With the experience of making Lucifer, Wang Gao will successively make Cyborg No. 2-Leviathan and Cyborg No. 3-Sameer in the next half a month. .

Robot II Leviathan, is a Fishman with blue skin, mainly because of his biological reproductive outfit-the Sea King base armor, which tends to be a type of seabed combat.

Sea King base armor, a combination of "sea fighter blue orangutan", "stone crab", and part of the Sea King type genes.

Samaer, robot number three, is a man with a beard, a rough face, and a fragrant mouth and a dirty mouth.

His biological colony is called Demon King base armor.

The Demon King base armor is made from many devil beast genes in Impel Down and Sea King genes.

With three cyborg subordinates, Wang Gao finally does not have to do everything by himself.

Lucifer is responsible for building the intelligence system, while Leviathan is responsible for building the fleet, and Sameer oversee Impel Down 5.5.

Under the ground of Camel Island, about 150 meters above sea level, Leviathan is digging a submarine base.

With a fist, the ground trembled slightly.

A dozen cubic rocks were cracked, and then countless vines tied the rock fragments and dragged these rocks to the ground and piled them up.

With dozens of fists in a row, the rock formation cracked again.

On the other side.

In the seabed tunnel that connects Camel Island and Impel Down, this main road is 810 kilometers long, and there are 16 subsidiary branch tunnels in the middle.

These branch tunnels, mainly connected to the underground river, are the food and water supply area for the giant Jasmine.

Samael is transforming the tunnel at this time, using camouflage rocks, adding many walls and gates. Once these gates are closed and trapped in the middle, it will be difficult to escape.

In order to deal with the Devil Fruit Ability User, each gate area is set up with a water discharge pipe leading to the seabed. The Devil Fruit Ability User can use the strategy of closing the door to release the water when entering it.

Even if the giant Jasmine returns again, the reconnaissance vine nets densely covered with Camel Island, seabed tunnels, and Impel Down will instantly find the opponent's entry.

As for the dragon, this guy is also a Devil Fruit Ability User and is also restrained by the sea.

Although Wang Gao did not intend to use the 5.5th floor of Impel Down and Camel Island as his base camp, the strategic value here is very high. Impel Down is a key organization that can affect the world situation.

It is estimated that the buddy army later sent Okama King into Impel Down, the purpose is to secretly operate the 5.5 layer, and then, when necessary, control or destroy Impel Down.

Only now that Wang Gao has arrived, he has occupied 5.5 floors ahead of time, so he will naturally not give up here easily.

In Impel Down alone, the Devil Fruit ability of those prisoners is a resource he cannot give up.

After completing the transformation of the seabed tunnel, Samael prepared to hunt the prisoners in Impel Down as ordered by Wang Gao.

He has something similar to a tablet, which is a touch-screen bio-computer based on Den Den Mushi's improvement. The bio-computer stretches out a thread and inserts it into the vines of the scout vine net.

Lucifer, who was on the other side of Tengwang, felt Samael’s data access request, and then agreed to the access request.

Samael entered the database of Tengwang.

I found the data of Impel Down prisoners, and then entered a filter criteria [Devil Fruit Ability User], there were 573,672 results before, and then only 1506 results were left.

Impel Down has a total of 570,000 prisoners. Among them, Devil Fruit Ability User has 1,506, and the number is indeed very large.

After watching for a while, Sameer entered the filter criteria again and only looked at Paramecia and Logia. In an instant, there were only 233 people left.

After removing the obvious targets of Eternal Hell, the number of targets was reduced to 197 people again.

For the remaining 197 people, Samael carefully observed that he had a part of Wang Gao's memory, and naturally he did not underestimate the arrogance of Paramecia Devil Fruit.

Even in Wang Gao’s memory, the priority level for Paramecia is higher than that of many Logia, such as Moku Moku no Mi and Swamp Fruit in Logia. It is estimated that it is not much stronger when it develops to an awakened state. .

Not as good as Paramecia, after all, Paramecia's probability and upper limit are hard to estimate.

Huh? There is even this Devil Fruit ability, Samael saw a rare Devil Fruit ability, Paramecia-the kitchen fruit ability.

This fruit is similar to the type of weapon fruit.

Opening the next list, there is another Devil Fruit that did not appear, Paramecia-the black fruit ability.


Paramecia-Mask Fruit Ability

Paramecia-Phone Fruit Ability

Paramecia-Spicy Fruit Ability

Paramecia ……

The Paramecia Devil Fruit of all kinds of strange things dazzled Sameer. He thought for a while and quickly determined the first one Target.

Impel Down.

Third Layer, Starvation Hell.

Because of the Devil Fruit Ability User, Charlie was held alone in a single cell, but for a chef, Starvation Hell’s long-term hunger and the pig’s food were the most painful Torture.

How long has it been since being imprisoned to Impel Down?

Charlie seems to have forgotten a bit, completely lost hope for the future, so that he has no desire to improve, thinking back to the first half of his life, some regret and helplessness.

Does the legendary meeting place of the four seas really exist? His thoughts floated to the dreamy dream.

It's just that he didn't notice that, in the rock wall behind, Samael was manipulating the vines, using the targeted corrosive fluid, and quickly digging the tunnel.

Just about 2 meters away from the cell on the rock formation, Charlie finally noticed something wrong. There were waves of slight si si sounds coming from the rock formation behind, and it appeared to be getting closer and closer. the trend of.

Samael, who was digging a hole, also saw Charlie's expression change through the vine net hidden in the cell.


It's too late!

A chameleon has lurked into the cell, only the back of the chameleon, with two rows of small holes opened, a colorless and odorless gas is slowly released into the air.

Charlie, who just wanted to listen carefully, gradually felt his eyelids heavier, and then fell into a coma.

It's just that Sameer showed a sly smile, the chameleon's tail was aimed at Charlie's neck, and in an instant, an anesthetic bone needle spurted out.

The bone needle pierced into Charlie's neck fiercely, his eyes widened in astonishment, and then he fell to the side feebly.

Be smart! Samael mocked the opponent's overestimate one's capabilities in his heart.

He can not only observe with his eyes, but also has super hearing and smell, infrared thermal imaging, electromagnetic wave scanning and so on.

Just now Charlie seemed to close his eyes, but his heartbeat was accelerating, and his brain waves were rapidly becoming active. This is not a sign of being unconscious.

So Samael directly fills the knife. The anesthetic bone needle fired by his chameleon, let alone a Devil Fruit Ability User locked by Kairosaki, even if it is not locked, he was hit by a special anesthetic bone needle. , Will also be in a coma for about 30 hours.

In less than five hours, only a thin layer remained in the last two meters of the rock formation.

Samael did not break open directly, but drilled a small hole, and then the camouflage leaves of the dry algae vine covered the hole, which corroded the last thin layer of rock.

Then his base armor stretched out a vine, came to Charlie's side, and quickly formed a replica, which is a flesh and blood vegetable, and the instinct to eat, even if it is dissection, it also distinguishes Not bad true and false.

Of course, copying a plant has no IQ, nor does it have the Devil Fruit ability.

At this time, the surface of this cloned plant is covered with a camouflage color, and the inside of the cell is very dim. Unless it is actively detected by the Kenbunshoku expert, it is difficult to find two people here.

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