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0139: Ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel (please subscribe)

If possible, Decad would also want to run away quickly to avoid Diend's love beating.

However, ideals are always beautiful, but reality is often cruel.

Before Decad could make a runaway pose, the suspended flying vehicle transformed by AitΩ under Diend's feet had already hit Decad.


With a muffled sound, large sparks burst out from Decade's chest armor and the front of the aircraft.

Under the impact of the suspended aircraft, Decade was directly lifted off the ground, bent over like a big shrimp, lying limply on the front of the aircraft, with his hands and feet resting weakly on it. He couldn't fight back, and couldn't escape. Even his own exclusive weapon fell into the hands of others. What else could he do??!


Invisible air waves rippled in the sky. Decade, who was lying on the front of the suspended aircraft as if accepting his fate, watched his driving card box sword being polished by Diend's hand. After it was polished to a shine, the tip of the sword was facing him. The cold light flashing from time to time made Decade swallow hard:

This time......Really want......Over........

Just an uneasy thought arose in his heart, and before Decade could beg for mercy from the bottom of his heart, Diend had already raised the card box sword in his hand and stabbed it heavily, piercing through Decade, cutting the aircraft and bringing up sparks!

"——A two-faced guy!!!"



"No regard for favors!"






"Disregard friendship!"



As soon as Died said a word, the suspended flying machines that Decade and Agito had transformed into were about to be hit by a swift blow from his sword.

Time seemed to have lost its concept at that moment, and large sparks burst out from their bodies. Decade and Agito had long forgotten how many sword blows they had endured.

They even had the illusion that their bones were shattered and their internal organs were displaced. They only felt that the connection between their bodies and brains was completely cut off, and they were not aware of the existence of their bodies at all.

Died could no longer remember how many times he had swung his sword forward. By the end, he was already in a state of having nothing to say. He just chopped happily with his hands and couldn't stop for a while, so he simply used the suspended flying machines that Decae and Agito had transformed into as targets.

It was time to lower the curtain. Diend probably felt tired of it, so he held the sword tightly in his hand, and the deep blue energy flowed into the card box sword through his arm.

When a large amount of energy was wrapped around the blade of the card box sword in his hand, Diend jumped down from the suspended flying machine. He held the sword with both hands, thrusting it across the air with great force. A cold light flashed, and the air was cut open by the blade.


The suspended flying machine that Decde and Agito had transformed into was cut from head to tail by Diend's concentrated sword, which made him lose his card box sword. It seemed that he wanted to cut them in half.

Sparks flashed on their bodies, and sparks flew all over the sky.

Faulty arcs like thunder snakes burned through their bodies, and they exploded with clanging sounds. In the blazing flames that were about to shoot up into the sky, the suspended flying machines that Decade and Agito had transformed into kept flipping and floating in midair, with sparks flying out of their bodies as if they were free.

In the end, the armor attached to their bodies also reached the limit of the damage they could withstand, and the Decae armor and Agito body armor were directly forced to disintegrate.

Kadoya Shi and Ashikawa Shoichi, with charred faces, dragged their scarred and battered bodies across the dust and gravel, fell to the ground and rolled around in a very embarrassed manner for several weeks, and finally lay straight on the ground like corpses, with traces of blood at the corners of their mouths, and uttered unconscious groans of pain!


With a sound of a sharp weapon stabbing into the ground, Diend's card box sword pierced straight into the middle of Kadoya Shi and Ashikawa Shoichi's bodies. The blade pierced into the ground and went straight to the handle of the card box.

"This is the perfect ending!"

After admiring the miserable state of Kadoya Shi and Ashikawa Shoichi for a while, Diend sighed and clapped his hands. Then, accompanied by a burst of illusory light, the armor on his body dissipated, revealing the smiling face of Kaito Daishu inside.


The smoke cleared and the hilt of the sword was exposed. It was hard to describe the scene.

After standing there in a daze for a long time, Onodera Yusuke, who had eaten the melon to his heart's content, rushed to Kadoya Shi, who was lying dead on the ground, with a sad expression as if his best friend had died, and kept shaking his body, aggravating his injuries.

On the other side, the ragged Ashikawa Shoichi escaped this disaster because of some private and personal grudges with Onodera Yusuke.

""Tap, tap, tap!"

Just when Onodera Yusuke was worried that Kadoya Shi was not dying fast enough, a small black object hit Onodera Yusuke's head with a"pop" sound, and finally fell at his feet.

"This is...?"

Stopping the idea of waking Kadoya, Onodera Yusuke touched the area where his head was hit and looked at a...U?

Without any intention to explain to Onodera Yusuke, Kaito Daiki took off his armor and went straight forward. He glanced at Kadoya Shi and Ashikawa Shoichi lying dead on the ground, then looked straight at Kadoya Shi's wounded area, which should not have been red, and said to Onodera Yusuke faintly.:

"Onodera~ is quite good.

If you shake it for a while, your good..."Hey, you're going to send the knight down there."

You don't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked.

Onodera Yusuke followed the sight of Kaito Daishu and saw that a large amount of blood had seeped out of a place that Kadoya Shi couldn't describe, soaking the tattered clothes and the ground.

Kadoya Shi's face seemed to have become even paler.

"..this...How is this going~?!!"

His tone was full of worry. Looking at Onodera Yusuke's puzzled and innocent expression, Kaito Daishu didn't bother to find out whether he did it on purpose or on purpose.........Or is it intentional to be a"white lotus."

Anyway, to Kaito Daishu, Kadoya Shi and Ashikawa Shoichi are both annoying.

They are hung up and used as free punching bags, so why care about Kadoya Shi's blood loss? It doesn't exist at all.~~~..............._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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