The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next round.

"Teacher Kakashi!"

After leaving the examination room, Feiyu led a group of people to the teachers who were waiting.

This obvious small team mode made the candidates from other villages a little uncomfortable, and even had more considerations in their hearts.

But everyone knew that the subsequent competition had not started yet, and it would be impossible to eliminate this group of teenagers.

And Morino Ibiki, who put away the test papers in the examination room, was standing at the window looking out at this moment.

In his hands were two test papers with no words written on them, and another one filled with detailed explanations of the top nine punishments in the torture department.

"These little devils..."

Morino Ibiki was a little helpless, and he now felt a little sympathetic to the candidates who wanted to steal the answers from Fengjian Feiyu.

I hope they don't have nightmares at night. After all, although the description of torture is not written in this text, every description will make people unforgettable after reading it.

Such talents are fortunately from Konoha...

He suddenly felt that it was good now. He could talk to Kakashi when he had time to see if the boy was interested in playing in the Anbu for a few days.


"It sounds scary. What is in this Death Forest? Will people really die?"

On the way back, Naruto followed Kakashi and asked about the situation in the Death Forest.

Because the Death Forest has always been forbidden for them to enter, and now the examination location is suddenly set there, not only Naruto is curious, but also Haruno Sakura and Ino who came with her, Shikamaru and Choji are also waiting to hear the results.

"Indeed, people can die this time, so you all should be careful... Don't kill anyone, this is an exam, you have to save some face for other villages."

Kakashi was still lamenting the danger of this exam at first, but the next moment he suddenly stopped and looked at these kids very seriously, reminding them to be more restrained.

At that time, he was able to beat Momochi Zabuza very upset. Now that he has been specially trained for nearly half a year, he can no longer guess the strength of these kids.

"Not that bad, right? They are still children..."

Asuma came with the team. Originally, he thought Kakashi had some substantive suggestions, but this guy just paused, why did the subsequent words sound so entangled!

"Asuma, do you know Momochi Zabuza?"

Kakashi turned his head and stared at Asuma. Some words cannot be said too directly, but the necessary reminders are also necessary.

"I know, you met them when you were on a mission..."

Looking at Kakashi who turned around and left after saying that, Asuma followed him in confusion, feeling a little lost about the matter being brought up again.

It had been so long since Team 7 left, so he naturally knew that there were many problems, but later the matter was suppressed, and he only knew that they had met an S-level rebel ninja...

"I can't say it, but you can guess!"

Kakashi really wouldn't say it, because the exact strength of Sasuke and Naruto couldn't be known from him.

But he could make people guess that there was definitely a super strong combat power in the team, but was it just one person or everyone was strong...

As the team leader, Kakashi felt a little sad anyway.

He said he was supposed to guide the jonin?

But now he is just a nanny, a handyman, and occasionally stands up to be a shield!

But it's better than Yamato. Yamato has only one use, the mobile house, except for cleaning and tidying up the yard...

"I can't guess..."

Asuma held a cigarette in his mouth, looked at Kakashi with disdain, and shook his head to indicate that he couldn't guess and didn't want to guess.

This statement was clear enough. Isn't it just that Fengjian Feiyu is very strong, strong enough to deal with the jonin!

He didn't think it was surprising. ,

He has a backer behind him, all the good resources and ninjutsu, so he can learn whatever he wants?

He's just a little stronger, which is not surprising at all!

"Senior Kakashi, Hokage asks you to come!"

Just when he returned to the Uchiha gate, an Anbu suddenly appeared.

"Go and get busy, there's still Yamato teacher at home, don't worry!"

Feiyu waved his hand to let Kakashi go. If he asked someone to go so openly, he must have something to delay for a while.

In fact, it may not appear until tomorrow morning. After all, this test is in the Death Forest.

If this place cannot be tested again, it is probably difficult to rest assured.


"Then I'll go back first, they won't come here to find me."

Asuma also left with Kakashi, leaving only the three little ones to stay for dinner and discuss some problems that might be encountered tomorrow.

After all, it was a matter of life and death, and they didn't want anything to go wrong.

That night, Kakashi really didn't come back, and part of the Anbu around the Uchiha clan was evacuated, leaving only a few permanent ones to continue on duty.

Early the next morning, after getting up, Feiyu not only made breakfast, but also prepared a lot of ingredients, even the seasonings were not left out and sealed in a scroll.

He had to spend several days in the Death Forest, and he didn't want to catch some game every day, so he had to eat comfortably.

"Feiyu, why does Teacher Kakashi look listless?"

After seeing Kakashi's figure appear, Naruto expressed doubts about where he went last night.

"Stinky brat, I went to check the exam room for you last night. I don't know what kind of madness that Mitarashi Anko went on. She almost killed me..."

Kakashi walked to the dining table, sat on a chair and began to talk about the sad experience of that night.

That crazy woman, she not only arranged the most troublesome area, but also forced him to fight after he finally finished.

If Morino Ibiki hadn't found out and stopped him, he might not be able to come back now...

"The examiner in the fishnet outfit? I remember she seemed to have a good figure, so Kakashi teacher couldn't do it, so..."

Naruto suddenly laughed, he didn't forget that Feiyu hugged the examiner left and right yesterday and made him very angry.

So Kakashi was unlucky, it should be because of his anger.

"Good figure? She eats sweets every day, and I don't know how long she can maintain that figure... You little brat, you think too much, and you actually pay attention to the examiner's figure!"

The train of thought was brought to the figure issue, and Kakashi said a few words and suddenly woke up. Naruto's focus seemed to be wrong.

"If you exercise enough, you won't get fat. As a ninja, you usually train so much. If you get fat, it's not just a matter of sweets..."

Fei Yu prepared breakfast, brought it over with Sasuke, and then joined the conversation between the two.

To be honest, it seems that there are not many fat female ninjas. Of course, it may be because they are young that it can't be seen.

But he really needs to think about it now. In the future, he has to prepare a perfect figure exercise plan for his family.

After all, a good figure is an absolute benefit for him.


Author has something to say:

Good evening~>▽<

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