Sea Calendar January 5, 1510.

Four days have passed since the Battle of Mariejois. At this time, the whole world knew about it.

But the matter is not over.

Because in the past few days, East Blue Food Kingdom, South Blue Sorby Kingdom, West Blue Kano Country, North Blue Lubni Road Kingdom.

Grand Line’s 17 kingdoms, including the Dragon Palace Kingdom, Hezhi Kingdom, Dahomey Kingdom, Bantu Kingdom, and Arnhem Kingdom.

A total of 21 kingdoms have announced their membership in the People’s Revolutionary Federation.

If it is an ordinary joining, similar to the previous World Government model, then other kingdoms in the world will not feel uneasy or frightened.

Because of joining this time, it is not joining, but directly annexing.

The kings, Royal Family, and nobles of these kingdoms have all been cancelled the privileges they had before. What is more terrifying is that the Federation of the People’s Republic of China has carried out a series of actions for the nobles with slaves and the nobles who have killed innocent civilians before. Historical liquidation.

Obviously, many feudal nobles could not tolerate this kind of thing.

But the National Revolutionary Federation and Wang Gao are not used to their ideas. They did not agree to join the National Revolutionary Federation, and the final result was the same.

If they don't want to be decent, let the National Revolutionary League help them decent.

East Blue.

Loguetown, the Red Rose Hotel near the Execution Square.

Long got some of the latest information. After reading the information, he fell into deep thought.

21 countries joined the Federation of the People's Republic of China, some of which are controlled by the Federation of the People's Republic of China, but some are not.

For example, the unlucky kingdom of Lubnilu was because the kingdom was photographed flattery and the horse was photographed on the legs of the horse. As a result, the man was detained by Schrödinger and the whole kingdom was directly controlled.

And the Dragon Palace Kingdom seems to have some internal problems. First Prince Shark, who had studied in the abyss, took over the power of the original Dragon Palace Kingdom King Neptune, and was annexed by the NPC.

Some other kingdoms, such as Kano Country, is Zheng Sen, the leader of the First Treasure Marine Army. He combined the Three Treasures, Five Treasures, and Six Treasures to capture the Forbidden City, the capital of Kano Country, and then announced that Kano Country had joined. Revolutionary League.

The Sorbe Kingdom that even cares about the most is the current King Bear. He directly announced that he has joined the RIGF and led his family to leave the Solbe Kingdom to live in other places in the RIGF.

"Bear, why did you do this?" Long meditated in confusion.

Suddenly Betty walked in hurriedly: "The leader, the major event is out."

"What happened again?"

Betty made a long story short: "Human revolution The governor of the United East Blue, Beelzebub, had captured the kingdom on the bridge yesterday, and just half an hour ago, led a flying fleet to the Goa Kingdom."

"Goa Kingdom?" Long doesn't have a good impression of this hometown.

Betty said solemnly: "Yes, because the nobles of Goa Kingdom did not accept the rule of the People's Revolutionary Federation, the two sides broke out, and thousands of nobles were executed on the spot."

"Are they going to destroy all the noble systems?" Long said painfully.

For example, the Revolutionary Army’s limited reforms, the National Revolutionary Army adopted a more extreme and thorough reform plan, which is to destroy the current feudal aristocratic system.

The big news Morgans, which was just collected by the National Revolutionary Federation of People's Republic of China, also denounced the problem of Goa Kingdom to everyone through the newly formed Star TV station.

Long naturally knows that the problem of Goa Kingdom is not as good as the garbage dump in the quarantine area, which has a huge gap between rich and poor.

He took a moment and ordered Betty to stay lurking temporarily. In addition, the Revolutionary Army personnel at the headquarters of Baitu Island also evacuated in the past few days.

The reason why Long evacuated the headquarters was actually compelled by circumstances. After all, Xiong's situation is unknown now, and he must beware of the problems exposed by the headquarters.

The dragon then turned into a gust of wind and flew towards Goa Kingdom.

More than five hours later, he came to the capital of Goa Kingdom, the richest and most luxurious place in Goa Kingdom, but at this time it was full of depression and a trace of blood.

Many nobles and big merchants who resisted were already treated with respect at this time.

The palace was used as a temporary office in Beelzebub.

When I came to a small street shop, Long ordered a cup of golden rum and a grilled meat sandwich. Boss seemed a little absent-minded.

"Boss! What happened today?" Long Man asked casually.

Boss poured him a glass of golden rum, added a few ice cubes, and asked with a smile: "Guests are from outside?"

Long nodded: "I am today I just came back from the field and found something wrong with the atmosphere in the royal capital?"

"The royal capital? There is no royal capital anymore. Goa Kingdom has perished. Now it has been renamed East Blue Goa Kingdom." Boss was helpless. Shrugged.

Long pretended to be very surprised: "What's the matter?"

Boss looked around before whispering: "It's the Federation of People's Revolution, they captured Goa Kingdom today. Many nobles were executed."

"The nobles were put to death? Why? Did these nobles resist the Revolutionary League?"

Boss shook his head: "Some are, some are not, this It is the new system plan of the Federation of the Revolutionary People's Republic of China. You can take a look at it if you are interested."

Long took a document, which was issued to every citizen by the Federation of the Revolutionary People's Republic of China, and he read it carefully.

From the content point of view, this includes the fundamental system of the Federation of the People's Republic of China, a part of the law, and the New Deal provisions on the one hand.

First of all, the most unacceptable one for each kingdom is to abolish the monarchy, aristocracy, slave system, and theocratic system, and promote the complete equality of citizens.

Then it is to track down past crimes and confiscate illegal gains.

For the nobles, these terms are very difficult for them to accept. After all, the nobles with clean butt are really as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Overwhelming majority aristocracy, basically the state of "little Celestial Dragon", but it does not have the power of Celestial Dragon, plus it can only be tyrannically abused power in its own territory, so it is not as well known as Celestial Dragon. .

Kings like Neptune, Cobra, and bears are actually rare animals.

The kings of the overwhelming majority are all like Wapol Bo, the evil king, the Goya king, and the Lubnilu king. They are greedy, unscrupulous, aggressive, brutal, human life as grass, and all crimes are used. It can be described as a plethora of books.

Long read the document carefully and found that the sandwich was already cold, but he didn't care about it, and just stuffed it into his mouth.

Suddenly the door of the shop was pushed open, and a youngster wearing a long-distance runner came in: "Brother, guess what did I see?"

Boss scolded while wiping the table. Said: "There are soldiers everywhere, why are you running out? Be careful to get caught, I don't have the money to fish you."

Youngster didn't care: "Brother, I didn't break the law. People arrested me."

What are you doing? By the way, I saw Sir Jim. He was just caught. This bastard finally got retribution, hahaha......"

"Jim?" Boss also looked happy: "Good catch , This bastard deserves to go to hell."

"Go to hell? Hahaha, in the People's Revolutionary Federation, you will really go to hell." The youngster laughed.

Long heard these discussions and was not surprised. The civilians of Goa Kingdom are very hostile to the nobles.

The National Revolutionary Federation of People's Republic of China dealt with these nobles strongly. For ordinary people, they would not have any opinions, and would even be more happy and supportive.

Long stayed in Goa Kingdom for three days. He secretly observed what the RIGF was doing here. He found that the RIGF was very well prepared and its control over the entire Goa Islands was increasing day by day.

Compared with the incompleteness of the Revolutionary Army, the thorough clean-up of the People's Revolutionary Army also allowed the entire society to move toward the state set by Wang Gao.

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