Of course, although the decision has already been made, in order to truly fuse skills, at least wait for the [Fusing Shenwei] to cool down.

Therefore, in the following time, Ye Shen tried again and again to fight with the “Wind Chaser’s Grievance”.

I have to say that the legendary BOSS is the legendary BOSS, its power, not only in the attack, in addition to the powerful attack, the most terrifying thing is its reaction and skills.

In just half a day, Ye Shen had already fought with the “Wind Chaser’s Grievance” dozens of times, but no matter how he attacked, no skill could really fall on the Wind Chaser’s Grievance.

No matter how his Mana Burning was released, it was directly shattered by a magic staff.

And in the meantime, the strength of the “Wind Chaser’s Grievance” is also displayed little by little, and various skills such as “Invisibility”, “Retardation”, “Aging”, “Shadow Mist”, and “Damage Deepening” are also emerging one after another.

If it weren’t for Ye Shen’s constant vigilance and casting the Earth Escape Technique whenever something was wrong, I am afraid that he would have been forced out of the Earth Shelter by him.

However, in this way, there are also benefits, at least, Ye Shen feels that his PK skills should be much stronger.

And in this process, Ye Shen also had some understanding and guesses about the “resentful spirit of the wind chaser”.

“The Resentful Spirit of the Wind Chaser” should be the boss of an assassin’s part-time mage, and his skills include the assassin’s “Back Attack”, “Stuffy Stick”, “Chiseling”, “Invisibility”, as well as the mage’s “Retardation”, “Aging”, “Damage Deepening” and so on.

It can be said that the mage skill is used as an auxiliary and the assassin’s single damage ability is strengthened to the extreme, but this also leads to the problem, that is, the “grievance spirit of the wind chaser” is likely not a group attack.

Of course, this is just a guess, but anyway, after so many times, Ye Shen has not seen the “Wind Chaser’s Grievance” use the group attack skill.

Otherwise, his “Earth Asylum” would have been forced out long ago.


Time slowly passed in the trial and exchange of hands again and again, compared to the tranquility here, the outside world has long been boiling like a pot of porridge.

At nine o’clock in the morning of the second day of Ye Shen’s synthesis of [Fusion Shenwei], the testing of the Shen Demon Group for the wisdom brain program also officially began, this time the test invited many public figures, from government elites, business elites, to well-known people, to many well-known journalists, notaries, etc., enough to invite hundreds of people.

In fact, the routine detection of the intelligent brain does not require so many people, but the impact of this “hand of God” event is too great.

This move of the God and Demon Group is also to be open, fair and transparent, and to eliminate all cheating as much as possible, and this whole process is also in the live broadcast.

After Dongfang Ming, the president of the God and Demon Group, announced the start of the test, the representatives of the five major countries in the God and Demon Group took out their sub-key fragments, and finally synthesized a complete sub-key and put it into the Wisdom Brain’s authority testing center.

At this time, countless cameras are aimed at the intelligent brain.

“Ding, the second authority key has been detected, Genesis is at your service!” An icy voice came from Zhi’s brain.

“Genesis, in my capacity as the president of the God and Demon Group, I order you to detect all the data in the game of God and Demon Genesis!” Dongfang Ming was directly in front of his intellectual brain and said solemnly.

“Ding, identity authentication passed, immediately execute the instruction, the creation self-inspection begins!” Zhi Brain said without any tone.


PS: The new book, finally on the shelf, please support the big book, flowers, monthly passes, evaluation, rewards, the more the merrier.

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