Wang Gao studies Sea King genes with the goal of just in case in the future.

Don’t look at the fact that the People’s Revolutionary Federation can control the Sea King on a large scale by implanting a control core, but this control method is equivalent to surface control.

The control of Sea King Poseidon is equivalent to the deep core control.

Whether the two is strong and which is weak is still unknown at present, so Wang Gao wants to study the gene sequence of Sea King and crack the secret hidden in it.

A half month has passed, and the work of capturing the Sea King species went very smoothly. The Sea King species within a radius of 500 kilometers were all implanted with control cores by the sea hunting camp.

In this area, a total of more than 70,000 large and small Sea Kings were captured.

Wang Gao also obtained the genetic data of these Sea Kings during this period. Through constant comparison, the overlapping genes were finally locked in a small range.

Then he extracted these overlapping gene sequences, edited them into biological test templates through genetic modification technology, and cultivated specialized test organisms.

In the cage, more than a dozen creatures resembling little white mouse are active.

They are the creatures that have been implanted with Sea King-like overlapping genes, and Wang Gao is trying to activate these genes for testing.

[HWL—3697 gene is activated, the organism’s thyroid hormone concentration increases by 63.7%...]

[HWL—5360 gene is activated, the organism’s estrogen concentration decreases by 23.37 %……]

[HWL—5771 gene is activated, an unknown compound type appears in the organism, temporarily numbered as "A27" compound, this substance is continuously affecting brain neurons...]

Wang Gao extracted this new compound separately, and then proceeded with the experiment. Among the 372 overlapping genes tested, the activation of 34 genes had different effects on the brain.

Five of these genes also allow cells to secrete five unknown new compounds.

After preliminary analysis of these genes, Wang Gao showed a look of looked thoughtful: "so that's how it is, dopamine-like comfort effect, anorexia hormone, hemoglobin inhibitory hormone , Disgusting with the punishment effect of sensory hormones, it’s really a good way!"

Indie, who came to be an assistant, was also somewhat clear at this time: "Is this the principle of Sea King Poseidon’s control? By rooting In the controller of the Sea King gene, the disobedient Sea King is eliminated, leaving the obedient part."

The control mode of Sea King Poseidon is so bloody and cruel.

For Sea Kings living in the ocean, once the punishment gene is activated, they will continue to secrete anorexia hormone, hemoglobin inhibitory hormone, and anti-sensory hormone in their bodies.

These 3 types of hormones can cause Sea King to suffer from anorexia, hypoxemia, and confusion of the five senses.

In the fiercely competitive ocean, once you get anorexia, hypoxemia, and confusion of the five senses, the consequences are not much different from being betrayed by the death penalty.

For thousands of years, Sea King Poseidon has used this model to screen Sea Kings who are loyal to "him" from generation to generation.

The more terrifying thing is that once it is combined with the Sea King class that contains the controller gene, even the ordinary Sea King class without the controller gene, the offspring bred will be inherited and controlled. Organ gene.

This is the reason that there are more and more Sea King types with controller genes, which enhances the strength of Sea King Poseidon in disguise.

Shirahoshi, who has not yet been born, may seem timid and weak in later life, but Wang Gao estimates that once the power of the Sea King is fully awakened, she will acquire the memories of the previous Sea Kings.

The overwhelming majority of the Sea King class in the Calm Belt now contains the controller gene, and the proportion of the ordinary Sea King class is very low.

From the more than 70,000 Sea Kings captured so far, the statistics show that there are only 0.27% of the ordinary Sea Kings.

It can be seen that the previous Sea Kings are definitely not good.

Wang Gao has studied the lifespan limit of the Sea King class and the breeding method. Generally, the life cycle of the Sea King class is similar to that of the Giant Race, which is about 300 to 400 years.

And they are all viviparous, usually 5 to 10 offspring are born at a time, and it takes about 30 years from birth to sexual maturity.

In addition, most of the Sea King species are monogamous. After they give birth to offspring, the female Sea King species will not become pregnant again before the offspring reaches adulthood.

Unless the offspring all die before they reach adulthood, they will reproduce their offspring again. Generally, female Sea King species can reproduce up to 8 times in their lifetime.

In this case, under natural conditions, it will take at least 4,500 years for the Sea King species containing controller genes to contaminate the gene pool of the entire Sea King species population to the present level.

But according to lunar man’s records, Sea King Poseidon was created during a hundred years of blankness, and the first Sea King was the mermaid Princess.

Within 800 years, the number of normal Sea Kings must be suppressed to the present level. At that time, the number of Sea Kings implanted with controller genes must reach at least 50%.

After speculating on this result, Wang Gao also increased his vigilance towards the so-called Sea King Poseidon.

Although these Sea King types can be forcibly controlled by implanting control cores, those Sea King types with Sea King controller genes have already been affected by Sea King waves after 800 years of subconscious brainwashing. Saidong was heartbroken.

Once the Sea King is fully awakened, the two sides will definitely fight for the control of the Sea King.

Wang Gao is not really interested in who is right and who is wrong during the 100-year blank.

800 years ago as a semi-primordial and semi-feudal era, the nasty struggle between the League of Twenty Nations (the predecessor of World Government), the Kingdom of Gods, and Fishman Island, as well as the open strife and veiled struggle, is estimated to be the same birds of a feather.

In other words, Wang Gao doesn't trust Sea King. His position and interests are this thing. Sometimes it is difficult to coordinate.

even more how, who knows what the mermaid Princess thought 800 years ago?

Only Poneglyph's description?

Or is it just a few words left by the lunar man?

History is written by the victors. The public history compiled by the World Government is definitely biased towards the League of Twenty Nations. This is undoubtedly the case.

But the people who carve Poneglyph and the people on the moon who left historical documents also have their own positions and interests, and they also have prejudices.

If you blindly believe in the so-called Poneglyph, you may be sold, and you are still helping others to count the money.

This is why Wang Gao does not believe in Sea King Poseidon. Whether the two sides are enemies or friends is still unknown.

Considering that Sea King may compete with Sea King for control of the Sea King in the future, Wang Gao decided to use those Sea Kings without Sea King controller genes as the basis to formulate their own Sea King class.

Those Sea King types that contain Sea King controllers are gradually used as raw materials and food. After all, keeping them is a hidden danger. It is better to kill them in the bud.

Sea King Poseidon’s ability is to control the Sea King class. Once the Sea King class is lost, Poseidon’s ability will be lost.

He doesn't care about the agreement between Joey Boy and the mermaid Princess, and the future Sea King has no soldiers available.

Now Wang Gao's goal is to increase his hole cards as much as possible, and while weakening the power of World Government, it also weakens potential enemies.

This includes Sea King.

Wang Gao was studying the Sea King class.

On the Rainbow Islands under the control of Food Kingdom, a World Government negotiating team has ushered in. Among their colleagues, there is also a CP0 squad and Marine alternate Admiral Borsalino.

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