Kane’s cooking skills are average, but he is good at grilling and cooking fish soup.

After preparing the barbecue, fish soup and stew, the two were eating in the restaurant, and Leviathan did not dislike it.

After eating, Kane cleaned up the table and cutlery.

And Leviathan continued to go to the cab to check if there is a suitable desert island, which can be used as a third base.

However, it is really not easy to find a suitable desert island.

Don't look at South Blue being very vast, occupying about one-sixth of the area of ​​the blue starfish. In fact, the islands here have been inhabited for a long time.

Generally, deserted islands without human beings are either similar to Camel Island, and the natural environment is too harsh; or too small; either on the island, or there is terrifying existence around it.

Of course, even islands with a harsh environment may actually be occupied by people. For example, Pirates and the like will look for remote desert islands to use as secret bases.

Unconsciously, time came to December 16.

At this time, Sailfish 001 came to the junction of the southeast and southwest regions of South Blue, which is the high latitude region of the southern hemisphere. It has entered the Antarctic Circle and is connected to the Red Line continent in this area. All present a snow-capped scenery.

Because it is summer in the southern hemisphere, there are no large areas of Iceburg and blizzards in the Antarctic Sea Territory.

Leviathan finally stopped, because he found a very suitable position.

A vast "island".

This island is not on the sea. Only when the tide is low will a part of the reef be exposed. During the high tide, there are only three small islands and reefs that can be exposed to the sea.

The reason why this is a vast island is because the bases of these islands and reefs are actually connected as a whole.

Leviathan operated Sailfish 001 and turned around on the seabed.

It was found that in the area with a radius of 720 to 1200 kilometers, the sea depth is about 8,000 to 14,000 meters, except for the island in the middle, which has an average depth of only about 30 to 150 meters.

The base plate of the island reef presents an elliptical shape with a radius of about 30 to 37 kilometers. When the tide is high, only 3 islands and reefs are left out of the sea; when the tide is low, there are 19 islands. The reefs are out of the sea, the largest of which is about 3.2 square kilometers in area.

These islands and reefs all have a characteristic, that is, black is generally present, the reason is that there are many black corals growing in this area.

Obviously these islands and reefs are the islands and reefs formed after the death of black corals.

Leviathan named it "Black Reef Archipelago", and the large island base below it was named "Black Coral Atoll".

After returning the relevant information of the Black Reef Archipelago, Wang Gao carefully considered it. Although there is no large area of ​​land exposed to the sea, the island base area of ​​the Black Reef Archipelago is large enough and it is relatively simple to transform.

And there is no obvious large area of ​​land, which means it will not be eye-catching. This is originally the sparsely populated Antarctic Circle, and even the fishermen who fish will not come here.

As for Pirate and the like, it's even less likely to come to places where birds don't shit.

Sparsely populated and deserted, it means that the confidentiality here is better.

Although it is a full 33,200 kilometers away from Camel Island, with the fastest speed of 200 knots (approximately 370 kilometers each hour) of the Sailfish class, a distance of more than 30,000 kilometers is only 100 per trip. ~300 hours or so.

An average of 4 to 13 days, it can still be considered.

Wang Gao immediately decided to let Leviathan establish a third base on the Black Cay Islands.

Leviathan received the order to first surround the seabed island base and plant a circle of algae corals to seabed the island reef that originally had more than a dozen waterways.

Ships that are not familiar with the hydrological conditions here will directly touch the reef and sink once they enter the Black Reef Islands.

Leviathan only intends to dig a few underwater tunnels on the seabed cliff that can enter the island and reef.

The construction plan kicked off. Kane, who was given the Sea Fighter's armor by Leviathan, is also helping to build the base.

During this period.

Wang Gao also asked Sonic Bird to transport the improved genetic biology seeds and the new version of Sea King base from Camel Island to the Black Reef Islands.

The sonic bird is a specially developed genetic organism. It is not large in size, slightly larger than the average eagle. It is characterized by its very fast speed and its cruising speed can reach twice the speed of sound.

It is mainly used to transport genetic seeds and the like.

From Camel Island to the Black Reef Islands, it only takes about 28 hours, which is much faster than the sailfish class.

Wang Gao updated the Sea King base for Leviathan and brought a batch of new genetic seeds. These seeds can replicate and multiply, so one type only needs to be sent to one. .

Rough waves of the Black Reef Islands.

The seabed has become a large construction site. On the cliff wall on the edge of the island and reef, at a depth of about 600 to 800 meters from the sea, a huge hole has been formed.

At this time, the entrance of the cave is wrapped by a special coral layer, turning into a gate that can be opened and closed, and the area behind the gate is a reinforced vine that continuously violently destroys the rock formation.

The person responsible for the excavation of this sea tunnel is the Ultraman who was given the Sea Fighter's base armor. It is mainly to operate the fortified vines and continuously destroy the rock formations along the way.

On the other side.

In the central area of ​​the Black Reef Islands.

Leviathan is already in it, and an underground base has been completed. The whole underground base is hidden below sea level.

The base is 240 meters below sea level, and the thickness of the rock layer above is about 80 meters, and there is also a layer of sand with a thickness of 20-30 meters.

Divided into upper and lower fourth layers, the area of ​​each layer is about 15,000 square meters.

After completing the construction of the main frame, the next step is internal refinement. In addition to the laboratory, he has completed the other infrastructure.

After the island reef is surrounded by algae corals, a relatively stable Sea Territory is formed in the middle, with an area of ​​about 923 square kilometers.

This stable and not deep Sea Territory was re-planned by Leviathan, using algae corals as partitions to form relatively independent seabed areas.

Then he selected some suitable species from the genetic seeds sent by Wang Gao and planted them in these seabed areas.

Mainly sea rice farms, nutrient chlorella farms and the like.

In the base, Leviathan will use the underground second layer as a living area. The 19 pregnant women and 13 babies are all placed here.

Kane’s wife, Ultraman • Mary, was appointed as the interim dean of the nursery.

Everyone also knows their situation. Although they are forced to be separated from their relatives, in order for the child to survive, all the pregnant women choose to live strong.

Human adaptability is stubborn, even more how underground bases are not as gloomy as imagined, but places with distinct day and night, sunshine and plants.

The artificial sun lights are arranged on a 100-meter-high ceiling, rising eastward and falling westward through guide rails.

The camouflage-colored leaves on the ceiling can be discolored to simulate the clouds in the sky.

On the ground are grasslands, gardens, vegetable gardens, farmland, woods and streams, as well as a big windmill, which makes people feel like being in an idyllic scenery.

This is the power of technology. One change that Wang Gao brought to this world is to use technology to improve the quality of human life.

In the nursery, more than a dozen pregnant women operate basic auxiliary base armor, which can not only avoid being too tired, but also do some housework and the like.

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