The dead body is still alive, and the dead body is still alive.

"If you don't want to die, try to live, because the world after death is not as peaceful as you think..."

He lowered his head and reminded Hyuga Neji in his ear. Feiyu's fairy technique suddenly burst out and healed Hyuga Neji's damaged body.

The regeneration power of Wood Release is so fierce, so Wood Release can comprehend fairy techniques on its own, which even the Slug Sage is helpless about.

The premise is to use natural Wood Release, not the incomplete transplantation of Yamato in the later stage.

"I know, thank you for coming, I... I will work hard to become stronger, no matter where I am..."

Ningji's body recovered, standing there like a child who had done something wrong.

He didn't dare to mention his previous thoughts again, and even felt guilty and wronged in his heart.

"Actually, Akatsuki is not that bad. That's Uchiha Itachi. If you don't understand anything there, just ask him directly. Otherwise, ask Afei... Although Afei may be a little strange, you can beat him without worry. Afei who can't be killed is not afraid of getting hurt..."

Feiyu asked Ningci to look up and greet Uchiha Itachi.

But when talking about Afei, even he couldn't help but sigh.

That guy didn't dare to let Lin come back. Maybe he was worried that he would be disliked if he was seen like this...


Hyuga Ningci knew about Uchiha Itachi, but that Afei...

That guy was really hard to accept, with his twisted posture and seductive crying...

Otherwise, next time you can't stand it, try to dig out his eyeballs in front of him, and then wrap them up...

At least, not being able to see can avoid some damage.

"A Fei's junior has regained his vitality, so should we go and harvest the last ones now? After all, this is your request~"

A Fei version of Obito quickly ran back, waved to Fei Yu, grabbed Neji and asked him to continue.

Exterminating a clan is not just a joke.

This kid wanted to die just now. If he is not allowed to show his emotions now, who knows if he will have other emotions in the future.

Besides, it's just to exterminate a clan!

In every village, several clans have to be exterminated.

For example, in the Land of Water, the clans with bloodline limits were almost exterminated.

"He regretted it just now."

Uchiha Itachi stood beside Fei Yu, took a look at the body of Hyuga Hiashi, and then began to talk about Hyuga Neji's situation.

"It's no use to regret. When he first approached the Akatsuki organization, he said he wanted to exterminate the clan, so naturally he had to exterminate most of them to complete the task. As for the Hyuga family..."

Fei Yu glanced at Uchiha Itachi. There was no need to say more about the follow-up. This man knew more than anyone else.

In the ninja world, as long as it was a ninja family, there were never so-called innocent people.

Born in a ninja family, becoming a ninja, and starting the road of ninja...

These were their fates.

Similarly, being killed one day was also the inevitable fate of them being born in such an environment.

The world of ninjas is so cruel, so there is a need for villages, families, and even teams...

Support each other and try to survive in this world.

"That's why we need villages so that more people can survive..."

Uchiha Itachi looked at the Hyuga clan, whose death was increasing, and his perception suddenly changed a little.

He was wondering who the village was protecting.

The Hyuga clan was in Konoha, but now a few of them could make the Hyuga clan completely a thing of the past.

The Uchiha was the same at the beginning, so who is the village protecting?

Probably, ordinary people?

Fighting for the village, the village can keep them safe in peacetime.

But if the big family does not occupy a certain important position in the village, will it really be protected by the village?

"Don't doubt that the village is indeed beneficial to more people, but sometimes, the decision maker is the key. A village is not decided by ordinary people. You are still too young!"

Feiyu felt Uchiha Itachi's emotional fluctuations and put his hand on his shoulder helplessly.

This guy should stop thinking about it. His mental state is not good. If he continues to struggle, he will really be brought back in advance.

"Maybe, I don't want to struggle with these now. Since you know my purpose, then... will you stop it?"

Uchiha Itachi didn't want to think too much. He just wanted to wait for Sasuke to grow up, and then he could give away these eyes.

"I won't stop you, but I must remind you that Sasuke's current training is very special. If he has the Eternal Mangekyō before he successfully takes shape, his growth may be blocked. I suggest you protect these eyes and body first. I don't care whether it's the Eternal Mangekyō or anything else, but if you block his way, Feiyu will be angry..."

Approaching Uchiha Itachi, Feiyu whispered something in his ear that only the two of them could know.

In fact, he knew very well that Sasuke actually didn't need the Eternal Mangekyō anymore.

The existence of fairy arts is enough to make Sasuke grow higher.

But as Uchiha Itachi's self-recognized meaning of existence, if he said it was useless, he might be useless in an instant.

So in order for Sasuke not to lose his brother, he had to bother to coax him...

"But if he opens the Mangekyō, it consumes..."

Uchiha Itachi just talked about what he was most worried about, and suddenly shut up in Feiyu's smile.

He was indeed stupid.

With this guy here, Sasuke's eyes can be treated at any time.

We still have to wait, maybe we can get some food and drink occasionally...

"It's over here, do you want to go with them?"

Fei Yu saw that he had understood something, so he didn't worry about this guy coming to ruin it.

There are basically no people in the Hyuga family, but there are some who have not returned home, such as Hyuga Hanabi who was taken out, Hinata who is taking the exam, and some Hyuga clan members who can't get back in time during the mission.

According to the data given by Xiao Hei, there should be more than a dozen people alive in the Hyuga family, two daughters of the main family, two servants, and several Hyuga branch families on the mission.

"I want to see Sasuke, take a look from a distance, and then I'll leave..."

Uchiha Itachi knew that Sasuke was in the Chunin Exam, but he still wanted to take a look.

Sasuke has grown up and become stronger, and he is different every day...

If he doesn't take a closer look, Uchiha Itachi is worried that he will be surpassed by his younger brother in the future, and he will be discovered if he wants to see him then.

"Let's go, don't worry about these guys, A Fei is a bit noisy, but some things can still be accomplished."

Fei Yu glanced at the people who were walking towards this side, waved his hand, and took Uchiha Itachi to change places.

"Itachi-senpai was kidnapped, and that guy really has something to do with Itachi-senpai..."

A Fei version of Obito looked at someone who left without saying goodbye, and immediately squatted down and drew circles with a wronged voice...

We are all Uchiha, but that guy only cares about Itachi, and didn't even know to prepare something for him.

Strawberry-flavored snacks, when eating, it feels like going back to the time when I was with Lin...

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