0123: The Devil's Breath! New Decade · Passionate Form Decade——Participate! (Subscribe!)

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"Kadoya Tsuyoshi..."

For the first time in history, Kaito Daiki called out Kadoya Shi's full name, and it was on the battlefield where swords were about to be drawn. It can be seen that he was really angry.

"Your exclusive rights’........expired~!!"

After hearing this, the old Decade, whose inner uneasiness became more and more intense, and Guang Xiahai, whose heart followed Kaito Daishu, looked at him with hesitation and surprise. Kaito Daishu seemed to be no different from before. He was still a transformation driving card. He casually sent it into the gun-shaped driver of Diend, then raised the driver's gun muzzle, pointed it at the sky, and pulled the trigger.:

"Henshin! (Transform!)"


"KAMAN-RIDE-DECADE! (Masked Driving - Decade!)"

As the sound effect sounded, the gray-white armor shadow instantly appeared and overlapped on Kaito Daishu's body, covering him with a layer of black metal armor!

Under the incredulous gaze of Kadoya Shi and Mitsuru Natsumi inside the armor, seven black films in the air were inserted into the forehead slots of Decade, transformed by Kaito Daishu, one by one, dyeing part of the armor into a finished red color, and his two compound eyes flashed a faint green light!!

He is Kaito Daishu, Diend, but now, he has transformed into a true and authentic Demon Kamen Rider!

The destroyer of the world - Decade!! Come on!!!




Under the shocked gaze of everyone present, the new decade Kamen Rider Decade made a stunning debut!

Gills, who was being brutally beaten by the summoned beasts of Summoner Kaito Daiki, was understandably shocked. After all, two knights who looked almost identical stood in front of him, looking like they were going to confront each other.

If he wasn't in an awkward situation, he would have gone to find a cup of tea to calm down.

As for Kamen Rider Kadoya inside the armor of the old decade Decade,——········

"this...What is this?...?!!"

Looking at the new decade transformed by Kaito Daiki, which is almost identical to his own Decade, and you can't tell the difference at all without looking carefully, Kadoya Shi was so shocked that his mouth was dry and his emotions were mixed.

I am no longer Tiandao Dad...Bah, he is no longer the most coquettish, showy and pretty boy in the masked world!

Kadoya Shi is now completely focused on the question of why Kaito Daishu can become Decade. Not to mention that he is in a state of panic, but he has long lost the"arrogant and calm" attitude he had when he said he wanted to repay Kaito Daishu's kindness.���

"Haidong...It has become Decade.~~?!"

Guang Xiahai, who had her heart set on Haidong Dashu, stood not far behind the new decade that Haidong Dashu had transformed into, Decade. Her beautiful face had a complicated expression, and it was hard to tell what she felt in her heart.

Maybe it was a little fear, maybe a little worry, or maybe it was...........

The scene of the Haidong tree turning into Decade right before my eyes is still unbelievable to me....if...If Haidong is the Decade in her dream who is like a god or a devil and is beaten by many knights,......So what should she do?........

"Hehe~! It's really wonderful!!

As expected of Master Haidong! This is simply the most powerful power!!"

Unlike Guang Xiahai's unbelievable look, Kivala, who had been protecting her, gave a devilish smile after seeing the new decade transformed by Haidong Dashu, flapping a pair of small wings, jumping up and down, looking so excited that she could hardly control herself.

Don't be fooled by Kivala's cute and adorable appearance.

It was the Haidong Dashu's previously too rich and inhumane family background that completely overwhelmed her.

Judging from Kivala's various performances in the drama, this little devil is actually very secretive and evil~!

The reason for being so excited now is not only because he feels the unparalleled aura of an absolutely powerful person emanating from the new decade Decade.

More importantly, Kivala really feels it.........The breath of the devil~~!!!

Yes, it is the breath of the devil who destroys everything!!

If we talk about the difference between the new decade transformed by Kaito Daiki and the old decade transformed by Kadoya Shi, apart from the most intuitive intensity of momentum, careful observation can still reveal several points. The first obvious thing is the magenta new decade and the gray-white old decade Decade drivers worn on their waists.

Then, there is a difference in the compound eyes and the crystal indicator lights on the top of the head.

At this point, it is estimated that everyone already knows what the new decade transformed by Kaito Daiki Decade is like at this moment.

The dark green compound eyes on the face armor of the new decade transformed by Kaito Daiki are generally diffused, showing hideousness.

The crystal indicator light in the middle of the head is not light yellow or light yellow, but a real deep dark purple!

Kamen Rider Decade - New Decade Passionate Form!!!

The two Decades, facing each other, seem to have a shocking battle that is about to break out.

But in fact, there is an absolute disparity in strength between the two sides!

Passionate Decade, to be honest, is the third-level king. In addition to the special combat power bonus when fighting against knights, ordinary knights who do not have the strength to become the fifth-level king will basically be blasted into pieces or beaten into a card when they really fight against Passionate Decade.

Let’s take a look at the old ten-year Decade transformed by Kadoya Shi. There is no need to mention the passionate form. It is completely out of sight.

In terms of power level, the old ten-year Decade is intact and is still at the high-level middle level.

It is completely still in the stage of marking time.

Even this high-level middle-level power, the old ten-year Decade cannot freely and perfectly exert it.

With such data and such a scale, what can the old ten-year Decade use to compete with Passionate Decade?!...

In this book, if anyone can directly knock down Haidong Dashu on the battlefield, I will lose!

Heavy repression, strong oppression, passionate state Decade exudes a chilling and terrifying aura, as if it is a physical violent momentum, giving the old decade Decade extremely terrifying pressure


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