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096 Artificial Demon God——Ibrahimovic! (Subscribe!)

After listening to the words of the driver, Haidong Dashu raised his finger and touched the tip of his nose somewhat unnaturally.

I always feel that the car show has something else in its words, and the degree of interference is far beyond the existence of the Demon God....

However, putting aside other things, it seems pretty good to make a plan before taking action.

At a high level, his strength is already above his normal Diend.

No wonder the thief who came here later in the original book was abused like that.

Of course, he had to"let go" because of the needs of the plot, but the fundamental reason is probably because of his lack of hard power.

But if I do it myself...

Hehehe, that's different.

Without the"black hands" in my imagination, is there any need for a high-level person to fight to the death?

If he really can't beat him, wouldn't it be better for him to swipe two cards and call two king-level beings to be his thugs?

Still fighting to the death?

And still getting defeated?!

You are kidding me!!!


This is because he is confident. He is different.

Haidong Dashu now stands up straight, and the big stone in his heart has been put down. He walks with a breeze.

"I'm not sure about the big moves, but..."

Knowing the time, the policeman's name was a bit intimidating. Haidong Dashu was relieved and with an elusive smile on his face, he began to whet the appetite of the driver.:

"I know a little about the so-called big moves of the time police."


Hearing what Kaito Daishu said, the conductor, who looked calm and composed, had not spoken yet, but Naomi, who was fascinated by the story, spoke first with doubt.

After all, Kaito Daishu himself once said that he was not from this world.

And the one in front of him was Kaito Daishu from the past, who actually knew something about the time police that the conductor didn't know.

How could this not make people confused?

Even little Hana was curious.


Seeing that Hana and Naomi both had inquiring expressions, Kaito Daishu chuckled and looked at the conductor.:

"Apart from other things, they arrested the Den-Liner driver openly and wanted to assign the Den-Liner to the time police. Is n't this a big deal?"

Han and Naomi:"Eh!!"

The driver is going to be arrested?!

Is he hallucinating?!

Han and Naomi's beautiful eyes widened and they looked at each other with disbelief.

Even the driver, who was originally calm, was shocked. He subconsciously clenched his hand holding the cane, and veins popped out.

Although it was only a moment, it is conceivable how heavy the words of Haidong Dashu were, and how much shock they brought to them.

"Haidong, what's going on? Why would the time police want to arrest the driver?"Hana looked at the driver, whose expression suddenly returned to normal, and asked Haidong Dashu in surprise.

"Ah~ I didn’t know clearly..."

Under the questioning gazes of the three people and the curious and awed gazes of the four idiots in the back carriage, Haidong Dashu, who was being questioned, sat on the seat next to him, clasped his hands, leaned on the table, and looked calm and composed.:

"However, after listening to what the captain said just now, I probably already understand everything.

I guess those time police are too eager for quick success.

Artificial Xenomorph, this technology is still not mature enough after all. The so-called artificial Xenomorph No. 1, Eevee, is not stable enough and has too many loopholes.

In addition, Kurosaki Reiji, who cooperates with it, has psychological trauma left in his childhood and has an extreme and radical personality.

In this way, the captain who allowed Den-O to go back to the past many times in order to deal with the Xenomorph and even slightly interfered with the operation of time, would easily be judged as a co-conspirator, right?"

The topic ended here. Although Kaito Daiki spoke in a questioning way, his tone was full of affirmation.

After all, facts speak louder than words. The conductor did this, and no matter in the plot or in the current reality, the Kurosaki Reiji who lacked"love education" would implement it according to Ibrahimovic's words.

Therefore, the arrest of the conductor by the time police has become an established fact.

Moreover, maybe even I will be included in the arrest range.

Kaito Daiki thought with interest.

After all, his current behavior can be regarded as interfering with the future. And it is estimated that he will be arrested in D later. The en-O world has also experienced many ups and downs. The one the captain just mentioned, who is more noisy than the alien demon god, is the one who will not escape unless something unexpected happens.

In addition, although he knows that he has not been to November 22, 2008, now that he has replaced the identity of Kaito Daiki, it is equivalent to taking over his experience, his deeds, good and bad.

In other words, the spiritual trauma suffered by Kurosaki Reiji, a child without mother's love, must also be attributed to him.

In this case, if you want to get your own matching strengthening props without resolving the misunderstanding——K-Touch. I guess the only way out is to force yourself.

Forget it, it's not good to fight and kill all day long. This is not your fault, you have to take the blame.

Let's try to play the emotional card to see if you can get K-Touch.

Alas, Mrs. Haidong (not the protagonist, not the protagonist, not the protagonist! Emphasize three times, not the protagonist) with overflowing maternal love, this is all for you! Help you to make up for the mistakes you made. Even if you really die, you should rest in peace!

——The"highest" courtesy from a"legal hacker" to a"victim of hacking".

Due to the overlap and interweaving of time, the rewriting and change of fate, the"victim of hacking" who reappeared in this world two years ago with a trace of his past, said before completely disappearing,"You are so shameless!" You can't close your eyes!! I really want to kill you!!!

Burn incense~ Burn incense~ Burn incense.jpg

Ahem, okay, the nonsense digression ends here...

When Han and Naomi heard what Haidong Dashu said, they couldn't help but frown and puff up their cute cheeks.:

"Why is this happening? The conductor is clearly trying to maintain the order of time and keep it running smoothly!"

"A higher-ranking official can crush a person. The time policeman doesn't have much ability, but he has a lot of power.

In the past, the conductor's behavior, which maintained the normal operation of time, was naturally nothing, and might even be praised.

But now, the artificial demon god Eevee will only act rigidly according to the data, and Kurosaki Reiji has become distrustful of humans and only trusts Eevee.

In this case, even if the conductor just picked up a passenger without a ticket once, it will be considered a crime."

Kaito Daiki took over the topic of Han and Naomi. They are all family, and he is happy to explain to them..............

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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