Leviathan drove Sailfish 001 and left Camel Island to explore other areas in South Blue.

Geographically speaking, Camel Island is located in the Sea Territory, the corner between the Grand Line-Paradise and the Red Line continent, in the Northeast Region of South Blue.

Before Vegapunk worked for Marine, Marine did not have a Battleship vessel that could safely pass through the Calm Belt. At this time, the Northeast Region of South Blue was not yet a hotspot.

But when you look at things, you can’t just stare in front of you.

The location of Camel Island is not safe and hidden. At least the giant Jasmine knows it. If the giant Jasmine cannot cut off the information leak, it means that the buddies will know the secrets here in the future.

Similarly, after Marine obtains the technology to pass the Calm Belt safely, the Sea Territory around Camel Island will be the closest route from Marine headquarters to South Blue.

Although the climate of Camel Island is harsh and it is a typical tropical rainforest, it is not ruled out that Marine will come to explore it.

Lucifer has sent more than 3,000 reconnaissance seagulls to South Blue and Grand Line-Paradise. Now he has a preliminary understanding of South Blue's Northeast Region.

According to Wang Gao’s idea, the location of the third base should preferably be set up in the southwest and southeast regions of South Blue. These two areas are backed by the Red Line continent. Man island.

The Sailfish 001 submarine driven by Leviathan headed for the south-east direction, looking for an unmanned island suitable for building a third base.

Due to the use of Sea King genes, the sailfish class does not need to be coated, and it can dive to seabed depths below 10,000 meters.

In order to avoid accidents, Leviathan has been keeping the submarine sailing at a depth of 500 meters. As for the large Sea Beast and small Sea King in the sea, in fact, in the normal Sea Territory of the four seas, it is still It's relatively rare, and it's not the case everywhere.

even more how the 120-meter-long swordfish class is not something to provoke at first glance. Those Sea Beasts are not brainless zombies with only appetite, but they tend to avoid disadvantages.

Even if meet force with force, the swordfish-class battle strength is not weak, but there is not much problem with turning over the Sea King class of several hundred meters.

While sailing, Leviathan also controlled the Sailfish-class, while sowing some seeds on the seabed.

As soon as these thumb-sized seeds fall into the mud on the seabed, they quickly take root and sprout. In a few days, the seeds will grow into a piece of "coral".

In fact, this is a new genetic organism prepared by Wang Gao-algae coral.

The purpose of algae corals is to supplement the deficiency of dry algae vines in the ocean, and build a seabed coral network by camouflaging them as corals.

Don’t look at the coral forest created by this seed, it only has an area of ​​about a few hundred square meters, and the height is only about a dozen meters.

Actually, the roots of algae corals can penetrate into the ground and hide in the soil a few meters or even more than ten meters below the seabed.

Then each sea coral is connected by each other's root system to form a coral network covering the seabed.

In addition to spreading algae and corals along the way, Leviathan will also release a large number of prepared marine life, these marine life will live in the coral forest.

They include: parasitic barnacles, killer crabs, venomous octopus, and nutrient chlorella.

These four marine creatures have their own uses.

Killer crabs and highly poisonous octopus are the defenders of coral forests, to avoid large sea beasts from damaging the coral forests;

Nutritive chlorella is a kind of symbiosis with algae corals Genetic organisms, on the surface they are algae growing on the seabed, in fact the root system and the algae coral root system are combined to produce fruits similar to apples.

This kind of fruit is called "sea apple" and can supplement Vitamin, sugar, minerals, protein and fat.

However, these sea apples are usually hidden in the bottom of the coral forest. They cannot be found without instructions.

With the existence of vegetative algae, these coral forests are supply stations hidden in seabed.

The last parasitic barnacles, their purpose is to parasitize the bottom of passing ships, mixed with ordinary barnacles.

As for the use of parasitic barnacles, it is mainly for monitoring and positioning, supplementing the shortcomings of reconnaissance seagulls that cannot follow the ship at all times.

Along the way, Leviathan is spreading these genetically modified organisms everywhere.

On the 17th day when he left Camel Island, he had sailed about 15,000 kilometers and entered the southeast area of ​​South Blue.

Of course, this is not a straight line sailing, but looking for suitable islands everywhere, otherwise Leviathan would have entered the southwest area of ​​South Blue long ago.

Huh? He pressed the pause button, and Sailfish 001 stopped immediately.

It turned out to be an algae coral planted three days ago. During the growth process, a Devil Fruit was found.

Along the way, Leviathan did discover many things through planting algae corals, such as seabed shipwrecks, seabed mineral veins, and all kinds of strange things marine life.

But this is the first time Devil Fruit has discovered it. Don’t look at him for sailing 15,000 kilometers, but compared to the ocean area of ​​this planet, the area covered by the coral network is less than one-tenth of South Blue. .

This Devil Fruit was locked by an iron box and then buried in the mud on the seabed.

If it is directly exposed in the sea, Devil Fruit is most likely to be eaten by marine creatures, and then the marine creatures directly lose the ability to swim and be killed by other predators.

This also fell into the seabed, most of the Devil Fruit without a protective layer, the final fate.

Only a few Devil Fruits that were packed in boxes or washed up on land by ocean currents were kept.

Leviathan analyzed the type of Devil Fruit. It is a dark green banana. It is estimated that Zoan is most likely.

Activating the remote control command, he made the algae coral secrete a chitin composite layer, wrapped the Devil Fruit, and then hidden it in the bottom cavity of the coral forest where the sea apples were stored.

After doing all of this, Leviathan continued to drive the sailfish class to explore the unknown Sea Territory.

At this time, in the warehouse of Sailfish 001, there are mountains of gold and silver jewelry, rows of test tubes storing cell samples, and things found from the sunken ship.

Includes an O Wazamono of 21st grade, but this knife seems to be a demon knife.

Other things, an 11-meter-long Adam wood keel, should be secondary recycled Adam wood; a dozen pieces of things that seem to be antiques; two incomplete sheepskin logbooks; five Grands Line's magnetic pointer; more than a dozen still-usable firearms.

For gold and silver jewelry, Leviathan doesn’t care. He has advanced biological submarine technology. The gold, silver and gemstone veins in the sea are dozens of times more than land, and the overwhelming majority veins are all The state of being unmined.

If you need gold and the like, it is more than enough to find a few rich veins and dig a few hundred tons a year.

It's the two logbooks that Leviathan carefully turned over several times.

Suddenly he was frowned, put down the logbook in his hand, and inserted his hands into the fusion interface in the bridge.

At this time, the sailfish 001 has stopped.

About 7 nautical miles away, a large sailing ship flying the World Government flag seems to be at war with a small boat.

On the boat, there was only one man, carrying a harpoon, and rowing the oars with both hands desperately.

The CP6 crew on the galleon looked at the boat indifferently. A man in a tall suit biting a cigar waved his hand and said, "Clean up as soon as possible."

" Yes."

bang! Boom...

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