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014: Just a treasure carrier! (Please subscribe!)

(No way? It’s the first day of the new month.

It’s all over???)


Don't doubt it, the platinum-colored dimensional wall is so awesome. As long as you can find the trajectory, the entry point, and the energy is sufficient, there is nothing that the platinum-colored dimensional wall cannot move.

And Haidong Dashu is a large energy supplier, and can also illegally embezzle the world power of the current world. The time riot in the world of Den-O is also related to the chaos of the ghost tribe. The platinum-colored dimensional wall is connected to the dimensional space. Haidong Dashu just arranged it in place and seized the opportunity. Without much effort, the ghost island battleship was in his hands.

As for the game of"dumb fruit on the stupid tree, you and me under the stupid tree" that the two brothers of the ghost tribe will play sooner or later after he gets the ghost island battleship, Haidong Dashu immediately shook his head and said that it was none of his business.

Moreover, Haidong Dashu's approach has helped countless humans in ancient and modern times, across hundreds of years of time and space.

After all, without the Ghost Island Battleship, the Ghost Clan brothers would have nowhere to cry, and Mao's plan would not be carried out.

Well, I, Haidongshu, saw through this and used the name of the Shadowless God Thief to hunt the Ghost Island Battleship.

Alas, thinking that this action saved countless lives, I was really overjoyed and excited....Well, no, it's really my duty, I'm full of energy.

Hehe, yes, full of energy, look, didn't they send the Onigashima battleship into the dimensional space with just a backhand move?!


Regarding destroying the alien demons and the like, Haidong Dashu holds a personal opinion that it makes no difference whether he is there or not.

He is just a porter who is interested in treasures. Now that he has the treasures, he can relax appropriately and enjoy life. It's a combination of work and rest! If a person wants to do something, he can make up countless reasons to convince himself.

Haidong Dashu is in such a state right now. He has already got the treasures and the power of the world.

What difference does it make to him to kill one more monster or one less monster?

Instead of doing that thankless work, it is better to enjoy the silky smoothness and enjoy life like now!

Ah~ sea~~ you are all water~~~ ah~...————.....·

————————————————————Super cruel dividing line————————————————————

Stealing a half day of leisure from the busy life.

Haidong Dashu now finally has time to relax and take a rest.

Kadoya Shi, who is destined to be busy and tired, does not have the leisure time like him.

With"idiots will attract more attention..."Kadoya is wandering around trying to find Onodera Yusuke's body.............·

Meanwhile, Onodera Yusuke, who had lost his memory, was chasing an employee possessed by a mole demon god in a funny way. He named himself"bucket bomb""cheetah number one" and so on. He frantically shouted"I am the protagonist" and acted as if he would never give up until he caught the mole demon god, causing a large traffic jam on a street.

In the end, he didn't know how many times he had released a special move from a long distance, but it was also broken by this amnesia.

Although it still looked funny, the special move was almost at a negative distance, and the mole demon god was blown up without any surprise. Wrapped in flames, he would shout"hot, hot, hot, hot", but Onodera Yusuke, who was possessed by Momotaros, was also injured because of this negative distance fight.

There was a scar on his right wrist that was oozing with bright red blood.

In short, Kaito Daishu's attempt to be lazy may have been a blessing in disguise to some extent, and it was not wrong.

The fate of Decde has also returned to its original state.

When Momotaros controlled Yusuke Onodera's body, carefully squatted beside a water pipe, and cleaned the wound, Kadoya Kadoya found this place as expected. After that, they started bickering and opened the surprise box of reverse verbal combat.

The more they quarreled, the deeper their feelings became.

After Momotaros smelled the scent of the so-called boss of the Demon God, the two of them embarked on a funny chase. Kadoya

Kadoya also got a nickname called Gao Lao because of this.

After a chase and interception, the first monster with high-level lower-level strength to appear in the Decade world view——·The Crocodile Demon God was forced to come out of the little boy's body and reveal his true form.

As soon as he appeared on the scene, he showed that his IQ was much higher than Momotaros. (Alas, these days, smart villains have even less chance of survival.) He tripped Sword-Form-Den-O with a light kick, and knocked him to the ground. His face scraped against the ground and he slid directly in front of Decade, making a loud noise. He was really about to kneel down to him.

After that, several of the Crocodile Demon God's mole demon brothers wanted to come out to disrupt the situation. Could Decade tolerate this?

Without saying a word, he swiped his card and used his skills

"ATACK-RIDE! Attack and Ride!)"·


As the sound effect sounded, Decade took out the educational card box gun directly, with a gangster-like attitude, and pointed the gun directly at the Holy Sword Form Den-O and several mole demon gods in front of him.

Poor Tao Taros, the source of power for the Holy Sword Form Den-O, had just regained a little confidence after beating a few moles, but when he turned around, he saw the muzzle of his own pig teammate's gun pointed directly at him, almost hitting him on the head.


With a fresh and unworldly cry, the Holy Sword Form Den-O raised his hands in fear, and then, accompanied by extremely funny sound effects, he squatted on the ground with his hands covering his head.

"Bang Bang Bang~!"


Decade pulled the trigger decisively, and the driving card and gun in his hand immediately fired countless bullets, hitting the mole demon god who was close at hand, splashing countless sparks.

After a while, the three-headed mole demon god exploded into a ball of flames, and died.

Seeing that Decade's shot directly killed the three-headed mole demon god, the holy sword form of the electric king patted his heart in fear, and yelled at Decade angrily::·

"You bastard! This is very dangerous!!"

Although the Holy Sword form Den-O had a loud voice, Decade turned a deaf ear to him and ignored him, leaving him with a lot of frustration. At this time, the crocodile demon had followed the boy's memory back to the past, that is, December 30, 2008. After that

, although he had lost his memory, Momotaros' Holy Sword form Den-O still remembered the ticket. After Decade took out the ticket card and boarded the time train DenLiner with him, the Holy Sword form Den-O didn't think there was anything strange. And this, in fact, is the strangest thing................._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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