 meters, began to cast spells on standing piles non-stop.

Ye Shen used a large fireball to constantly bombard the Sky Fire Centipede King.

And the Skyfire Centipede King is constantly bombarding the leaf god with a “bursting fireball”.

The difference is that each fireball of Ye Shen caused 1590 damage to the Skyfire Centipede King, while the Skyfire Centipede King’s “bursting fireball” could not hurt Ye Shen at all.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the Heavenly Fire Centipede King had already suffered dozens of large fireballs and lost half of his blood.

Seeing that the Heavenly Fire Centipede King was about to hang under Ye Shen’s hands like this, suddenly, the Skyfire Centipede King suddenly seemed to have become smarter, and the “bursting fireball” that originally bombarded Ye Shen turned to the “big fireball” smashed by Ye Shen.

At this moment, all of a sudden, Ye Shenke was in trouble.

Although the “Burst Fireball” does not hurt him, it is enough to offset some of the damage of his “Big Fireball”.

However, the large fireball after the damage weakening smashed on the Heavenly Fire Centipede King, but it was already completely unbreakable.

“Depend, the Fire Centipede King has actually become smart this day.” Finding that his big fireball could not hurt the Heavenly Fire Centipede Queen, Ye Shen was also a little speechless.

Fortunately, the speed of Ye Shen’s “big fireball” was already faster than the “bursting fireball” of the Heavenly Fire Centipede King, plus a large fireball was enough to offset nearly two “bursting fireballs”, so the balance of victory was still steadily tilted towards him.

In this case, the speed of the Heavenly Fire Centipede King’s blood volume declined, although it slowed down a little, but it still declined steadily.

During this time, Ye Shen also tentatively used a “thorn entanglement”.

Unfortunately, the attack power of this “thorn entanglement” is too low, even with Ye Shen’s full level of “thorn entanglement”, it cannot break the defense of the Skyfire Centipede King, the bowl of thick thorn strips, when facing the Skyfire Centipede King, did not even touch the Skyfire Centipede King, it was directly burned to ashes by the flames on the Skyfire Centipede King.

“The defense is too strong!” Seeing that the “thorn entanglement” was ineffective, the corners of Ye Shen’s mouth twitched with some pain.

Fortunately, no one else knows about his idea, otherwise, Ye Shen will definitely have to be severely attacked by Ye Shen, after all, no matter how strong the defense of the Heavenly Fire Centipede King is, how can it be compared to him?

Speaking of which, I don’t know who the boss is.

In this way, time passed little by little, and finally, two minutes later, the body of the Skyfire Centipede King “boomed”, and was blown up into several pieces by a large fireball, and the entire corpse turned scorched black.

Only a silver treasure chest shimmering with an alluring silver light was left in place.

The system prompts: “Dingdong, you killed the Skyfire Centipede King (silver level), your level has been increased to level 7, your physique +10, intelligence +10, spirit +10.” ”

“Silver chest? Haha, this is a treasure chest with a chance to open gold equipment! Seeing the treasure chest appear, Ye Shen spun the magic staff in his hand and rushed over excitedly.

However, he had just rushed out a few meters, the silver treasure chest had disappeared, and then, a gust of fragrant wind came, and Nataya’s slender figure had already appeared in front of him.

“Master, didn’t you say that I will pick up the things when you are ready?”

“Haha, I know, I just wanted to go over and take a look…”

Ye Shen smiled while looking into the backpack.

Shining silver, extremely beautiful silver treasure chest, at this time, was lying quietly in his backpack.

“Open it.” Ye Shen’s mind moved, and the silver treasure chest had been opened…

The system prompts: “Dingdong, you have obtained the Skyfire Warframe (Dark Gold)!” You’ve got the skill book Flame Trench Coat! ”

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