Eternal Wanderer’s heart was full of disbelief, because, at present, the player’s strength was impossible to block the attack of the first-order spell scroll.

However, this situation has appeared.

Eternal wandering felt like he was dreaming.

Unfortunately, Ye Shen didn’t care if he was dreaming or not, when the Eternal Wandering was shocked, the “Great Fireball” he cast had already begun to sweep the floor like a cannonball.

Powerful attack power, everywhere it passes, all defenses are disintegrated, and one player after another directly turns into white light.

In less than two seconds, there was no longer anyone to stand in the way between Ye Shen and the Eternal Wanderer, and finally, a huge fireball smashed into the Eternal Wanderer.

“Hand of God, I still underestimate you, but our business is not over…”

Seeing the big fireball smashed over, Eternal Wanderer screamed fiercely, but unfortunately, before his words were finished, the huge fireball had already slammed heavily on his body.

With a flash of white light, the body of the eternal wandering had turned into a corpse.

Next, the battle became even more one-sided, all players only hated themselves for running too slowly, players in the assassin class and the warrior class were okay, the distance was so far that even Ye Shen’s “Great Fireball” could not hit them.

But those spell-casting professions are miserable.

While moving, Ye Shen cast a series of large fireballs, and the place he passed was completely invincible.

In less than a minute, the Eternal Wanderer was already completely defeated, except for some who ran fast, the rest of the people were all turned into corpses.

“Nataya, come out and sweep the floor!” Looking at the equipment all over the ground, Ye Shen grinned and said.

As soon as Ye Shen’s voice fell, a slender and delicate figure had already appeared beside him, it was Nataya, who had not been seen for many days.

“Master, Nata has missed you!”

Nataya just appeared in the outside world and threw herself into her arms excitedly.

“How much do you want to?” Ye Shen gently hugged Nataya’s soft and boneless slender waist and said with a smile.

The warm fragrance of nephrite jade was in his arms, and the dark incense came to his nose, causing Ye Shen’s blood to boil endlessly.

It has obviously been more than two months, but the previous scene of turning the phoenix and destroying the soul is still deeply imprinted in his mind.

“I am now, whether it is physique, strength or agility, I have improved several times, and my combat power in that area should have improved a lot, do you want to find an opportunity to compete with Nataya?”

Ye Shen touched his chin thoughtfully.

Some thoughts, once they really have it, can’t stop.

At this time, Ye Shen was like this, when he was practicing in a mind retreat before, he couldn’t think of anything else, but at this time, nephrite was warm and fragrant, and Nataya’s fiery and delicate body exuded an amazing temptation.

Suddenly, Ye Shen couldn’t help but start to raise his head in some places.

Ye Shen’s movement, suddenly, Nataya, who was close to his body, immediately had a sense, she first trembled, and then her delicate and flawless jade face suddenly turned red.

“Master, let’s change places.” Natayayu’s face was flushed, and her breathing was short.

Ye Shen is a little uncontrollable, but why isn’t she?

The taste of the pith is not only Ye Shen.

What’s more, affected by her favorability, her attachment to Ye Shen will only be deeper, and she will naturally be more eager for that aspect.

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