The “Hell”-level copy of the Heavenly Fire Mine Cave is completely different from the previous horror copy, and the entire mine seems to be in hell, and it is red everywhere, similar to the color of magma.

The air smells of sulfur.

Even the wind is full of weirdness, and when it blows, it carries a strange whistling sound of “whining”.

“Nataya, be careful, take care to protect yourself.” After Ye Shen explained, he strode towards the passage of the mine.


There was a slight sound of footsteps in the mine, and then, three huge monsters appeared in Ye Shen’s line of sight, which were two huge gold-eating ants and a huge heavenly fire centipede.

Gold Eater: Level 10 Hell-level elite, attack 900, defense 1000, HP 9000.

Skyfire Centipede: Level 10 Hell-level elite, attack 1000, defense 900, HP 9000.

The moment he saw a few monsters, Ye Shen’s “Scouting” had already seen the attributes of the monsters, and I have to say that in the hell-level copy, the monsters are indeed much stronger than ordinary monsters, whether it is attack, defense, or HP.

Fortunately, such an attribute, although it can be crushed when facing ordinary players, but when facing Ye Shen, it is only crushed.


With a wave of Ye Shen’s hand, three consecutive “Thorns Entangled” were thrown over in an instant, and then, using “Flame Trench Coat” and “Big Fireball” to frantically output.

Two seconds later, three Hell-level elites with up to 9,000 HP were blasted by his large fireball.

“Fortunately, it’s not difficult to deal with!”

After testing the strength of the mobs in the hell-level copy, Ye Shen also accelerated his speed forward, under the dual attacks of his “Flame Trench Coat” and “Big Fireball”, the elite mobs who surged in were not his opponents at all, and soon, Ye Shen had already arrived outside the cave where the first boss, the Golden Ant King, was stationed.

However, when Ye Shen looked into the cave from a distance, he didn’t find the figure of the Gold Devouring Ant King at all.

“Strange, the Gold Eater Ant King is not in the cave!”

“Is it a patrol?”

When Ye Shen’s heart was strange, his heart suddenly jumped, and then he saw a huge gold-eating ant suddenly appear beside him.

“Damn it! I even knew that stealth sneak attack! Looking at the body of the Golden Ant King, slowly changing from transparent to normal, Ye Shen still didn’t understand what was happening in his heart.

Suddenly, Ye Shen’s heart was shocked and angry.

This Golden Ant King is really too insidious, if he hadn’t had the “Flame Trench Coat” anti-stealth, wouldn’t he have been sneaked up by him?

Although even if it is sneaked up, it will not be injured, but it is too humiliating.

In anger, Ye Shen’s side had quickly formed a fireball with a large basin and smashed madly towards the Golden Ant King.



With the explosion of the large fireball, a blood-red damage also appeared above the head of the Gold Eater Ant King, and at the same time, the attributes of the Gold Eater Ant King were also detected by Ye Shen.

Gold Eater Ant King: Level 10 Silver BOSS, Attack 1440, Defense 2160, Life 900,000, Mana 4800, Skills: Level 4 Invisibility, Level 4 Ground Thorn, Level 4 Collision, Level 4 Swing, Level 4 Charge, Level 4 Thunder and Fire Pliers!

“Fortunately, although it is powerful, it is still expected!” After seeing the attributes of the Golden Ant King, although Ye Shen was shocked by the strength of the Golden Ant King, he was also relieved.

Such an attribute, crushing ordinary players, is not a problem at all, if he does not have powerful skills, without the many attribute points that the system rewards, even if it is him, he will not be able to break through the defense of this gold-eating ant king.

But now, with powerful skills and the bonus of those many attribute points, it is not a problem at all.

When Ye Shen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, there was a sudden shock under his feet, and then he saw a sharp ground thorn suddenly come out from the ground, accurately stabbing between his legs.

“I lean!”

After seeing the attack of this ground thorn, Ye Shen almost gasped.

The speed of the magic of “Earth Thorn” is very fast, and because it is an attack that pours out from underground, it is also very concealed, and Ye Shen has no experience in this area, but he does not react at all.

Fortunately, Ye Shen’s “Magic Shield” has hardly stopped since it reached the full level, so although his people did not react, the “Magic Shield” has automatically blocked the attack of the ground thorn.

It’s just that his whole person was also knocked into the air under the impact of the ground thorn.

At this moment, Ye Shen’s face was almost as hot as a fever.

He had never been so humiliated, and if it weren’t for Magic Shield, he would almost be bursting.

“Damn it!”

Still in the air, Ye Shen’s attack had already smashed towards the Golden Ant King like a cannonball.

However, in the next instant, the Golden Ant King had already swung out his huge pair of pincers.

Suddenly, he saw a huge pincer condensed from energy slamming heavily on Ye Shen’s body with sparks and lightning.


The powerful “Magic Shield” abruptly blocked in front of the huge pincers, rippling in circles, but Ye Shen’s whole person was directly bombarded by the powerful force like a cannonball and flew out.

“Lean! This hell copy of the Gold Devouring Ant King turned out to be so powerful? ”

Ye Shen looked at his blood volume, his blood volume was still full, that is to say, the attack of the Gold Eater Ant King was completely blocked by his “Magic Shield”, but the attack of the Gold Devouring Ant King still deeply shocked him.

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