West Blue.

Ohara Island.

In the Tree of All-knowledge, an invisible guest was quietly looking at the huge collection of books here, but none of the archaeologists found anomalies.

Even the Poneglyph hidden in it has been carefully studied.

It was around January that this person secretly entered Belfinger in West Blue.

He used the power of Giga and applied for Lucifer’s assistance. In less than three months, he copied about 68% of the books in the Tree of All-knowledge, and the remaining 32% of the books. It is expected that the copying work will be completed in one and a half months.

Although it is a pity that this place will be destroyed by Buster Call, Belfinger did not remind these historians of their thoughts. After all, they have been targeted by the World Government, and CP agents are very likely to be lurking on the island.

even more how In the process of researching Poneglyph, Ohara was basically semi-public, and sent a group of people into the Grand Line to try to find other Poneglyph.

If these guys are really smart, they won't do it. Instead, they are looking for an island outside of Ohara for small-scale secret research.

In the three months after coming to Ohara, Belfinger saw the fanatical pursuit of Poneglyph by this group of scholars, and the innocence.

In small towns and port areas, some residents can be heard everywhere, talking about some rather taboo topics.

And these topics obviously flowed out of scholar's mouth, spread through the residents of the village, and through the merchant ship and the like, to the people of the surrounding islands.

Is there really no CP organization? World Government has been looking for Ohara scholar to study Poneglyph's evidence.

It can only be said that these historical scholars have really big hearts.

Leaving Avatar in the tree of omniscience, secretly copying books and materials, Belfinger did not touch any scholar's ideas.

At least in his secret observations, the agents of the CP organization secretly lurked many people in Ohara, and began to investigate the specific situation of Ohara.

At this time, even if it appears in Ohara, it may be targeted by the CP organization. He reminded these scholars that it is very likely to expose their existence.

even more how, Belfinger is more interested in technology than in the so-called history, rather than a hundred years of blankness. This kind of thing does not have much meaning for the Federation of People's Revolutionary People's Republic of China.

If it is ancient weapons and ancient technology, perhaps Belfinger would be interested.

On a beach.

At this time, the setting sun was half-sinking to the sea level, and the golden waves, under the blowing of the sea breeze, seemed to shatter into a golden light gleam.

Belfinger changed his face and lay on the beach while grilling a big fish weighing more than ten kilograms, closing his eyes and thinking.

He is lazy in nature. He seems to have no motivation, but he has actually dispatched Avatar to hide secrets all over West Blue.

For example, in Wang Gao in mind, the hometown of "Kano Country" with special meaning, this powerful and mysterious country, in which the storm is turbulent, is also becoming more and more in the information of Belfinger Be clear.

And Lucifer’s Skynet is also spreading rapidly in West Blue.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, from the grass not far away, a dirty little girl appeared on the beach with tears in her eyes.

Then she discovered that a bonfire not far away, and a tall man, were lying on the ground resting.

Belfinger turned his head and looked at Nico Robin with a look of surprise, then turned his head nonchalantly, looked at the fiery red sunset of in midair, and continued to be in a daze.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Are you talking about this?"

A vine stretched out from Belfinger and directly tied Nico Robin, pull her aside, Nico Robin's eyes showed a hint of surprise, as if he saw the same kind: "This...you are also a monster!" Belfinger glanced at her pityingly and turned A bit of grilled fish, taunted with contempt: "Doesn’t that bunch of historical wood teach you some common sense?"

"You are not allowed to say Academician like that." Little Robin's milk is fierce. Face.

"Really? Then why don't you know your abilities? This is not a taboo knowledge, even Devil Fruit doesn't know, the so-called island of scholar, really makes people laugh."

"Devil Fruit?" Little Robin looked puzzled.

Belfinger used the sand from the beach to pinch out plates, knives and forks, and at the same time explained Devil Fruit's knowledge to Robin.

"It turns out that there are many people like me in this world. That's really good." Little Robin danced with joy.

Belfinger’s indifferent expression, cut off a piece of fish and put it on the plate, poured another glass of sea apple juice, and put it in front of Robin: "Eat!"

"This How embarrassed..."

Gu lu gu lu, the cry of his stomach made Little Robin embarrassed.

"Throw it away if you don't eat it." After that, Belfinger ignored her, each minding their own business eating grilled fish and juice.

The hungry little Robin still can’t resist the temptation of food: "Then I’m welcome!"

Pick up a knife and fork, and cut a large piece of outer coke. The tender grilled fish is stuffed into your mouth. Although Belfinger’s cooking skills are average, it is simply delicious for the little Robin who often can’t eat enough.

"Woo...it's so prickly..."

Second day, Robin took the time to find relevant books about Devil Fruit after learning historical knowledge, and confirmed what the person said.

It's still evening, or by the campfire.

Robin came here again, told him what happened today, apologized to him, and went to check Devil Fruit by himself.

"The thought of doubting everything is possible to pry into the truth." Belfinger said in a tranquil voice, and poured a glass of juice for Robin.

"Thank you." Little Robin sat on the side of the rock nicely.

Belfinger cut her a portion of grilled fish and seaweed, and then the two of them ate quietly.

After eating, Belfinger carried out a training state, various peculiar joint skills, knowledge of human body structure.

There are also the use of vines attached to the body to form vine armor, change body shape and appearance, create various avatars, detect eyes and ears, form wings, isolate the body and dive into the sea.

The little Robin on the side, watched with keen interest pleasure, and even tried to imitate it.

Such a day, unconsciously a month and a half passed, West Blue and South Blue are the same, July is the winter season.

Although Ohara is in the subtropical zone and there is no snow, the weather is getting colder and colder.

July 21st.

The wind in the evening is very noisy.

After eating, Belfinger did not train as usual, but took out a book from his backpack.

The book is black, with golden patterns on the cover, which outlines a mysterious pattern, like a gate, the gate is closed tightly.

On the door panel, the left side is composed of countless double spiral stripes, and the right side is composed of digital barcodes.

On the upper side of the gate, there is a closed eye.

There is no name in the book, only a pattern of a door. Belfinger handed the book to Robin: "This is a gift for you, just drop the blood on it."


Belfinger stretched out a bone spur with his finger, stuck it on little Robin's arm, and squeezed a drop of blood out of the bone spur.

The blood dripped on the book, and the book seemed to come alive in an instant, turning into a stream of liquid attached to Robin's arm.

"Uncle, what is this?"

"It's just a parting gift."

Little Robin was immediately stunned when he heard the news. Asked: "Is Uncle leaving?"

"Yes, stay alive!"

After speaking, Belfinger snapped his fingers, and a tentacle came out of the sea. He rushed up, let his voice open, and he walked straight up.

"Uncle, you haven't told me, your name?" Little Robin yelled as he ran.

"You will know one day, goodbye."

After speaking, the tentacles wrapped Belfinger and disappeared on the beach, leaving only the little Robin alone, staying Looking into the distance blankly.

As the sun sets, the sea breeze is getting colder.

After a while, Robin knew what the book on his arm was and how to operate it.

thoughts move, immediately a reduced version of the book, appeared in the hand: "The Book of Truth..."

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