At that instant, Ball calculated the processing conditions of the mast and the defects in the material, and then attached the Busoshoku with steel balls, directly hitting its weak points.

What about Adam Wood?

There is no absolutely perfect thing in this world. Even Kairoseki, which is known as invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, has special processing techniques.

The Adam wood used as Funaki must have processing conditions, otherwise there will be no way to adapt.

Seeing the collapsed mast, Yasopp involuntarily complained: "We won't buy fake Adamwood?"

"Don't be careless, that Marine is very terrifying." Ben Beckman is already covered with Busoshoku, completely guarded by concentrated attention.

Shanks knew that it couldn't go on like this. He took out a flute, while playing the flute, while waving a long knife, sending out dense slashes, trying to distract Marine's attention.

At this time, David Lieutenant Commander of Boll drew a long knife and kept blocking Shanks' slash.

Boll continued to eject the steel ball.

Faced with the weird steel ball, everyone in the Red Hair Pirates group did not dare to take it lightly and went all out to fight.

It's just that during Boll's attack this time, some drunken men didn't mean to drink.

Near the waterline of Red Force, a piece of boat wood was instantly destroyed, and a large amount of sea water poured into the cabin.

"Deputy Captain, it's not good! The bottom of the boat is leaking!"

Ben Beckman's face became heavier. This is the first time he felt his IQ was suppressed. .

Ball's steel ball strikes again.

The length of Shanks is pitch black, which is the performance of covering a high concentration of Busoshoku, and he then swung his knife with all his strength.

Will it be just that Boll will let him get out of his body?

The powerful and domineering slash instantly bounced off most of the steel balls, but three of them flew over the Red Force and shot towards the rock wall of the Reverse Mountain Canal.

Pu chi! The steel ball hit the weak part of the rock wall.

crack crack ……bang! A rock over a hundred meters collapsed and hit the side of Red Force.

Shanks complexion greatly changed: "Hah!"

Whis the Griffin with all its strength, dozens of powerful slashes flew over and chopped the rock, but the rock fell to Red Force’s The trend has not changed much.

Several other crew members shot out one after another, trying to fly these rocks.

It's just that they also exposed their backs to the Marine battleship side. Yasopp endured the back pain and confronted Marine sniper Henrik.

Shanks, Ben Beckman, Lucky • Lu also showed divine ability, and fully resisted slash, shelling, and steel ball offensive.

Especially Bohr's steel ball, the level of weirdness often makes you can't guard against it.

"Akagami Shanks! Today is your death date!" Bohr's eyes were extremely sharp.

Ultimate calculation—dead point.

A steel ball shot at Ben Beckman's heart, and Ben Beckman covered Busoshoku's long sword horizontally, blocking the steel ball's attack.

But at that moment, his sword finally couldn't withstand the impact because it resisted the steel ball many times, and it broke into two pieces directly.

In one section, a burst of bounce and roll, diagonally inserted on the deck behind Shanks.

And the steel ball was only bounced away, and was not completely blocked. It bounced off a tung oil barrel used to maintain the boat wood. The barrel broke instantly, and a lot of tung oil was flowing on the deck.

At exactly this moment, a small fragment among the cracked rock flew into the barrel of Yasopp's sniper rifle.

When he tried to shoot again, he just pulled the trigger and the sniper rifle exploded. The fragments of the sniper rifle were directly inserted into Yasopp's right eyeball.


Because of the blast, he could not counter the bullet of Marine sniper Henrik. Lucky Lu appeared in front of Yasopp and split the incoming bullet. .

However, this bullet ejected to Shanks's left knee fossa, Kenbunshoku warned, his body conditioned to lift his left foot.

But he ignored that on the deck under his feet at this time, the thick tung oil was lying on it. It happened that the water on the other side of Red Force was very uncomfortable due to the falling of a large amount of rubble. Stable big waves.

Shanks, standing on one foot, encountered a deck covered with tung oil. Suddenly the boat tilted. The soles of his feet slipped immediately and his whole body fell backwards.

"Not good!"

"Be careful!"

Shanks has felt the fatal danger behind him, but Boll on the opposite side has already shot another steel ball , Take the position he wants to avoid.

If he chooses to avoid the Broken Sword on the deck behind him at this time, the center of his brow will be pierced by steel balls; if he chooses to avoid the steel balls, his heart will be pierced by Broken Sword.

In a flash, he forcibly used Griffin on the deck, letting his body hover two centimeters above the broken blade.

But the steel ball still hit his left shoulder holding the sword, causing his shoulder to lose strength and Busoshoku coverage, losing the support of strength, Shanks only had time to deflect his body.

Pu chi! His left arm holding the sword was severed by the broken blade.

Ben Beckman, Yasopp, Lucky Lu and other crew members turned pale in fright.

All this is just a huge change in a few seconds.

"Avoided?" Ball just wanted to continue his hands. Suddenly his Kenbunshoku sensed a fatal danger, gave up continuing his attack, and hit the rudder 34.21 degrees to the left.

A strong storm hit suddenly, causing the Battleship to almost hit the canal wall.

A huge bird fell from the sky, then grabbed the hull of Red Force and quickly spread its wings and flew high.

When Bohr stabilized the ship, the giant bird had already grabbed Red Force and flew away for more than ten kilometers.

Boll saw the identity of the giant bird at a glance: "Elbaf's Rock bird? Lucky for you."

"This is Luo who lives on the tree of Adam. Can you kill the bird? It can grow to such a big size." Lieutenant Commander Davy said with his fist clenched.

Crocus on the lighthouse, seeing this scene, involuntarily sighed in relief, but also secretly sighed Marine is powerful.

The confrontation this time was also recorded by the ubiquitous reporter bird.

After half a day.

Little Garden Island.

In a hidden forest, the tattered Red Force is parked here.

Shanks has bandaged the wound, and the arm that could have been connected to it, because of the huge wind raised by the Rock Bird, which blew his arm into the sea, naturally there was no way to recover.

At this time, in the Red Hair Pirates regiment, more than a dozen crew members died, Shanks's left hand holding the sword was broken, and Yasopp's left eye was also blind.

The bottom of the Red Force ship broke and the mast broke and fell into the Reverse Mountain Canal. It is estimated that it will not be recovered.

Shanks laughed indifferently: "haha! Celebrate us avoiding a catastrophe! Road, take out the wine and meat, let's have a banquet!"

"No problem. "Lucky Lu shrugged.

Among all the people in the boat, perhaps only Ben Beckman was the most silent. The psychological shadow that Boll caused to him was too great, it was a kind of powerlessness to be seen through at a glance.

"Ben, don't care too much, and I will settle the account with that guy later." Shanks smiled comforted.

Looking at the optimistic Shanks and his empty left arm, Ben Beckman still couldn't let go, and could only drink silently.

Suddenly two huge silhouettes pulled a dinosaur over and one of the giants stared at the Rockbird beside Red Force: "Isn’t this Rockbird? Have you been to Elbaf?"

"Hey, is it a giant? Hello, I am Akagami Shanks. I want to have a banquet together?" Shanks said with a smile.

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